Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1025: I know that Gu Qingcheng just entered soon.

Chapter 1025 knows that Gu Qingcheng has just entered

The little assistant saw that Gu Qingcheng’s face was not good, and he did not dare to stay. He said that there is still work to go out first.

Gu Qingcheng picked up the phone and dialed the mobile phone number of Yunli Glass. When the number has been set, the Gu Qingcheng hand has finally come down.

This should be what he always hoped for. What is he angry now? !

For a long time, Gu Qingcheng silently put down his mobile phone.


Yun Yuli went to the hospital with Zhou Yuchen. The results showed that Zhou Yuchen had two fractures of the ribs. Other injuries were large, new and old.

Hospitalization was inevitable, and Guan Nina got the news and hurried to the hospital.

Knowing that Zhou Yuchen had nothing to do with his heart, he couldn’t help feeling guilty. She looked at Yun Liuli and Zhou Yuchen, who had already put on the sick suit. “Sorry, it’s the fault of my friend’s circle...”

"It doesn't matter, how can you blame you!" Cloud glazed leaning against the window, took out the phone and looked at the time, asked Zhou Yuchen, "Are you hungry?!"

Zhou Yuchen nodded.

"I am going to buy food! I have something in my heart. I have to do something for you to be at ease!" Guan Nina quickly picked up her own baggage. "I will give you a food seller to go out and buy food. You want to What to eat?!"

"I want to eat sauerkraut with pork and fried rice!" Yun Liuli did not have a relationship, and he reported very much what he wanted to eat.

"What about you, Zhou Yuchen?!" Guan Nina looked at Zhou Yuchen a little embarrassed.

Just listen to Zhou Yuchen's opening: "It's the same as...Clouds!"

Guan Nina’s heart thumped and Zhou Yuchen spoke to her!

Guan Nina is happy and what she feels. She feels that her long road to pursue Zhou Yuchen has finally moved forward, so she nodded and ran out quickly.

In the ward, there were only two people, Yun Liuli and Zhou Yuchen. The little hand under the quilt of Zhou Yuchen sitting on the bed gently licked the sheets and looked at the clouds. He whispered: "Do you think I am particularly useless? Is it being bullied?!"

The cloud glare was removed from the screen of the mobile phone, and the eyes were clean and confused. Then I shook my head: "I said that I wanted to see myself, I said it... I like the old one myself! ”

Zhou Yuchen’s heart “flops” and jumped twice. The whole person was as restless as a heart.

When I saw him, I wanted to see the former cloud glaze. She liked her once...

Does that mean that Yun Liuli likes him quite? !

Zhou Yuchen’s ear was red.

"I also..." Zhou Yuchen's throat knot slides up and down. "I also like you now!"

Yunzhuo nodded. "Well, so try hard to learn. If you have the ability to pull me down from the first position in the department... You can also feel like other people are like clouds!"

When Yun Liu said this, he was not proud and complacent. He only calmly described it, but let Zhou Yuchen set a goal in peace.

Right now, what he can do as a student is that he can’t hang up his mind and put his academic achievements up...

Cloud glaze is a school tyrant, then he also wants to be a schoolmaster who can deserve the cloud glaze!

Zhou Yuchen was red-eyed, looking at the clouds and glazing as if looking at his own world.

Twenty minutes later, Guan Nina came back with sauerkraut fried rice and tomato and egg soup, as well as barbecue and roast chicken and crisp bones. Before she had time to put it out to let Yun Liuli and Zhou Yuchen eat it, Yun Liuli received the information from Gu Qingcheng and asked her. I won’t go back to dinner in the evening.

The cloud glass corners are tilted up, and the information is returned. Heads up to Guan Nina and Zhou Yuchen: "You eat, I have something to go first!"

Zhou Yuchen looked at the cloud and asked: "What is the food not to eat?!"

"My family told me to go home to eat!" Yun Liuli took the bag back, and it was difficult to hide his eyes. "You two are delicious!"

Guan Nina obviously would be wrong. She thought that Yun Liuli was deliberately creating opportunities for her. She couldn’t help but redden her ears and sent Yunshui to the door of the ward. She blinked at the clouds and said: "I really are my good sisters. !"

The cloud glazed raised the eyebrows and realized that Guan Nina would be wrong. The cloud glazed was too lazy to explain. Anyway, the final result was that Zhou Yuchen and Guan Nina were alone in the ward. It would be nice if they could develop for a while.

Zhou Yuchen stood in front of the window and watched the cloud glaze go out from the gate of the inpatient department. His hand was carrying a shoulder bag, and his footsteps quickly disappeared into his shackles.


Zhou Yuchen has always envied people who have family members. He hopes that one day... the family of Yunlili can also become his family. He can call someone after a phone call with a cloud one day, and the family calls us. Go home to eat.

Cloud glaze came out of the hospital and took a taxi back to Yunding Apartment. When the elevator door opened, the cloud glaze looked toward the brightly lit restaurant. The table was filled with the food that was buckled. She did not find the figure of Gu Qingcheng, and she took the backpack with her hand. Resting on the shoe cabinet, Zhangkou said: "I am back..."

No one responded in the house. Yun Liuli felt a little puzzled. She clearly replied to the message and Gu Qingcheng said that she would come back to eat. Could it be that something went out? !

The cloud glaze changed the slippers to the Gu Qingcheng room, and the big bed covered with smoky gray sheets was the suit shirt that Gu Qingcheng took off shortly.

Hearing the sound of the water in the bathroom, the cloud glaze went to the bedside, and reached out and touched the clothes that Qingcheng still had with heat, knowing that Gu Qingcheng had just entered.

She stood outside the bathroom door and said to the bathroom: "I am back..."

The sound of the water in the bathroom stopped, Gu Qingcheng's familiar voice came from behind the door: "Change clothes, go eat, don't wait for me!"

"I am waiting for you, I will go to wash my face and change clothes!"

After that, Yun Liuli left the room of Gu Qingcheng.

Gu Qingcheng stood under the shower head, reopened the hot water switch, closed his eyes... Gu Qingcheng had already thought very clearly on the way back, taking advantage of an opportunity Gu Qingcheng intends to talk to Yun Liuli.

Estimated time, Yunli glass removed the bowl with the plate, and filled the rice. When Gu Qingcheng came out, I saw the little girl posing with chopsticks.

Gu Qingcheng wiped his hair with a towel and walked into the restaurant. The head of the cloud was not lifted: "Eat!"

"There is something to tell you..." Gu Qingcheng opened the chair and put the towel on the back of the seat on the back of the chair. "You sit down first."

After sitting down, Yun Liuli looked up at Gu Qingcheng and took chopsticks in his hand. He thought a little and asked, "Is it your boss who borrowed your assistant today?!"

Gu Qingcheng's black and sly scorpion looked at the clouds and fainted, and faintly opened: "This boy named Zhou Yuchen is an illegitimate child who has been bullied since childhood..."

No one looked at the children today, so thousands of tragedies did not have time to finish the update in the early hours of the morning. At this time, the children have already slept, and thousands of people have to write updates, and the other two children don’t have to wait, sleep first... look again tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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