Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1032: Will succeed!

Chapter 1032 will succeed!

"I will send the noodles, wait a minute... I will return to the Yunding apartment myself." Cloud glass opening compromise.

Gu Qingcheng looked at the cloud glaze with cold eyes, and did not force the cloud glaze to be particularly tight. He slammed the door with his hand. The low voice line implied a warning: "10 o'clock... at the latest!"

Seeing the cloud glazed nod, Gu Qingcheng then bypassed the front of the car and drove away.

The sight of Gu Qingcheng's sedan disappeared into her glutinous rice, and the fog at the bottom of the cloud condensed the fog, as if it would drop when she touched the tears.

Squatting on the floor, Guan Nina looked nervously at Yunlili and asked, "How is it going?! Has the stimulus been successful?!"

Yun Liuli put the fried noodles on the table, showing Guan Nina a smile that was more ugly than crying. She said: "I may... go abroad!"

This sudden news shocked Guan Nina to slow down: "What does this mean?!"

Cloud glazed and shook his head, obviously not willing to say more.

"You wait... I didn't understand, the person you like is not in our school, can you manage to let you go abroad?!" Guan Nina widened her eyes and looked at the cloud, "The person you like... Wouldn't it be the guardian of mine that I heard before?!"

Guan Nina has long known about the death of her parents.

Since the parents are gone, there are naturally guardians!

If you can directly let the cloud glaze go abroad, then there is only the guardian of the cloud glaze!

Clouds and sorrows smiled, no snoring.

"My embarrassed..." Guan Nina patted her heart, and she thought about it suddenly. "I still have a way to try it?!"

Yun Liuli has lost trust in her dog-headed division and turned to pack her own things.

Yun Yunli is never a person who will easily give up, she has plans in mind!

Before, Yun Liuli gave Gu Qingcheng a prescription. This time she can still do this, but the sleeping pills are replaced with other medicines!

She can even give herself medicine!

She must take Gu Qingcheng tonight...

If Gu Qingcheng still wants to send himself abroad!

Then... Yun Liuli got Gu Qingcheng, and there is no regret.

Guan Nina knows that she has made a way to plant strawberries on the neck of the cloud, so she still wants to make a fortune, so she still wants to make a sin, and says: "Or else... you pretend to lose your memory! Pretend to lose your IQ after pretending to lose your memory. Little girl... I don’t know what to pretend, just tease your guardian with all kinds of pure ignorance, take him down and say it!”

Guan Nina’s idea is very simple. Adults are very tolerant to children!

For example, when a boy of five or six years old was brought into the women's bathing hall by his mother, no one would say anything. This is the truth.

Seeing the cloud glazed ignore her, Guan Nina got in front of the cloud glaze: "I will use a brick to break your head when I go downstairs, then I say you are smashed by the flower pot. You can install it in the hospital. IQ, amnesia!"

Cloud glaze: "..."

There is still a little bit of sadness in the heart of the cloud. I have already been rushed by Guan Nina. This guy is watching the dog blood TV series. No wonder today at the tea shop, I said that I kissed my relatives.

Packing up the good things, the cloud glazed straight up and looked at Guan Nina: "If I can't stay in the end... you remember to say it to me and Zhou Yuchen!"

Guan Nina’s heart suddenly became heavy: “Glass...”

"I still have a way, I will try it today!"

Guan Nina’s watery eyes looked at the cloud: "Really?! You are not comforting me?!"

Yun Liuli smiled at Guan Nina: "I am leaving!"

Despite the disappointment, despite fear that this time the cloud glaze will go, they will never see it again. Guan Nina still has to watch the cloud glaze to leave...

Yunlu glass out of the school gate did not directly take a taxi back to Yunding Apartment, she went to a small alley, standing under the neon sign, writing ... adult supplies.

The cloud smashed the fist in the pocket and pushed the door in.

The boss is sitting at the glass counter with his rice bowl and watching the family comedy at 8 o'clock in the golden file. The eyes and lips are smiling.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, the boss looked sideways at the door, and the red and faint dark lights in the room made the cloud glazed more beautiful, just like the modern beauty of the hand-painted newspaper. .

The boss put down the rice bowl, and the cloud glaze saw that the boss had tattoos on his arm, which was a little pleasing.

The boss asked: "Little sister, what do you want?!"

Clouds and glass bite the lip bite: "Spring one medicine!"

It seems to be shocked by the words of the cloud glaze, the boss also asked the cloud glazed men for women, strong or average!

Cloud glaze is very unexpected, but it still has to be divided into many kinds...

Yunguang, who is open-minded and ask for advice, is not shy and discusses with the boss how to use this medicine to make people feel it!

When I left, the boss was very kind to the glazed road: "Little sister, hard work, you are so beautiful and have the power to help you, you will succeed! If you are not successful, come to me and I will give you a refund!"

I finally got what I wanted. When the cloud glaze came out of the store, it was already drizzling outside.

When I think of the boss, I will succeed. The whole person has become a freshly cooked shrimp.

Will succeed...

Cloud glaze nodded, eh! Will succeed!

The owner of the adult goods store looked at the cloud glazed and went out and shook his head: "So a beautiful girl, what a man is not going to die! This little girl can not be too unlucky to encounter a scorpio, the **** medicine can not save ..."

Yun Liuli buckled the hat behind the clothes and ran out of the alley all the way before hitting the car to Yunding Apartment.

On the road, the cloud glazed tightly hugged her own bag, and the things inside made her heartbeat very fast!

She prayed that tonight must be successful.

Close your eyes and pray for it again. After seeing the rumbling of the rumbling, the cloud glare looks out of the window, and the glare of the car shines like a cloud.


Gu Qingcheng took a bottle of ice water from the refrigerator and poured it, but my heart was still hot and hot.

The one that closes the eyes is the beautiful neck of the cloud and white enamel... the glare of the hickey.

He bit his teeth and rubbed the glass water bottle in his hand. The pieces of glass splashed and splashed on Gu Qingcheng's trousers legs...

After a moment of calm, Gu Qingcheng picked up the suit on the back of the sofa and took out the phone from the pocket to call the assistant, so that he could arrange the cloud glass to go abroad immediately.

The small assistant at the other end of the phone can guess that Gu Qingcheng sent the cloud glaze to go abroad because the cloud glaze was in a relationship with the little girl this time. The little assistant did not say anything about it, saying that he would do it immediately!

Just hang up the phone, Gu Qingcheng mobile phone will vibrate again.

(End of this chapter)

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