Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1035: I can love her without any scruples!

Chapter 1035 can love her without any scruples!

Hearing the four words of sago dumplings, Gu Qingcheng looked up...

"Sago dumplings?! I didn't listen to people eating sago and dumplings together before." Lin Wen smiled softly on the clouds.

Cloud glaze nodded: "I have never eaten, but I feel... I want to eat this thing!"

Sago dumplings are the desserts that Yun Liuli once made to Gu Qingcheng.

Gu Qingcheng didn't like to eat sweets. Later, Yun Liuli and Gu Qingcheng lived together for a long time. She knew that coconut milk sago was very good, and she changed the sago into small **** made with glutinous rice flour, and coconut juice. After mixing, it was not so sweet. Yunlili gave a name called “Simi Rice Ball”.

Just... This is the thing when Yunli Glass was sixteen years old, she actually remembered.

"Okay, I will get the house ready when I finish the water. I will send it to you!"

Lin Wen came out of the ward, holding the insulation pot standing next to the water heater to pick up the water, why can't he say that there is always something strange.

Is it because the cloud and the glass are close to each other? ! Bai Yuyu said that the child of Yunli Glass lost his memory after the age of seven, but it appeared from Lin Wen to the present... Yun Liuli did not seem to ask Lin Wen who is it, how could it suddenly appear here, is it her father or mother? friend.

Lin warmed off the water heater to plug the bottle, and took the thermos back. The ghost girl had to take the sleeping pills before taking Gu Qingcheng, this time will not...

Lin Wen has not had time to think deeply, people have already arrived at the door of the ward.

Pushing the door, Lin Wenren has not yet entered, I heard the soft voice of the little girl with a crying voice, the nose is heavy: "Uncle Qingcheng, I am sore, I want my father..."

"Dad is at work, I will come back to accompany you after a while, okay?!" Gu Qingcheng snorted and whispered little girl.

For the first time, Lin Wen heard the gentle and warm voice of Gu Qingcheng.

After the girl’s well-behaved nod, she still had tears on her eyelashes, and she asked childishly: “When can Dad work?”

"When the small glass is completely recovered, Dad can finish the work and come back with you!" Gu Qingcheng comforted the cloud.

Perhaps after knowing the thoughts of Yun Liuli on his own, Gu Qingcheng has no way to face the cloud glaze, for fear of a little gentleness, will make the child of cloud glaze sink deeper, afraid of giving the child the wrong hope, so Gu Qingcheng is In front of the cloud, the glass has always been hard-hearted to make indifference...

Now, after the sudden loss of memory of Yunli Glass, the mind stays at the age of seven. Gu Qingcheng can simply treat the cloud glass as a pure child, whether it is out of sympathy or inner love, or even... love, he can Bring the gentlest side of the baggage to the cloud!

I can love her without any scruples!

At this time, Gu Qingcheng did not find his tone, but it was like water.

When Lin warmed in, he saw Qi Qingwu, who was holding the cloud glass, and the bottom was a gentle smile.

Lin Wen has never seen Gu Qingcheng laugh like this, as if the violent gas of the body is covered with a faint warm color.

In the early morning, it was not a dazzling golden sunshine. The gentle and deep man of the facial features had a gentle mess, and the little girl with the teardrops on the eyelashes was so beautiful and touching. Even Lin Wen looked very comfortable.

Lin Wen intends to stay with the cloud before leaving the show this morning. I am afraid that the little girl is bored in the hospital. I can see the interaction between Gu Qingcheng and Yun Liuli. Lin Wen feels that he still should not stay here. When the single bulb is gone.

She put the thermos on the bedside table and said to the cloud: "Then I will go first, and I will go back and let the house do the sago dumplings you want to eat, and let people send you!"

"Nothing, no trouble! The sago dumplings that you want to eat in the glass are afraid that you can't do it! I will tell people to prepare, and bother!" Gu Qingcheng thanked Lin.

He knew that before the cloud glaze was going to school in Haicheng, Lin Wen had more care for the cloud glaze. It was not too much to say that the cloud glaze was used as a sister. He was also very grateful to Lin Wen.

Gu Qingcheng sent Lin Wen to the door of the ward. Lin warmed back and looked at Gu Qingcheng: "You left the glass alone in Haicheng that year. I know that because you are afraid of giving the glass hope to delay the child! But now The glass mind is just a seven-year-old child. She can see that she is very dependent on you except her father. Now, treat her well!"

Gu Qingcheng beheaded: "I know!"

"There is something I need to help behind. If you call Huai'an, you can call me. If you want to find someone who can trust you to take care of the glass with you, I will ask Aunt Li to come back for a while! After all, it is very expensive to take care of the wounded. Physical strength, you should be here 24 hours a day, afraid that you can't hold it, or you have to change your class!"

Lin Wen is a woman, and many things are more thoughtful than Gu Qingcheng.

Gu Qingcheng alone can not take care of the cloud glass for twenty-four hours without leaving, how to do the cloud glass to wash the hair? ! Gu Qingcheng also has to go back to change.

Gu Qingcheng thought about nodding, and the mellow voice solemnly: "That will trouble you!"

In Haicheng, the housekeeping aunt of Gu Qingcheng Yunding Apartment is just finished cooking and buying things to fill the refrigerator, cleaning up the sanitation! It is really impossible to talk about trust!

Giving the cloud to the unfamiliar care worker, Gu Qingcheng is even more than one hundred.

But Aunt Li is different. Aunt Li is the aunt who used Fu Huai’s care for many years...

It is also safe and careful to do things in his 50s, otherwise Fu Huai'an will not use it for so many years. When Li Ayi left, he gave a big red envelope.

After Lin warmed away, Gu Qingcheng returned to the ward and saw the little girl hanging a small hand holding his mobile phone to play with.

Seeing Gu Qingcheng coming in, the little girl’s eyes sparkled to Gu Qingcheng, as if she had discovered the New World’s excitement: “Uncle Qingcheng... What is this! It feels so good!”

Gu Qingcheng saw the little girl curious about sliding the screen left and right, the software icon on the screen also slides left and right, the little girl is full of surprises.

I thought that when the girl was seven years old, she should have never seen such a full-screen mobile phone. Gu Qingcheng walked over. Wen Sheng and Yun Liuli explained that this is a mobile phone, and asked Yun Lanli if he wanted to play games.

Yun Liuguang nodded and said: "I used to play Tetris with my dad's mobile phone! I especially like it!"

"Okay, just play Tetris."

Gu Qingcheng gave the game to Yun Liuli, sitting behind the cloud glaze, letting the little girl lean in her arms and teaching the little girl how to play the Tetris with a full touch screen mobile phone.

(End of this chapter)

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