Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1056: I let Lu Jinnan pick you up in the past!

Chapter 1056 I let Lu Jinnan pick you up in the past!

"Are you okay?!" Lin warmed his heart.

"I'm fine, I have to delay the time! I said that I took a photo of my driver's license and solved it tomorrow. But this person has to wait for the traffic police to come over and judge the responsibility! He is chasing the tail! Determining a wool is definitely his full responsibility!"

Hearing the annoyance in Bai Xiaonian's tone, Lin warmed and appeased: "People are fine! I let Lu Jinnan pick you up!"

At the end of the phone, Bai Xiaonian’s breathing followed, and paused until the phone’s harsh car horn came. Bai Xiaonian said: “No, I took a taxi myself!”

"I still have to look at it, or I won't worry!"

Bai Xiaonian at the end of the phone did not say anything, Lin Wen knew that Bai Xiaonian had promised. She let the cloud glaze and the group first accompany the round, and the lower floor called Lu Jinnan.

Lu Jinnan’s heart is a bit heavier.

This time, Bai Xiaonian has not arrived yet. Lin Wen told him that he might want to tell him that Bai Xiaonian is not coming...

He folks and thin feet lifted their feet and walked toward Lin warmth. They only listened to Lin Wendao: "The car of Xiaonian was chased by people. On the turntable of Qujiang Road, you are not far away. You drive to pick up the next year, if Conveniently let your assistant handle the follow-up in the past."

When Lu Jinnan heard it, his hands in his trouser pockets were drawn out: "Where?!"

"Qujiang Road turntable, driving in the past is ten minutes..." Lin Wen saw the anxiety of Lu Jinnan's eyes. "I and Xiaonian said let you pick up, don't let Xiaonian wait!"

"I will go!"

Lu Jinnan didn't even have time to say hello to the people in the living room. He walked to the entrance in three steps and took his suit and left.

"What did Lu Jinnan do?!" Tang Yan asked.

"He went to pick up the year!" Lin Wen smiled.

"Little warm sister... I am going upstairs with you to see the round!" Xu Hao cheerfully ran in the direction of Lin Wen, holding Lin Wen's arm and going upstairs.

Tang Yan squeezed his eyebrows and smashed his elbow and hit Bai Yuyu: "You guess the old land will pick up Bai Xiaonian. Will it be a big mouth by Bai Xiaonian?!"

Bai Yuyu now has a wife and a slap in the face, and sighs slowly into the cup, saying: "I guess if you send Younai back later, Younai will definitely not give you a big mouth!"

Tang Wei: "..."

Tang Hao and Younai’s current state of Tang Yan is more contented. Her daughter is in Uninai from Monday to Friday. Tang Yan’s class can go over to see the children, and then take a meal at the Unina’s house, Tang’s wife’s mother. Still very fond of Tang Yan.

On Saturday and Sunday, the little candy was in Tang Yin. The little girl had reached a consensus with Tang Yin. In order to get more candy, she would spare no effort to turn her mother to Tang Yan every Saturday and Sunday, so their family of three almost I will eat at the same table every day.

Tang Yan repeatedly expressed his position in front of Uninai, and put forward the plan to use Younai with strong intentions. The gift flowers were also on the offensive, and regardless of whether Yunai was giving him a blizzard or a frost, he insisted... This is even Nunai. The heart is iron and will be hot.

Seeing that Unnay is now talking to Don Juan, there are signs of softening.

Xu Wei went upstairs and took a lot of small rounds of Meng Zhao. I took a mobile phone and looked at Younai and Bai Yuyu. I went upstairs and went to the bathroom. Lin Wen looked at the cloud and asked: "Gu Qingcheng knows what you have lost. ?!"

The cloud glaze on the cradle looks back at Lin Wen: "How does Xiaowenjie know that I am loaded?! My acting is so good!"

"That's great..." Lin warmed the small head of Jinyun Liuli. "It's hard for you!"

"It's not difficult for..." A glass finger was caught in the palm of her hand. Her lips smiled softly. "With amnesia, I ate Gu Qingcheng a lot of tofu. These tofus are not eaten by my brain. of!"

Looking at the round of the bubble in the cradle, the cloud of glass is still inevitable to those that Gu Qingcheng said... about the child.

"Little warm sister..." Cloud glass gimmicks look to Lin Wen, "Children... Is it especially important for a woman?! Who is more important than husband?!"

Gu Qingcheng asked Yun Lanli to think clearly, saying that the cloud glaze is still young, then the cloud glaze asks Lin Wen that this child has children.

Lin Wen has always been smart, she can guess Gu Qingcheng's scruples, listen to Yun Liuli so asked, Lin Wen understands that Gu Qingcheng has probably opened his current situation and Yun Liuli.

Lin Wen sat down at the bed and looked at the little girl who looked like a girl. "That depends on who the child is..."

The dark eyes of the cloud glaze looked at Lin Wen, waiting for her to continue.

"The person who loves oneself sincerely, the child is the crystallization of love, which is the expectation that both husband and wife are expected to come to this world!" Lin warmed to see the cloud and nodded and said to her, "Have you ever heard of a family structure?" The most important thing is the relationship between husband and wife! Second is the parent-child relationship?!"

Cloud glazed nodded.

"Then have you ever heard that a woman who loves a man's greatest performance is willing to have a baby for this man?!"

Cloud glaze nodded again.

"So... first couple, then child! The most important thing for a woman is the pillow!"

After listening to Lin Wen’s words, Yun Liuli thought about it with a scorpion, and even if he smiled, “I know, Gu Qingcheng asked me to think clearly... I will give you the words of Xiao Wenjie!”

Yun Liuli smiled and hooked his face with a rounded-eyed cheek: "If you are not with Gu Qingcheng, I don't want to have children with others!"

Lin Wen knows that Fu Huai'an already has arrangements for letting Gu Qingcheng retreat...

But this is not a one-night event, it will take some time.

Lin warmly caressed the long hair of the cloud glaze, once Gu Qingcheng for their brotherhood... In order for Fu Huai'an to top the position, Sheng Huai took Fu Huai'an out of the muddy pool of blood and rain!

Both Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an owe Gu Qingcheng and Yun Liuli a good time. For this reason... they will spare no effort.

The dinner was very rich, and Lin warmed up to the head chef to pass on Fu Huai'an. Those friends who liked what tastes like, everyone can find their favorite dishes at the table.

Later, Lu Jinnan and Bai Xiaonian did not arrive until they had enough time to eat.

Fu Huai'an single-handed pocket, holding the warm shoulders of Lin, stood at the door and watched their friends leave, listening to Tang Yan said that Lu Jinnan did not come to pick up the individual until now.

Fu Huaian said: "It’s better than not coming!"

Lin warmed his lips and nodded: "Well, it’s better than not coming!"

"Stupid..." Bai Yuyu screamed twice and despised Tang Yan. "The two people are not sure to do something that we can't let us know!"

(End of this chapter)

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