Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1046: See when the cloud glaze comes over

Chapter 1046, see when the cloud glaze comes over.

Gu Qingcheng may also have a doubt in his heart. He can watch the performance of the children of the cloud glaze, and the doubts disappeared quietly.

Perhaps, even Gu Qingcheng himself does not want to go too far, because it is really commendable for him to spend time with Yun Liuli.

After eating the breakfast, I watched Gu Qingcheng clean up the tableware, sticking like a kitten, and sticking it on the back of Gu Qingcheng: "Uncle Qingcheng, are you accompanying me to watch cartoons?"

Gu Qingcheng looked back and hugged his own cloud glaze from behind. The little girl had an expectation. He nodded: "When you go to the TV, I will come!"

"Well!" The cloud 乖乖 乖乖 乖乖 , , , , , , , 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉 琉

"Good!" Gu Qingcheng's voice is full of connivance.

"Qingcheng Shushu..." Cloud glass sucked his nose. "Would you be so good to me forever?!"

Gu Qingcheng gestures the movement of the tableware for a slight meal, forever...

Gu Qingcheng, what kind of person is there forever? !

But he still looked up, smiled and couldn't see his twilight, nodded: "Forever..."

Yun Liuli got a reply, his lips curled up, restrained his wet eyes, and turned back to pick cartoons.

Once, Gu Qingcheng also said with Yun Liuli forever...

However, everything stops at the confession of the cloud.

This time... Gu Qingcheng still promised himself forever.

However, if Gu Qingcheng knows that he has not lost his memory, or has recovered his memory, probably... will stop there forever!

The small hand of the cloud glazed slightly tightened, and she suddenly had the idea of ​​wanting to put it on forever...

It’s always so painful to be pampered by him, and it doesn’t matter if she is treated as a child.

The cloud glazed with his head down, looking at his white fingertips, and some guilty... Would it be shameless to keep it? !

After hearing the footsteps of Gu Qingcheng, Yun Liuli knew that his red eyes could not be covered, and he looked up and said to Gu Qingcheng: "I used to ask my father to accompany me to watch cartoons, but my father is very busy. what……"

Gu Qingcheng looked at the little girl who was crying but still forced the lips to look like a strong look. She reached out and touched the top of the cloud glass: "In the future... Qingcheng Shu will accompany you!"

"Uncle Qingcheng, Dad... Why don't you call me every time you go on a business trip?!" Yun Liuli asked, "I can't contact him, are you so busy?!"

In fact, this is also the question that Yunlili has always been.

Yun Shoushan was on a business trip for more than 300 days in a year. After a business trip, he did not call himself. He always said that he was busy... How busy was it to give his daughter a call? !

After pondering for a moment, Gu Qingcheng sat next to the cloud glaze and said: "Your father... is a great person. He doesn't want to accompany you, but to... help you keep this quiet and peaceful world!"

The heart of the cloud 噗 跳 jumped a bit.

Regarding the identity of Yun Shoushan, Yun Liuli has never thoroughly studied it. Later, she always thought that Yun Shoushan was the person of Gu Qingcheng!

However, what Gu Qingcheng's business is is clear, and it is not too ridiculous to say that the world of peace and tranquility should be ridiculous. Their business should be afraid of the world.

The heart-like cloud glazed up and asked Gu Qingcheng: "So... is Dad a superhero?! Just like Superman!"

Gu Qingcheng nodded: "Yes... your father is like Superman! But your father is even bigger than Superman!"

Yun Liuli has always been clever, listening to Qingcheng said so, there is a vague conjecture about his father's identity.

She associates this with Gu Qingcheng. She asks: "That... Dad said that you are a colleague with Qingcheng, and that is a young man... You are also very great?!"

Gu Qingcheng was silent for a while, and the smiling scorpions were calm and deep, and people could not see the depths...

He said: "No, I am the one your father wants to save!"

Yun Liuli does not seem to understand, Gu Qingcheng does not want to go deeper with Yun Liuli, he said, he licked the head of the cloud and asked: "Want to see?!"

I know that Gu Qingcheng wants to reveal this topic, and Yun Liuli has not chased it. With an animated cartoon: "Just it!"

What kind of cloud glaze is placed in the cartoon is really no thought to see again. She leans in the arms of Gu Qingcheng, eats the apple that Gu Qingcheng has cut for her, and does not forget to play Tetris in her hands.

Gu Qingcheng frowned and asked: "Are you watching cartoons or playing games!"


The cloud of glass that chewed the apple was vague and said something.

Gu Qingcheng sighed and put the apple core and fruit knife in the fruit bowl, and saw the cloud glare staring at the screen of the mobile phone, but the head came over to bite the apple!

Gu Qingcheng reached out and squeezed it on the face of Yun Liuli...

"Yeah!" Cloud glazed turned his head, and the big watery eyes looked at Gu Qingcheng. There was gas in his voice, "Qingcheng Shu!"

"It's getting worse and worse!" Gu Qingcheng wiped his finger with a paper towel. "The phone is closed, so watch the cartoon, or the phone will be confiscated!"

As soon as I heard the phone confiscated, the cloud glass was so reluctant to put the phone on the side and turned its attention to the TV screen.

In fact, when Yun Xiaoli was a child, he didn't like to watch cartoons. He felt childish and uninteresting...

However, probably because of Gu Qingcheng's side, the cloud glaze actually looks good.

"I remember that your father once said, you don't like to watch cartoons, how do you like it again?!" Gu Qingcheng asked.

Yun Liuli did not panic, and snorted: "That is because he does not accompany me! Someone is interesting to accompany it. One person is alone in front of the TV, watching people on TV live, not looking at me. More lonely! Cartoons... always so lively!"

This is said from the mouth of a little girl like Yun Liuli, but it really looks very lonely...

Gu Qingcheng can even imagine a little girl alone at home, sitting in the living room, wearing a small face and watching the hot colors on the TV, then... how to raise loneliness.

Gu Qingcheng's big hand buckled on the top of the cloud glaze, and gently licked it, saying nothing.

Together with the cloud glaze, the most troublesome thing for Gu Qingcheng is to fall asleep.

He is afraid that the cloud will come over and sleep with himself at night, but there is a slight expectation in his heart...

After taking a shower, Gu Qingcheng sat at the desk, but his eyes never consciously swept through the door, waiting to see when the clouds came over.

How to refuse Gu Qingcheng has already thought about it, and it is not a matter of letting the cloud glaze and sleeping on it, it is a quick knife.

(End of this chapter)

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