Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1063: Is a child who has done something wrong.

Chapter 1063 is a child who has done something wrong.

For a long time, Lu Jinnan only took the courage and said to Bai Xiaonian: "You will have children again in Xiaonian, our baby... will come back to us!"

Bai Xiaonian’s eyes are sore, there is no response, and the phone is not humming in his hand.

I couldn’t hear Bai Xiaonian’s answer. Lu Jinnan thought that Bai Xiaonian’s heart was still gone. His throat rolled and whispered: “You are resting, I am next door, something is called you...”

Still can't get a response, Lu Jinnan said again: "Tomorrow we go out to buy it, I will accompany you to pick your favorite clothes and daily necessities..."

Bai Xiaonian opened the window and stood by the window: "Lu Jinnan, do you not understand me, I want to get divorced... What do you and I say?!"

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Jinnan unscrewed the door and stood at the door looking at Bai Xiaonian. He noticed the cool breeze and he went to the window...

Bai Xiaonian's face is not particularly good. It looks particularly weak and pale. According to the number of pajamas bought before Bai Xiaonian... she wears it and looks very lenient!

Now that this close distance is close to Bai Xiaonian, Lu Jinnan discovered that Bai Xiaonian had lost a lot compared to it.

The cool breeze came in from the window and rolled up Bai Xiao's long hair. The eye was the clavicle nest that she was deeper and deeper. The slightly larger V-neckline could see the bone marks on her chest.

Lu Jinnan's eyelids are sore, the child's departure... It should have been tormented Bai Xiaonian for a long time!

He closed the window for Bai Xiaonian: "I understand what you mean, so I am trying my best to let you see my sincerity, let you see how much I love you, want to be with you!"

From the beginning to the end, Bai Xiaonian did not lose his temper. This is what Lu Jinnan is most afraid of!

Even if Bai Xiaonian gave him two slaps, he could accept it. He was afraid that Bai Xiaonian would not be salty or not, as if he was already an insignificant person.

Lu Jinnan was flustered because Bai Xiaonian had no expression of exquisite face. He reached out and held Bai Xiaonian in his arms: "You don't want to be young, I don't want to trap you here, you are free... I just want to stay with you. By the way! Look... I have progressed too. I didn't force you to sleep in a room. I live next door and are willing to wait for you to start accepting me again!"

Lu Jinnan said this is like a child who has done something wrong. He carefully changed his heart and gave it to Bai Xiaonian, hoping to get a trace of understanding.

"Year, I know that I have a place that you are not satisfied with, you can say that I will change, okay?!" Lu Jinnan's voice is very low.

"But Lu Jinnan..." Bai Xiaonian’s voice was particularly low. "You don't know how I supported it. I just woke up from the pain. As long as I saw you, I would think that the scars that are hard to heal will be Uncover it again!"

Lu Jinnan holding Bai Xiaonian does not say anything.

"I still have a job tomorrow, I should rest..." Bai Xiaonian said.

After participating in the full moon banquet, Bai Xiaonian has been flying in both parts of the United States. Today, Bai Xiaonian has completely ended this life for his father. She has handed over the work of the United States and officially returned to China.

"Good!" Lu Jinnan was greedy for the softness in his arms, but he did not violate Bai Xiaonian. He took Bai Xiaonian to bed and pulled the quilt for her.

"Lu Jinnan, the children have not been there for many months, I am not weak enough to need people to walk..." Bai Xiaonian's lips are very cool.

"Do you know what will hurt me if I am??" Lu Jinnan held his hands on the pillow of Bai Xiaonian. He smiled and was sad.

Bai Xiaonian cannot be denied.

"That hurts me so much, will you feel more comfortable in your heart?!" Lu Jinnan asked.

"kind of!"

"Yeah!" Lu Jinnan nodded. "If you want to separate me from me, it hurts me more, and if you want to leave me, these can hurt me. If I still tell you, you can take it." Sting me..."

Bai Xiaonian looked at Lu Jinnan for a long while and chuckled: "You are prepared to make my heart soft in this way."

"If you can forgive me, of course it is better..."

Lu Jinnan is a straight chest.

Seeing that Bai Xiaonian closed his eyes, Lu Jinnan leaned over and wanted to kiss Bai Xiaonian’s forehead, but he was turned over by Bai Xiaonian.

The kiss... eventually fell in the hair of Bai Xiaonian.

Lu Jinnan can detect that Bai Xiaonian...has finally changed.

She is not the girl who was so popular, she is now deserted, calm, and become... stronger than Lu Jinan’s imagination, and even able to hurt his calm narrative.

Once the volcanic girl was covered in ice and snow, but he knew... There was still fire in the depths of Bai Xiaonian.

Bai Xiaonian always suffers from insomnia after losing his child for a long time. He can't sleep without sleeping pills.

Today, Bai Xiaonian was suddenly brought over by Lu Jinnan. There was no medicine at all. Even if she closed her pretense and wanted to fall asleep, she was destined to sleepless tonight.

I noticed that Lu Jinnan walked up from the bed and walked lightly, until he heard the sound of closing the door, and Bai Xiaonian opened his eyes.

That night was particularly long. Bai Xiaonian’s bones lying on the bed were sour. She got up and turned on the light in the painful temple. From the bedside to the coffee table, she heard the sound of Lu Jinnan across the door. sleep?!"

The voice is a bit hoarse.

Dong Ayi originally sent Lu Jinnan to clean up the room next door to Bai Xiaonian, but Lu Jinnan let Dong Ayi repackage the opposite room!

He couldn't sleep, so he sat on the sofa with his door open, staring at the door separating him and Bai Xiaonian, and smoking a whole box of cigarettes.

Later, he saw the lights of Bai Xiaonian's room lit up!

He went to the door and heard the footsteps of Bai Xiaonian before he came over and asked.

Bai Xiaonian tightened the glass in his hand and coveted a few cold boiled water: "No sleeping pills."

Lu Jinnan, standing at the door, tightened his fists, and Bai Xiaonian’s wind and light words made Lu Jinnan’s heart hurt.

Can't sleep without sleeping pills? !

The same was true of Fu Huai'an. At the beginning, Fu Huai'an was because Jiang Ming'an and Lu Xiangsi died in Iraq.

So... Bai Xiaonian, is it because they lost their children? !

"I am going to take it for you..." Lu Jinnan said dumbly, "I will be back in twenty minutes!"

Lu Jinnan is wearing a home service and driving out.

Bai Xiaonian stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and watched Lu Jinnan go out. He watched Lu Jinnan's lights lit up and watched him drive the car far.

Before Hong Jinxi and Bai Xiaonian said that Lu Jinnan was ruthless on the surface, in fact, the most beloved man in the world.

Because Hong Jinxi was arrested, it is true that he is humiliated! Being injected with drugs is also true... but Hong Jinxi can’t stop himself, but Lu Jinnan also blames this mistake on himself...

Third more! Ask for a monthly ticket, ah, ah...

(End of this chapter)

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