Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1034: Then Gu Qingcheng takes care of her for the rest of her life!

Chapter 1034, then Gu Qingcheng takes care of her for the rest of her life!

Suddenly, I returned to the seven-year-old cloud glaze, and looked at Gu Qingcheng with a clean and unfamiliar look. The four eyes were opposite, and Gu Qingcheng, who had always been calm and calm, did not know what to say, but was so bad.

"Uncle, do you live in this ward?!" Yun Liuli said to Gu Qingcheng, as if Gu Qingcheng was just a stranger, a strange uncle.

Gu Qingcheng, who has been standing at the end of the bed and looking at the clouds, licked his lips and said: "I am your father's friend..."

"Uncle is good!" After the cloud 乖乖 乖乖 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧

Once, Yun Shoushan suddenly passed away. The most difficult thing for Gu Qingcheng is to tell Yun Liu that her father is no longer alive, and he will be the guardian of Yun Liuli in the future.

At the beginning, because of the big children who already understood the truth, Gu Qingcheng said it...

Despite this, Gu Qingcheng was still in a mess. Listening to the child crying in the house, he could only go out and smoke at the door.

It is because he has passed away from the world, and even after the death of Yun Shou, he can not announce his true identity, fearing that the enemies who are angry and angry will anger their bodies.

After he died, he only got a medal, Gu Qingcheng accepted for the cloud...

Can face a seven-year-old girl, Gu Qingcheng really do not know how to open.

Seeing Gu Qingcheng not snoring, Yun Liuli whispered again: "Uncle?!"

Gu Qingcheng returned to God and opened his mouth: "Your father went to a long distance to go on a business trip, please come to take care of you..."

The cloud glaze is very embarrassing, nodding, no snoring.

See the dry skin of the cloud glazed lips, Gu Qingcheng walked to the bed and sat down, using a cotton swab to smash the water and gently moisten the lips for the cloud glaze.

The black eyes of Yun Liuli are just like a group, so they don’t look at Gu Qingcheng for a moment.

Gu Qingcheng's movements are very light, for fear of touching the dry skin of the cloud and the **** lips, and hurting the cloud...

Gu Qingcheng raised his eyes again and saw the soft and soft girl red eyes and asked: "What happened?! Is it not uncomfortable?!"

Cloud glass gently nodded: "Headache, arm hurts, uncle... I really want daddy, can you let me call my father?! Usually I am injured, my father will call me... It doesn't hurt!"

When the little girl spoke, she was a little sobbing, and she was a little childish. A pair of clean glutinous rice with water mist was so grievous and screaming at Gu Qingcheng. Even the heart of the stone was softened by the eyes of the little girl! Not to mention... I was worried about Gu Qingcheng who was hurt by the cloud.

He looked at the bottom of the cloud glass and had a bit of softness. He gently stroked the black hair that had been cut short, and bent over the lip to make up the forehead of the cloud, gently blowing it, and the sound was unprecedented. Soft: "Is it still hurting?!"

The soft and soft girl nodded: "The arm still hurts..."

Gu Qingcheng then bowed his head and blew his arms against the cloud glass: "Is it still hurting?!"

The little girl also had tears in her eyes, so she made a strong smile on Gu Qingcheng: "Only a little pain, thank you uncle."

Gu Qingcheng is not a three-year-old child. How can you believe that if you blow it, you won’t hurt it...

Seven-year-old Yun Liuli, probably because his father and stepmother are always around, is more sensible than other children.

Gu Qingcheng sighed, seven years old...

How do you get along with a seven-year-old child? !

The matter of cloud and glass accidents soon became known to Lin Wen. The next morning, Lin Wen came to the hospital early in the morning.

The little girl knows how to sit on the bed and look at Lin Wen. Like a child, she is so good that she pulls her ear.

After Bai Yuyu came over and made a simple inspection of Yunli Glass, Lin Wen and Bai Yuyu stood at the door of the ward and spoke...

"The memory after the age of seven is gone?!" Lin warmed the tone without disguising, this is the same as watching TV.

Bai Yuyu nodded: "In fact, according to the truth, the impact of small glass should not be so serious!"

Lin warmer brow wrinkles more tight.

"But how to say it, the world is not big, there are people who have lost a while, and they have lost their memory. This kind of case is there!" Bai Yuyu sighed. "My colleagues in our department and Jincheng Furen Hospital The side talked about it. This situation may be due to the blood clot in the small glass of the skull. It may also be the impact of the sequelae! The former is okay, and may be restored after the blood clots are scattered. If it is the latter..."

"How about the latter?!" Lin Wen could not help but ask.

"If it is the latter, we expect that there may be three situations, one... the situation of small glass will deteriorate, the memory will go backwards! The second... is memory also includes the mind will stay at the age of seven! Third Of course, the best one is to recover over time, but because I am a self-person, I am not taking advantage of my oldest, and the third is not very likely!"

Lin warmed.

This words Bai Yuyu has already said to Gu Qingcheng, Gu Qingcheng silenced for a long time after listening to it, and finally did not say anything, just returned to the ward to accompany the cloud.

The rest of the life after the robbery, the most important thing for Gu Qingcheng is that the cloud is still alive.

If the memory of the cloud glass is still degraded, then Gu Qingcheng takes care of her for the rest of her life!

If Yunxiao’s mind and memory stayed at the age of seven, he would stay with her at the age of seven!

Bai Yuyu put his hands in the white coat and said: "Old Gu I guess that the intestines that are regretting this time are all green. If he didn't let the small glass back to Yunding Apartment that night, the small glass would not be a car accident!"

Lin warmed nodded, in fact, Lin Wen can see that...

When Lin Wen arrived in the morning, Gu Qingcheng was arranging work at the door of the ward. It seemed that he planned to put down everything on hand to accompany the cloud glaze.

Yun Liuli lived in Fu Zhai for a period of time, and the relationship with Lin Wen was very good. Lin Wen really regarded Yun Liuli as a sister, so when he came to Gu Qingcheng, he planned to trouble Li Ayi to take care of the cloud for a while. Waiting for the cloud glaze to go out directly to Fu Zhai, so that Gu Qingcheng is not busy enough to take care of the cloud.

However, Gu Qingcheng did not agree, and said that he intended to take care of the cloud glass.

Lin Wenjin entered the ward and looked at the pale and faint cloud-colored glass. He said, "I went to play hot water. Doctor Bai said that you can't eat for a while, but if you have something you want to eat, you can try it a little. Eat a little bit, if you don't spit, you can eat a little more, do you want to eat?!"

Yunlili tried hard to think about it: "Simi rice balls!"

(End of this chapter)

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