Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1062: We are husband and wife!

Chapter 1062 We are husband and wife!

Lu Jinnan's eyebrows with a soft smile, raised her hand and opened her hair sticking to the bean glaze lip glaze.

Seeing that Bai Xiaonian did not speak, Lu Jinnan said again: "Even if I am more competitive with me, I don't want to care about me... don't grieve my body."

Lu Jinnan’s voice was gentle, and he squatted in front of Bai Xiaonian, kneading Bai Xiaonian’s clean and beautiful little hand and hanging his eyes: “Because I am not worth it!”

Lu Jinnan’s attitude is very soft. He wants to do his best to be good for Bai Xiaonian, in every aspect.

"Are you planning to shut me up here today?!" Bai Xiaonian asked.

"I will let the people under the Tang dynasty come over and enter your fingerprints tomorrow morning. This is our home, you will come and go forever!" Lu Jinnan said.

Bai Xiaonian’s face was still deserted. She asked: “You are not afraid that I will not come back when I am gone?!”

"It doesn't matter, I follow you... Where are you going, where am I going!" Lu Jinnan smiled and Bai Xiaonian continued the topic of eating just now, "What do you want to eat?! Or sweet and sour pork ribs and spicy shrimp?!"

"Lu Jinnan, you can talk to yourself!" Bai Xiaonian knows that he can't go today, put the bag next to him, leaning on the back of the sofa, whispering.

Since Lu Jinnan decided to bow down in front of Bai Xiaonian, he was not afraid to make Bai Xiaonian’s temper more noble. He arranged for the dinner to bring his clothes, and several sets of women’s clothes, as well as daily necessities and nannies.

The new home has not lived here, there is nothing, Lu Jinnan is the brain to bring Bai Xiaonian over, no preparations... This will inevitably have to be arranged.

"At home, please ask an aunt to clean and cook. I can see it. You drive three times twice... It’s not being hit by a car door, it’s being chased, and let the driver pick it up later! What do you think?!” Lu Jinnan still keeps The posture in front of Bai Xiaonian and Bai Xiaonian discussed.

"You feel happy when you are!" Bai Xiaonian's lips are slightly cool.

The irony that Bai Xiaonian said was full, Lu Jinnan nodded: "Okay, then arrange this first."

"Oh..." Bai Xiaonian smiled low and crossed his legs. The invisible distance between her and Lu Jinnan was opened.

Lu Jinnan's trousers legs were swept by Bai Xiaonian's toe, leaving a print, and he was not angry. His hands were sitting on the coffee table on both sides of Bai Xiaonian's body, facing Bai Xiaonian, and the sound of the water of the kettle was on his ear. He asked: "I wanted to give you hot tea, but this time drinking tea is afraid that you can't sleep well at night, is white water good?!"

Bai Xiaonian never thought that Lu Jinnan had a pair of eyes that looked very gentle, but at this time he was full of tenderness.

Bai Xiaonian did not answer, Lu Jinnan was sitting opposite Bai Xiaonian.

"Lu Jinnan, what is this for you?! Make up for me to lose my child?!" Bai Xiaonian’s voice is no longer talking about the child’s whim in the car, very cold and has no feelings.

The word of the child hurts the heart of Lu Jinnan...

He rolled his throat and bent over the hands of Bai Xiaonian. He wanted to warm her cold fingers and bowed his head.

If you can go back in time, Lu Jinnan is willing to save their children at all costs!

Lu Jinnan changed his mood for a long time and pressed his head to look at Bai Xiaonian: "It is not compensation, it is from today... I just want to love you with no worries!"

The two were relatively speechless, until the assistant arranger brought in daily necessities and dinner, and brought aunt Dong Aunt who arranged for the family to clean and cook.

A very rich table dish, packed in an incubator, was hot when it was delivered.

Lu Jinnan ordered Dong Ayi to prepare a dinner for the table. He unbuttoned the neckline of the shirt and asked Bai Xiaonian: "Change clothes and wash your hands and eat again?!"

I have to say that Lu Jinnan’s assistants are very appropriate, and the washing and changing clothes that Bai Xiaonian prepared have been brought over by water drying.

Bai Xiaonian knows that he can't walk this evening, and he doesn't want to compete with himself. He took a set of toiletries and skin care products that Lu Jinnan prepared for people: "I still have a mobile phone!"

Lu Jinnan nodded: "Good!"

So, Bai Xiaonian asked: "Where is the room?!"

"Let's turn left and the innermost one..." Lu Jinnan said, their master bedroom.

Bai Xiaonian went upstairs into the bathroom and cleansed his face and washed it for a long time. When he came out, Dong Auntie began to lay sheets and cover.

"The wife's food has all been reheated, you can go downstairs to eat!" Dong Ayi smiled at Bai Xiaonian.

"I am not a wife, you can call me Miss Bai or Bai Xiaonian..." Bai Xiaonian closed the bathroom door.

Aunt Dong gave a slight glimpse and then nodded with a smile: "OK... Miss Bai!"

Bai Xiaonian squeezed some hand cream on his back, and walked downstairs on the lazy side, while applying the almond-flavored hand cream, which was often used before Bai Xiaonian.

Just after knowing that pregnancy, Bai Xiaonian no longer used scented hand cream, and later it seems that habituality is no longer needed...

I saw a bag in the skin care product. Bai Xiaonian painted some, but found the taste that she once liked... It is not so much like it.

Bai Xiaonian felt that she was probably like a hand cream for almonds on Lu Jinnan... She didn't like Lu Jinnan as much as she used to, but she still had waves and pain when she saw his blushing expression.

When she went downstairs, she asked herself how much she loved Lu Jinnan... She didn't think about this problem, so that now she wants to separate, but she still can't see him red.

Is the woman's heart like this? !

Bai Xiaonian went downstairs and sat down quietly to eat.

Putting down the chopsticks, Bai Xiaonian said to Lu Jinnan who has been giving her a dish to watch her dinner: "Mobile!"

Lu Jinnan complied with the promise to hand the phone to Bai Xiaonian.

She took the phone and got up, didn't look at Lu Jinnan, and quietly went upstairs to rest.

Lu Jinnan stood at the door of the main bedroom and wanted to go in. He was afraid that Bai Xiaonian would be disgusted. He whispered at the door and Bai Xiaonian said good night, and the big hand was attached to the door panel, and he refused to leave.

Inside, Lu Jinnan is the only woman in her life who wants to cherish and wants to love her wholeheartedly, but he hurts her and harms their children!

Bai Xiaonian stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. She looked at the two bodyguards who were at the door of the villa. With her understanding of Lu Jinnan, she was afraid that she could not get out of the villa door tomorrow. !

with her? !


I know that Lu Jinnan must be outside the door. Bai Xiaonian said: "You are planning to let me live in this villa with you forever!"

Hearing the voice of Bai Xiaonian, Lu Jinnan grabbed the doorknob and he wanted to unscrew the door, but hesitated: "Dawn, we are husband and wife! Husband...should be together!"

(End of this chapter)

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