Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1064: You are my hope!

Chapter 1064 You are my hope!

I am worried, so Lu Jinnan will take care of Hong Jinxi.

Today, he knows that Bai Xiaonian has lost their children, so... is also a matter of heart, so how about yourself? !

Bai Xiaonian's resolution is unclear, and the more he wants, the more painful he is.

Bai Xiaonian turned back to sit on the sofa, took out the woman's cigarette from the bag, shook a slender mint cigarette and bit it in the corner of the lips, pressed the lighter, and the flame swayed behind it... It was Bai Xiaonian's stunning facial features.

She left the lighter on the coffee table. When she was pregnant, she thought about it... For the sake of her child, she could accept Lu Jinnan's care for Hong Jinxi.

However, this care is only enough for money. As long as Lu Jinnan does not have too much involvement with Hong Jintao, Bai Xiaonian is unacceptable.

Now, I haven’t waited for Bai Xiaonian to say this, Lu Jinnan did this, but it’s too late...

The children between them are gone, and Bai Xiaonian no longer wants to be with Lu Jinnan.

There was a warm liquid from the corner of the eye. Bai Xiaonian wiped away the tears with the slender fingers of the cigarette. He ordered some ash, and broke his hair behind his ear. He exhaled a mist and his mood seemed calm. Come down.

Bai Xiaonian went downstairs and she wanted to leave...

She just opened the floor-to-ceiling window leading to the back garden, and the bodyguard greeted her: "Miss White, where are you going?!"

Bai Xiaonian’s eyes smashed toward the bodyguard: “Lu Jinnan told you that I can’t go to the back garden, I can only stay in the house?!”

The honesty baker’s bodyguard said truthfully: “Mr. Lu told us that we can’t let Bai Xiaonian leave the villa.”

"The garden does not belong to the villa range?!" Bai Xiaonian asked.

Just as the bodyguards thought, Bai Xiaonian had already turned back to the house.

Sure enough, Lu Jinnan or Lu Jinnan, will only use strong! Bai Xiaonian's face is colder.


Lu Jinnan drove to Haicheng Affiliated Hospital. Bai Yuyu had already greeted the colleague on duty at the hospital. He asked Lu Jinnan and Bai Yuyu to call Lu Jinnan when he called back. "How do you want to take sleeping pills? You can't help." I have the same problem of insomnia as the old Fu?! Because... talked with Bai Xiaonian?!"

Lu Jinnan held the steering wheel with one hand and did not answer.

Bai Yuyu's brow is tight: "No, you haven't gone to Lao Fu's house. Isn't it an unspeakable thing?!"

Lu Jinnan inexplicably remembered the child he lost with Bai Xiaonian, his throat rolling, and said only: "I hang up first..."

"The sleeping pills are for you, but you don't learn small glass..."

Bai Yuyu refers to the previous cloud glaze to Gu Qingcheng under the sleeping pills, want to take Gu Qingcheng things.

"Bai Xiaonian is not an old Gu. If you give her a sleeping pill, what is the point, to Bai Xiaonian's personality... You don't want to reconcile with Bai Xiaonian in the future, you know, Lao Lu!"

Bai Yuyu is eager to feed Lu Jinnan from the bottom of his heart...

Now he has already obtained the marriage!

Looking at Yun Liuli and Gu Qingcheng, the two people are probably eighty-nine!

The relationship between Tang Yin and Younai was seen at the table on the day of Bai Yuyu. Tang Yan gave Younai a smashed squid and a ball, Younai blushes, but still eats.

There is only one Lu Jinnan left, and there is still a hundred thousand miles between the feeling and Bai Xiaonian... happiness is nowhere in sight.

"I know, you don't have to worry about this!" Lu Jinnan's voice is very indifferent, and he hangs up after talking.

When Lu Jinnan took the sleeping pills from the hospital, he poured warm water downstairs and took the medicine upstairs...

The bedroom door was closed, and there was a strong smell of smoke inside. Lu Jinnan’s brow slightly tightened his cup and came in to see Bai Xiaonian’s hand holding the remote control and bored.

She was thin and slender, like a jade tube, with a woman's cigarette between her slender fingers. He walked over to sit on the coffee table, put the cup down, took the cigarette from Bai Xiaonian and turned it to death. It was already full of cigarette butts. In the ashtray.

He smiled at Bai Xiaonian: "I have come back, just in front of you, you don't have to think about me... don't smoke so much! Come... take medicine!"

Bai Xiaonian saw Lu Jinnan handing the cup to her. She reached out and took it. She saw Lu Jinnan’s diligent take-out of the medicine and handed it to Bai Xiaonian. She put the pill into her mouth and drank it in her mouth: “I don’t usually smoke so much, this is not Now you are stuck here and can’t get out, irritated!”

"And... you misunderstood what I meant to think about you, the things that you want to do, not the one who missed you!" Bai Xiaonian sipped the cup, and the man was lying on the sofa and laughing.

"Yeah!" Lu Jinnan looked at Bai Xiaonian's dagger. "Then I will fight for one day to remind you that I am happy! You took the medicine... Take a good sleep."

"Lu Jinnan, let's not bend around, are you going to force me to live here today?!"

Lu Jinnan hesitated for a moment, seems to be thinking about it, but he finally nodded: "Not forcing you, I hope you live here!"

"But I don't want you to do what you want..." Bai Xiaonian was still so shallow and smiling, especially the heart of Lu Jinnan.

"Then I will try to keep you!" Lu Jinnan held his hands on the sides of Bai Xiaonian's legs, approaching Bai Xiaonian, trying to reach the forehead of Bai Xiaonian.

Bai Xiaonian staggered Lu Jinnan, the little hand with the cigarette just now arrived in front of Lu Jinnan's chest: "How hard, then strong again?!"

"I don't think so, I don't want to do that unless..." Lu Jinnan's throat is rolling, "unless you agree..."

"Then you are dead this heart!" Bai Xiaonian's lips are still the feelingless smile, indifference and alienation.

"There must always be hope for people to live, you are my hope!" Lu Jinnan's low-pitched voice is very sincere.

In the end, Lu Jinnan restrained the idea of ​​wanting to kiss Bai Xiaonian and straightened up. He listened to Bai Xiaonian: "I still need a mobile phone charger. Before you come here, you have 4% of the electricity left."

"You should take a good sleep first, we will go to purchase tomorrow, we will make up for what you lack, okay?!" Lu Jinnan's tone is like a child.

"What should I do if my mobile phone has no power before?! If there is something urgent to contact me at work, or... my dad has an urgent need to contact me, what should I do?!"

"I sent a landline phone call to my dad's mobile phone. Let's put the work first. You look at your dark circles and catch up with the pandas. Take a few days off and go to work!" Lu Jinnan softly persuaded.

Bai Xiaonian does not say anything.

"The sleeping pills work for about 20 minutes. I am going to give you a hot cup of milk?! I see you didn't eat much at dinner. You have only one bone left in the skinny now. Is it good to have a piece of cake?! Sleep well."

Not waiting for Bai Xiaonian to refuse, Lu Jinnan has already gone downstairs...

(End of this chapter)

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