Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1031: Send you abroad!

Chapter 1031 sends you abroad!

"Go down!"

The voice of Gu Qingcheng was so great that Guan Nina, who was gathered around the cloud glass, heard it.

The sound is low and heavy, very penetrating, and it is particularly magnetic and very nice!

Guan Nina nodded wildly to the cloud, and her eyes flashed brightly, as if any bad ideas were brewing in her mind.

"it is good!"

Hanging up the phone, Guan Nina directly put the cloud glass on the bed and said: "Glass, you believe me! Today, the kiss blows the man out! Do you want to give him something more exciting? !"

Yun Liuli heard Guan Nina say that the heart suddenly jumped and the ghost made a bad nod.

"Oh... then I will plant a strawberry on your neck and let him misunderstand what happened to us."


Seeing the cloud is still hesitating, Guan Nina wants to hurry, she does not wait for Yun Liuli to agree to bury her head and **** three strawberries at the neck of the cloud.

"You don't feel embarrassed. When you look back, you really start to fall in love with me to explain it! But this kind of necessary stimulation is needed!" Guan Nina solemnly said to Yun Liuli, "Come on! I am optimistic about you! Just looking up at you upstairs!"

The cloud glaze was a bit sloppy, and eventually a coat was added and walked downstairs to the dormitory.

Gu Qingcheng's car stopped at the main entrance of the female dormitory building downstairs. Gu Qingcheng, who is tall and long, stood by the car and put his hands in his pocket. The suit was open and revealed a white shirt with a collar inside. The deep and deep bottom of the squat had The anger, the mature and restrained body of the body is daunting.

The little girl who came in and out of the girls’ dormitory couldn’t help but look back at Gu Qingcheng. After all, the looks and atmosphere of such a man are enough to attract attention, plus the luxury car is next to it... The more girls who are still in the ivory tower Think about it.

The cloud glaze pulled the jacket zipper, and the brow slightly covered the hickey that had just been sucked out by Guan Nina. The two hands were copied into the jacket pocket and the foot was lifted out of the building door.

She lowered her throat and walked to Gu Qingcheng, bowing her head.

Gu Qingcheng’s voice is low and cool: “He lift your head!”

Yun Liuli heard the small hand in his pocket and looked up at Gu Qingcheng: "This time, Uncle Qingcheng, come over... Is there something?!"

"That is Guan Nina, what are you doing?!" Gu Qingcheng still does not believe that Yunli Glass is with a girl. "Even if the relationship between the two is good, there are some things that can be done." It’s not clear that you can’t be such a big person?! Are you using this way to blame others or ruin yourself?!”

When Gu Qingcheng said this, he restrained the anger in the mellow voice, and the temples were jumping.

Yun Liuli looked at Gu Qingcheng’s face with a raging face, his eyes were red, and his heart was aggrieved. He didn’t know who to say, she stalked her neck and said: “You are not me, I am angry. People still ruin themselves or really like girls, you don't know... you can't add to speculation!"

Seeing Gu Qingcheng's biting muscles, Yun Liu continued: "I just lost confidence in men. The world's only girl's heart is the softest, no more than a man... even if I try my best, I can't do anything. Turn a man's heart! But you just have to be a little bit of a girl... Even if it's just a little bit, the girl will do his best for a relationship, even if this relationship is seen by others as a disappointment! With life! We two people... not afraid!"

Gu Qingcheng stared at the darkness of the cloud 琉 眸 眸 , , , , , , 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉

Hickey... unobstructed exposure to Gu Qingcheng's eyes.

Gu Qingcheng’s brain screamed.

That night, Yun Liuli said... he didn't want her kiss, she gave it to others! He didn't want her young body, she also gave words to others... suddenly came to Gu Qingcheng's mind.

Gu Qingcheng pulled the big hand of the cloud glazed neckline and tightened it. He slammed the neckline of the cloud glazed. In his heart, even though there was a river, the surface of the sea was still calm.

When I saw the red blood at the bottom of Gu Qingcheng, the cloud glaze had a guilty conscience.

I don't know how long it has been...

"Cloud glaze..." Gu Qingcheng solemnly called the name of Yunlili. "You have failed your father's expectations of you!"

Gu Qingcheng resisted the anger of Haotian and let go.

The cloud glaze, which was almost slightly lifted, has stepped back two steps...

Gu Qingcheng's eyes are red and bloody, his throat is slightly tumbling, his voice is low: "In order to force such an old man who is not worthy of you, even you have given up, cloud glaze... You are sorry for your father's expectations of you!"

The cloud-throated throat moved and looked at Gu Qingcheng’s disappointing eyes almost to penetrate himself. She almost told the truth about Gu Qingcheng...

The cool breeze passed between the two, Gu Qingcheng forced himself to calm down and opened the door: "Get on the bus!"

"What?!" The cloud hoarse voice hoarse.

"Send you abroad!" Gu Qingcheng's voice is cool.

The cloud glare subconsciously stepped back: "Why send me abroad, I won't leave!"

"That is Guan Nina, the family is doing the cloth business... You said that if the dyes in their homes are unqualified, what if the dyed cloth can't be delivered on time?!"

Gu Qingcheng’s words are already a threat of nakedness and nakedness.

"Gu Qingcheng!" Cloud glazed fists clenched tightly.

"Get on the bus!" Gu Qingcheng has no longer wanted to talk to Yun Liuli.

In front of Gu Qingcheng, as long as Gu Qingcheng does not sway the clouds and glaze, there is nothing to threaten Gu Qingcheng.

Yun Liuli knows what to say at the moment and does not want to switch Nina does not want to go, it is completely on the fire!

Guan Nina was dragged into the water by the cloud, she could not even be tired of Guanina.

The cloud glazed body stood stiffly and stood there looking at Gu Qingcheng. The two people were deadlocked... The students who came and went could not help but look in the direction of Yunlili and Gu Qingcheng.

"Glass, how are you downstairs?!"

Ye Yingying’s crisp voice was inserted in time.

Looking at Ye Yingying in the direction of Ye Yingying, Ye Yingying walked over to look at Gu Qingcheng, thinking that Gu Qingcheng’s family, who was a cloud glazed, nodded and said hello, “I told you to buy a copy for you and Guan Nina. Frying noodles!"

"Yeah!" Cloud glared nodded.

"Then I will give you the fried noodles directly. Du shadow is still waiting for me at the door. We are going to finish eating out and go back to the dormitory, saving you the sweetness of your two!"

Yun Liuli reached out and took the fried noodles. Ye Yingying glanced at Gu Qingcheng and said the word “good handsome” to the cloud glass, and he ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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