Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1055: Directly said that it will not be killed? !

Chapter 1055 directly said that it will not be killed? !

"Go to your study room?" Fu Tianci's hand on his side was slightly tightened and his expression was tense.

Fu Huai'an beheaded, first turned to go upstairs, Fu Tianci also followed suit, followed by two steps and turned back to look at Lin Wen...

Seeing Lin warmed and smiled and nodded to him, Fu Tianci only licked his fist and quickly followed the two steps.

Tang Yan saw Lin warm and came back to the door. It was originally to see Younai. I didn’t expect to see Younai but saw Fu Tianci. At this time, Fu Tianci followed Fu Huai'an upstairs. Tang Zhen was busy asking. Lin Wen: "Little sister-in-law, Nana?!"

"Nana is parking, come right away..." Lin warm eyes are smiling.

Don Juan did not bother to go out and go out: "I will go see!"

Lin nodded warmly.

See Lu Jinnan also standing at the door and said: "Xiaobai is on the road, I just called to confirm it..."

Lu Jinnan breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. Thank you for the words that were wrapped around the throat.

Lin warmed on the steps and added another sentence: "Xiaobai knows you are!"

Lu Jinnan’s hand in his trouser pocket was slightly tightened and he nodded with a smile: “Thank you...”

This time, Bai Xiaonian said that she and Lu Jinnan did not talk to Lin Wen. Every time they talked about it, and finally they simply licked their lips.

Lin Wen guessed... Bai Xiaonian’s temper was too hot to see the girl named Hong Jinxi looking for Lu Jinnan. He only remembered that Lu Jinnan had murdered Hong Jinyu before, and he did not ask for more to negate Lu Jinnan, so he also wanted to find an opportunity. Bai Xiaonian and Lu Jinnan have a good talk about resolving misunderstandings.

Regarding the girl named Hong Jinxi, Lin Wen did not ask more questions in Fu Huai'an here. It can be seen from Lu Jinnan's talk about Lin Lin warming that Lu Jinnan had long ignored the girl named Hong Jinxi.

The inside of the murder, Lin Wen does not know, but Bai Xiaonian knows. Lin Wen feels that it is possible because he knows, so Bai Xiaonian will be so angry...

In any case, Lu Jinnan and Bai Xiaonian are both sentimental, and Lin Wen is willing to help them.

When Lu Jinnan listened to Lin Wen’s words, he did not have peace of mind to return to the house. People stood at the door of the inner house and stared at the two black iron gates in the distance, waiting.

He saw that Uninai was walking coldly with a face inward, and Tang Yan said something on the side. Younai had a clear smile on his eyes.

Tang Hao made persistent efforts. Although there was no excessive move, people had already been close to Younai. This time... Younai did not walk away from Tang Yan a few steps away, just smiled.

Lu Jinnan rarely sees Unaina laughing. He thinks that Tang Hao’s good deeds are coming soon, then what about him? !

The black iron gate in the distance opened again, and Lu Jinnan's heart hangs up. The car that can come in is far away and when Lu Jinnan sees that it is Bai Yuyu's car, he loses his interest, and the bright light of his eyes quietly fades away.

Upstairs, Fu Huai'an took Fu Tianci to the study and asked him: "What do you want to say?!"

"I want to break the marriage contract with Pengcheng Mujia!" Fu Tianci did not hide and squat his chest. "I don't like Muman, I don't want to delay the girls, and I don't want her to intervene in my life, so this marriage is still lifted. It's better!"

"Mu's girl intervened in your life?!" Fu Huai'an asked.

Fu Tianci mentioned that this heart is not happy, and he said what Muman had done during this time and Fu Huai'an.

Fu Huai'an listened to it for a moment, and said: "You and Fu Laozi said this thing!"

"Is it directly said that I will not be killed?!" Fu Tianci was very happy in his heart. He was actually very afraid of Fu Qingquan's crutches.

"Before the father and the secretary of Song gave you the marriage contract of Pengcheng Mujia, to help you win the Kaide Group, but now it has no meaning. The dismissal of the father will not disagree!" Fu Huai has settled again. Tao, "Just Pengcheng Mujia is afraid that he will not want to dissolve the marriage contract so easily!"

Muman is the only daughter of Mu's father. Since Mu Manzhen likes Fu Tianci, it probably won't be so easy.

Moreover, at the beginning, Fu Qingquan signed such an agreement in order to make a marriage contract with Pengcheng Mujia. Even if the Mu family wants to loosen the marriage contract, they must bite Fu Qingquan together!

I don't know if Fu Qingquan's heart is important to this piece of meat or Fu Tianci's happiness in his life!

Fu Huai'an coveted and thought about it. Now the Kaide Group is in the hands of Fu Huai'an. Fu Laozi is no longer tossing because Fu Huai'an has the blood of Fu's family!

But what if you change to Mu? ! Father Fu is afraid that it will not be so easy to recognize.

Fu Huai'an thought about it again and said to Fu Tianci: "Go back and talk to Father Fu, let the secretary of Song go to do this, you can do it well!"

"Song secretary?!" Fu Tianci had some accidents.

Fu Tianci vaguely saw a smile from Fu Huai'an's eyes: "On the slogan of how to play, the Secretary of Song is very good!"

Although Fu Tianci did not understand it, he also knew that it was not a good word.

"You transferred my words to Song Secretary intact!" Fu Huai'an index finger point to the desk, ready to go downstairs is not intended to be more troublesome for this matter.

"Can this work?!" Fu Tianci expressed doubts behind Fu Huai'an.

"If you don't believe, just think of yourself..."

Fu Tianci also followed the way of Fu Huaian, and nodded again and again: "I believe! I believe!"

In Fu Tianci's eyes, Fu Huai'an has always been omnipotent. There is no such thing as Fu Huai'an can't do. Fu Huai'an said that he can do it!

This is probably a kind of... blind worship!

Downstairs Bai Yuyu and Xu Wei were surrounded by several people and said that they were too much, and they did not ask for dinner.

The group has already returned from the kindergarten. If you don’t want to say hello to everyone, you will go upstairs to see your sister!

Today, the family is very lively. Everyone downstairs talks and laughs. Only Lu Jinnan is absent-minded and looks at the door.

Lin Wen and Yun Liuli are still upstairs, Fu Huai'an has swept Lu Jinnan's expression, and the servant said to let the upstairs ask Lin Wenbai Xiaonian how he has not arrived.

The meaning of this is actually to let Lin Wen call a reminder...

More importantly, Fu Huai'an is worried that Bai Xiaonian’s road will regret not wanting to see Lu Jinnan, but he will return and let Lu Jinnan rejoice.

Although Fu Huai'an does not understand Bai Xiaonian, but he knows his little wife very much, Lin Wen is definitely not going to swindle Bai Xiaonian. She must have told Bai Xiaonian that Lu Jinnan is here.

After the servant finished talking to Lin Wen, Lin Wen made a phone call to Bai Xiaonian. Bai Xiaonian was still on the road, complaining in his mouth: "It really fell bloody! And the car of others is smashing, this time on Qujiang Road. ......"

(End of this chapter)

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