Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1029: Still no one cares about him!

Chapter 1029 is still no one cares about him!

Seeing the cloud and the glass is still awkward, Guan Nina continues to popularize: "When it is ah ah, the one that was forced to bear below..."

Cloud glaze: "..."

"You don't want to say it, so disgusting!" Cloud glass frowns wrinkled, she saw a male and a male love is a handsome and delicate, I feel particularly good, how to make Guan Nina so described, it feels so disgusting.

When the two little girls talked about each other, Zhou Yuchen’s fists became more and more tight. For a long time, his throat shook: "You find a girl to play you... will the man you like believe?!"

Zhou Yuchen only felt that the heart was suffering, that feeling... It was like a sign that the beautiful world that had just been established in the heart gradually collapsed.

"I don't know, try it!" Clouds smiled pale.

There is still a class at ten o'clock, Yun Liuli and Guan Nina leave together, Zhou Yuchen sits alone in the hospital bed, and his heart continually falls into the darkness.

In the end, no one cares about him!

Mom is afraid of those people's gossip, so hide behind me to let others know their existence, even if she goes away, others do not know she has a son!

Always taking care of her own nanny, she will still send her own child back to the cold big house to live alone because of fear of others' eyes and the harshness of the family.

And the cloud glaze...

The girl who saved herself from despair and darkness and gave her confidence to start looking forward to the sun, she did not like herself!

Yeah, who would like him? !

A child who has been bullied from a young age to a big pocket!

A... a strange geek!

So, he was abandoned again!

Whether it is a mother, a nanny, or a cloud of glaze... they will all leave themselves and leave themselves alone in this dark world.

Zhou Yuchen... is destined to be alone.


From that day on, Yun Liuli and Guan Nina were tired every day, and even the toilet was hand-in-hand...

The person who looked at the cloud glaze passed the message to Gu Qingcheng, and Gu Qingcheng was relieved.

The little girl is holding hands and what is normal. Gu Qingcheng will not think too much. He only thinks that the cloud glaze is a swearing day, so the nervous nerves that have been stretched for many days have a slight stretch.

But Guan Nina heard that the few days of cloud glaze and the man she liked had no progress, and the brows of her eyes were wrinkled together.

It was raining outside. Yun Liuli and Guan Nina sat in the tea shop opposite the school after class. The cloud glared at a black Nissan parked on the side of the road and sighed.

Guan Nina, who bite a tea with a big mouthful of pearls, chewed the pearls and looked at the clouds: "Is it not like what we are?!"

In fact, the two of them are doing what the students with good relations usually do, pulling the hand or the toilet, eating together... going to class together, but those girls with good relationships are like this!

Cloud glass shook her head, she didn't know...

"Do you have any indications of the people you like?! Or... ask us about the relationship between us?!" Guan Nina asked.

Cloud glass still shakes his head.

These days, the cloud glazed home Gu Qingcheng is still the same look, there is no expression at all, and even the words reveal a very gratifying meaning.

Clouds and glass will not feel that Gu Qingcheng feels that he and the girl are in love. I feel so pleased... In the eyes of outsiders, she is only very good at drinking Guan Nina!

"He hasn't reacted all the time, maybe he doesn't really care..." Cloud glazed used the poke to poke the pearl at the bottom of the milk tea.

Guan Nina bumped into the cloud with her elbow, and asked her face seriously: "Glass, you honestly... Who is the person you like?! It must be our school, otherwise you can't take me. Playing a couple in school, you and I are talking about which dog thing, I got the likes of you like this... I still twisted and pinched!"

There is no buzzing cloud, and my heart is messy.

The glass door of the tea shop was pushed open, the bell rang, Guan Nina habitually looked over, saw a pair of lace hands holding hands from the outside, her brows tight, see two people stand in front of the single stage, dressed inside After the more neutral girl ordered the matcha latte, she asked the low-sex soft-smelling sister to ask what to drink.

The little girl said with red ears that she wanted to drink the same thing as the neutral dress girl.

Therefore, the neutral dress girl "Dragon Heart Joy" kissed the face of the soft cute girl, and the soft cute girl's face was red.

Guan Nina turned back and suddenly opened up...

Yes indeed! That is to fall in love!

She and Yun Liuli are simply girls who have a very good relationship in high school!

Guan Nina looked at the cloud and said: "I know where the problem is!"

Looking at Guan Nina waiting for her to continue.

"I told you about the glass, I decided to sacrifice to help you with your wishful Lang, but I have to explain it to you, I feel that I am friendship with the two of us, I am determined to help you... even plan to face Don't want to help you, because I think Zhou Yuchen likes you, but I like Zhou Yuchen, so if you are with your Ruyi Langjun, I can be with Zhou Yuchen! I say... you will not Will you hate me?!"

Guan Nina, this person has always been a city without a heart, what I want to say in my heart.

She is seeing that Yun Liuli doesn't like Zhou Yuchen, but Zhou Yuchen's feeling of cloud glaze is not clear to Guan Nina, so she will have such a saying.

"Why should I hate you?!" Yun Liuli was teased by Guan Nina. "You and Zhou Yuchen are my friends. I am very happy when you are together! And... if you can help me and Gu... and He is together, I thank you for being too late!"

Guan Nina nodded her head and said, "Okay! That's it!"

After that, Guan Nina took the courage to hold the face of Yun Liuli.

"Hmm?!" Cloud glass is full of doubts in the clean and beautiful eyes.

"You don't want me to be disgusting! I am for you!" Guan Nina looked at the beautiful face of the cloud-like glass, such as a doll, and sighed God's preference for the cloud, and directly kissed him. Look at the small mouth of the cloud glass, and then a red face, looking at the stunned cloud glass, his ears are also red.

Guan Nina's body is shaking very badly: "You are a celebrity in our school. I am such a dear. After a while, the school knows that we are both laces! Glass glaze... You remember to explain to Zhou Yuchen for me, I really am not Lace side!"

(End of this chapter)

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