Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1030: Gu Qingcheng is crazy

Chapter 1030 Gu Qingcheng Goes Crazy

Yun Nina looked at Guan Nina, who was about to cry, and nodded: "You can rest assured that Zhou Yuchen knew it!"

Yes, it was in the hospital that day... The original cloud glaze was to find Zhou Yuchen to help!

Thinking of this, Guan Nina's mood is much better: "Next I will treat you as Zhou Yuchen, others ask us both... We will say that we are lovers, we come out! Your sweetheart knows...if true I like to take action. If he doesn't take action, the person in the glass must be blind, and you should stop being sad for him!"

Guan Nina sent herself from the heart to persuade the cloud.

This topic is heavy for Yun Liuli. She didn't tell Guan Nina... That person is all of the cloud glass. He doesn't want to be himself... How can cloud glass not be sad?

Gu Qingcheng assistant arranged to look at the subordinates of the cloud glazing, and accidentally saw that the cloud glaze and the little girl were together, and the coffee in the mouth was sprayed out.

"I am not mistaken?!" One person in the car asked another companion.

"This... should report it to the boss!"

"I can see it!"

When the news of Yun Liuli and Guan Nina’s kissing spread throughout the school, it was also passed to Gu Qingcheng’s assistant.

Gu Qingcheng’s little assistant listened to the news and scared almost lost the documents in his hands. He repeatedly confirmed to the phone that Yunlili really kissed a little girl. !

This is a big news. If the cloud glaze is like a girl, it is estimated that Gu Qingcheng is crazy...

The friend entrusted the child to him, but he turned his friend's daughter into a lace side!

It’s not that Gu Qingcheng’s little assistant discriminates against the same sex, to be honest... If this matter is placed on other people, the little assistant feels pretty beautiful!

There is a saying in the words... It is said that all heterosexuals are not as deeper as homosexuality, because the same **** is to be together with the rumors of the outside world.

But if it is placed on the cloud glass, the parents of the cloud glass are not there. It can be said that the cloud family is counting on the cloud glass to continue the blood!

If Yun Liuli likes girls, should Gu Qingcheng explain to the parents of Yunlili? !

Gu Qingcheng’s little assistant knew that this thing told Gu Qingcheng that maybe it was a storm. Instead, he was a bit embarrassed and did not dare to say this in the past and Gu Qingcheng, fearing that the storm would affect himself!

Gu Qingcheng can give him the order to let him send people to look at the clouds and glaze. Apart from him, there is really no one else who can tell Gu Qingcheng.

Doing a good job of building the heart, Gu Qingcheng’s little assistant took a deep breath and went to Gu Qingcheng to say this...

I didn’t expect Gu Qingcheng to listen to it for a while, and finally stretched a face and said that he had to go out first, and nothing else was said.

The little assistant doesn't know what it is, but the more he can see Gu Qingcheng... The more he feels that something big is going to happen.

When the little assistant just came out for a few minutes, he received an internal call from Gu Qingcheng, saying that the person who followed the cloud glaze took some photos of the cloud glaze and the girl, and sent the girl's information to him by the way.

Sure enough, still angry!

Before the little assistant sent Guan Nina's information to Gu Qingcheng, he really prayed for this little girl named Guan Nina many times.


Yun Liuli did not return to Yunding Apartment today, stayed in the dormitory, and only sent a message to Gu Qingcheng.

Guan Nina seems to be too big for trouble. She is not idle in the dormitory. She is also a woven scarf and a spoiled cloud, and she sees Du shadow and Ye Yingying.

Du shadow can't believe it and ask: "You...what is your situation? I heard you this afternoon... You two kissed at the tea shop?! Should you say it?!"

"Yeah! I also thought it was awkward!" Ye Yingying glanced at the cloud-colored glass of the mobile game, and looked at Guan Nina, who talked better. "And weaving scarves... are girlfriends to men. Friends woven, what scarf do you give to the glaze, and the ugly weaving..."

"We are both together!" Guan Nina smacked her lips. "Glass is my boyfriend. I swear a scarf for my boyfriend. Of course, even if I am ugly, it is my own." The heart, our home glass will definitely bring, is it dear?!"

Yun Liuli knows that Guan Nina is calling herself. I didn’t think it was necessary to play this play in the dormitory. I can see Guan Ni Na’s appearance as a play, or nod.

Du shadow and Ye Yingying were both tender and tender.

Then the two people discussed it and asked when Guan Nina and Yun Liuli started. They asked how the wind was not revealed before.

Ye Yingying said that she knew that the cloud glaze was a T. She was not streaking in the underwear before she was in the dormitory. I thought that I was taken advantage of the cloud glaze...

"I went to the school gate to buy fried noodles. Do you want two?!" Ye Yingying asked on her coat.

Looking at the cloud-stained glass, Guan Nina nodded. "That would bring us a piece! I will eat it with my dear!"

Du shadow only felt a bit of aversion, urging Ye Yingying to hurry a little, and the two men went out from the dormitory.

In the game, this cloud of glaze is dead again, and she is very annoyed.

According to the truth, Guan Nina’s kiss on his death this afternoon should have already been passed to Gu Qingcheng’s ear, but Gu Qingcheng has not had any news or reaction until now.

He sent a message saying that he did not return tonight, and he just returned a "hmm".

Really don't care? !

Is it true to Gu Qingcheng that as long as the person around the cloud is not his Gu Qingcheng, who is it? ! Can he accept even a woman? !

Or is it true that the relationship between a woman and a woman is not against him? !

The cloud glazed red eyes, she turned and sneaked out of the pillow and put on the headphones to start the game again.

Before I had time to start again, Gu Qingcheng’s phone first came in.

The heart of the cloud glazed jumped uncontrollable, and hesitated for a moment. The cloud glazed connected the phone: "Hey..."

The sound of the cloud glass is hoarse, and the tail sounds like a kitten. It is easy to make people think.

“People are in the dormitory?!” Gu Qingcheng’s mellow voice is full of anger.

When the cloud glazed and sat up, I saw Guan Nina had put down the wool in her hand, and the puppies like Baba got in front of the cloud glaze and asked the cloud to say: "Is he?!"

Cloud glass adjusted the mood and nodded: "Well!"

Guan Nina knows that the kiss is useful today!

(End of this chapter)

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