Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1047: Uncle Qingcheng, help me see

Chapter 1047, Qingcheng Shu, help me see

Gu Qingcheng just took the line of sight back from the door and heard the knock on the door.

The heart of Gu Qingcheng jumped three times with the "咚咚咚".

"Uncle Qingcheng... Are you sleeping?!"

The little girl's soft and soft voice makes people's fingertips numb, Gu Qingcheng clears the scorpion and should wake up and open the door.

Xiaogu said that she was still holding a pillow tonight, looked up at him and looked at him. She smiled at him: "Uncle Qingcheng... I am going to trampoline again this evening!"

"Glass... I have to work at night. You will affect your rest here! I am not very convenient at work. You are a big girl, and you should be familiar with it for two days..."

Gu Qingcheng’s voice just fell, and Yun Liuli raised a finger: “The last time Qingcheng Shu, I am not very familiar with your family, you can’t sleep with me! I beg you...”

The little girl is a pitiful look.

Ok, Gu Qingcheng is once again unprincipled...

He clung to the doorknob and said to the cloud: "Tonight, don't let your hands and feet rest on me!"

"Is it affecting your sleep? Uncle Qingcheng?!" asked Yunxiaoli.

Gu Qingcheng remembered a nightmare for two nights and nodded: "Well!"

"Well, I will sleep a little bit tonight..." I thought about the little girl and added, "So... can I hold the arms of Qingcheng Shu?!"

Gu Qingcheng: "..."

"Hold your arms!" All the scorpions in the wet glass are praying.

Gu Qingcheng nodded again without principle: "Good..."

The little girl got her wish to go to the bed of Gu Qingcheng. Like yesterday, she untied the button of the pajamas. Gu Qingcheng couldn’t bear to turn around...

However, the decorative mirrored small box is faintly reflected in the graceful figure of the cloud, and the line of sight seems to be uncontrolled.

Gu Qingcheng closed his eyes, and after secretly licking his own sentence, he sat on the desk with a heavy breath, and his eyes fixed on the computer screen.

Until the sweet voice of the little girl came: "Uncle Qingcheng, when are you busy sleeping?!"

Gu Qingcheng looked in the direction of the cloud glaze, seeing the little girl wrapped in a quilt, revealing a small head in his direction.

"It will take a while..."

"How long is it for a while!"

The curiosity of the child breaks the spirit of the casserole and asks the truth. The cloud glaze is very good.

Gu Qingcheng looked at the little girl's watery eyes and replied: "For more than an hour, if you are sleepy, sleep first!"

When I heard this, the little girl sat up again, and then wrapped herself in a quilt, only revealing one hand and holding a mobile phone to open the Tetris: "Then I will wait for Qingcheng Shu to sleep together!"

Looking at the appearance of a cloud addiction girl, Gu Qingcheng frowned, thinking of Li Ayi said, afraid of the cloud glass to play with the phone hurts the eyes: "Don't play with the phone, it's time to sleep!"

"This is the time when Qingcheng Shu is still working!" The little girl disapproved. "Everyone said that the teacher of the child is a parent, I am studying with Qingcheng!"

She still has reason...

"I am working, you are a game, can you be the same?!"

"Then I am a child, you are an adult, my game is not the same as your work, anyway, look at the screen!"

In the past, Gu Qingcheng did not find the cloud glaze.

Gu Qingcheng got a laptop, got up and even turned off the desk lamp: "Sleep!"

See Gu Qingcheng walking towards the bed, there is no ink in the cloud, and the phone screen is still attached. I moved the quilt and patted the mattress: "You are coming! I am already sleepy." !"

Gu Qingcheng sighed and went to bed, still sleeping in the most side position as last night.

The arm was hugged in the arms of the cloud, and Gu Qingcheng didn't feel too much to sleep, but for a few minutes, he felt that the bones of half body were stiff.

The little girl held Gu Qingcheng's arm tightly in her arms. Gu Qingcheng's little finger clung to the thigh of the little girl's curled up, and did not dare to move.

At two in the morning, Gu Qingcheng listened to the soft breath of the little girl and didn't dare to sleep...

Fear of sleeping, and dream of the mediation, let him lose his sense of proportion.

Through the faint moonlight behind the curtain, Gu Qingcheng stared at the sleeping face of the cloud, and the five black silks of her neck were stuck in the corner of the lips... Gu Qingcheng couldn’t help but reach out for her, but the thumb was accidentally entangled in On the soft lips of the cloud, there is no Mosuo.

The feeling of this small mouth containing his fingers suddenly came up, Gu Qingcheng endured the breath and did not start, the brain messed up.

Going on like this, Gu Qingcheng is afraid that he will not be able to control himself.

"Qingcheng Uncle..." Yun Liuli remembered with a bit of drowsiness, and looked like a very sad look frowning. "I am here... it hurts!"

Gu Qingcheng browed, but before he could say anything, the little girl took Gu Qingcheng’s big hand and covered her heart.

Gu Qingcheng's whole person is stiff, and he can't lift it with a little effort.

The little girl covered her hand on the back of his hand and cried in a delicate voice: "Qingcheng Shu... hurt!"

Not the left side, the right side, it is not the heart!

Gu Qingcheng was busy getting up and turned on the lights, and the clouds and glazed eyes looked at Gu Qingcheng: "You can help me see Qingcheng Shu..."

Gu Qingcheng bit his teeth: "My name is Aunt Li!"

After that, Gu Qingcheng fled.

When Aunt Li came down, she saw Yun Lanli sleeping in Gu Qingcheng’s room and looking at the pillow... The two people were sleeping on the same couch, and the heart could not help but jump a few jumps.

Not to say... Is this cloud glazed Mr. Gu’s adopted daughter? ! How do two people sleep on a bed!

Although Yun Liuli now loses his memory as a "seven-year-old" child, in the end...they are both adults!

Aunt Li thinks that she feels a little worried, not that she has a lot of things, but she really has to say something to Lin Wen. If these two people are the fathers and daughters, there are some...

Aunt Li did not help the cloud glaze, the family doctor was also awakened by Gu Qingcheng late at night, and the people have arrived!

After helping to check, the family doctor said that she had already touched it... There is no tumor in the room. It may be growth pain or breast thickening, but it is better to go to the hospital. A thorough inspection can be assured.

Gu Qingcheng nodded.

In the middle of the night, I have tossed back and forth, and the clouds are hungry...

She didn't want to be so tossed, but she didn't expect Gu Qingcheng to react so big, she actually called the family doctor!

She thought that as long as she took the initiative, Gu Qingcheng would be downhill!

After all, he still reacts to himself!

Aunt Li gave the bowl of noodles to Yun Liuli and Gu Qingcheng. It was the simplest noodle soup, and there was not much noodles.

The third is to ask for a monthly ticket! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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