Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1074: Dull

Chapter 1074 is so tasteless

Tang Yan saw Younai frowning, an annoyed look, he reached out and tried to hold the hand of Younai and released it: "It will be better to protect the little scorpion with a snack later. Today, Lu Jinan is there! But... I I feel that Xiaozizi is already very powerful now. Even if Lu Jinnan is not there, Xiaozizi may not suffer in Lu Xiaoli’s hand!"

The car said that it must go to the kindergarten to show off, but let Younai relax the tension.

Yunli Glass has already sent a message to Gu Qingcheng, saying that everything is well, let him not call to increase the tension of everyone, and don’t come to pick her up! Said that she would squat and Lin warm back to Fu Zhai, Lin Wen is in the heart of Gu Qingcheng, and at the end of the Qingcheng City, don't forget to pick her up at night.

Gu Qingcheng saw that the information of Yunlili was not so worried. Gu Qingcheng, the figure of Yunlili, knew that even if one arm was injured now, Gu Qingcheng still believed in Yunlili, and Lu Yili could not hurt her.

On the other hand, Fu Huai'an car, the atmosphere has been very dignified.

Lin Wen warms Fu Huai'an not to think too much, but it is really not Fu Huai'an to think more, just... Fu Huai'an just let Xiao Lu put the group's recalls on the side of Lin Wen, and there is such a thing, in the stalls of the things behind Gu Qingcheng, This matter... let Fu Huai'an feel uneasy.

Arranging Gu Qingcheng, this is a big deal! Not completely without risk.

Fu Huai'an never fears the risks, but he is afraid of the risk of coming to Lin Wen and reunion.

Fu Huai'an firmly held Lin Wen's little hand and drove the car back to Fu Zhai.

Gu Qingcheng knew that Yun Liuli was brought back to Fu Zhai by Fu Huai'an, and also went to Fu Zhai, and they first came to Fu Huai'an.

Yun Liuli did not get off the bus and saw the standing at the door of Fu Zhai... Gu Qingcheng with his hands in his pocket, she held the glass window with her hands and lips, and when the car stopped, she pulled the door and rushed into the arms of Gu Qingcheng.

Gu Qingcheng remembered the injury on the arm of the cloud glass. It was just to step back two steps to hold the shoulder of the cloud glass to avoid hitting her arm: "Slow down!"

"Do you come to pick me up?!" Yun Liuli looked up at Gu Qingcheng. "I didn't get hurt, Lu Jinan was cut, but... I saw Lu Jinnan's blessing in disguise, Xiaobaijie didn't feel bad, and Lu Jinnan reconciled!"

Lin Wen took the round and got out of the car. He listened to Fu Huai'an on the group: "The group is accompanied by mother and sister. Dad and Tang Shushu and Gu Shushu have things to discuss, and my mother and sister will hand it over to you?" !"

Zheng Zheng focused on the head: "I protect my mother... sister!"

Fu Huai'an smashed the head of the group and said to Lin Wendao: "I talked with them about things, and we talked at night..."

"Isn't it because of Lu Lili?!" Lin Wen frowned. "Lu Yuli has killed people, let the law..."

Fu Huai'an smiled at Lin Wen and interrupted her: "It is Gu Qingcheng's business!"

Fu Huai'an mentions that Lin Wen knows what Fu Huai'an is referring to. It is still a tacit understanding between two couples for so long!

Lin Wen knows that Fu Huai'an has probably pulled Gu Qingcheng out of the quagmire...

Lin warmed nodded: "I know! You can't talk slowly, I will prepare people for lunch, if you don't come down, I will send you to you!"

Fu Huai'an reached out and licked Lin Bing's little hand: "It's hard!"

Lin warmed his head.

Fu Huai'an, Gu Qingcheng, or Lu Jinnan or Tang Yan, they are all men of righteousness!

When Fu Huai'an was seriously injured, Gu Qingcheng came forward. Whether it was Fu Huai'an or Lu Jinnan Tang Yan, they were all worried about Gu Qingcheng. The biggest wish was to take Gu Qingcheng out of the quagmire!

Especially Fu Huai'an!

Lin Wen knows that if he can take Gu Qingcheng out and let Gu Qingcheng live a normal life, Fu Huai'an is willing to pay any price.

The round in her arms was already asleep, and Fu Huai'an bent down and fell a kiss on the round face, and went upstairs with Gu Qingcheng Tang.

Looking at Gu Qingcheng's back, Yun Lanli peeled a lollipop into his mouth and went to Lin Wen to ask: "Little warm sister, isn't it... Fu Huai'an wants Gu Qingcheng to retreat from that position?! ”

Lin warms the cloud of smart clouds.

Seeing the accident at the bottom of the forest, the cloud glaze took the lollipop out of the mouth and said: "In the past, there was no woman around Gu Qingcheng. There was no problem of getting married and having children. Fu Huai'an wanted Gu Qingcheng to live a normal life. Don't say that Gu Qingcheng still has me!"

Cloud glaze knows more about Gu Qingcheng Fu Huai'an than Lin Wen.

Because in the past, Gu Qingcheng never succumbed to what he did, and she was in the vicinity of Gu Qingcheng for many years, even if Gu Qingcheng deliberately defended, Yun Liuli still saw a lot of things they operated!

Yun Liuli also saw the wounded Gu Gucheng was injured after being killed.

Even the cloud glaze itself... because it was once Gu Qingcheng’s “nurturing daughter” was kidnapped countless times!

If it wasn't for later, Gu Qingcheng taught Yun Lanshi to protect his own skills, and sent people to protect the cloud glaze, cloud glaze is estimated to be a small life.

"But the little warm sister, this is not so easy..." Cloud glazed with a lollipop and slowly opened. "I know that Gu Qingcheng said that he would not have children with me, to prevent... misfortunes and grandchildren! But... ...The name Gu Qingcheng in these years, this face, many people have remembered, whether it is out of jealousy or hatred, if he is not in that position, I am afraid it will be the most terrible beginning!"

Although the cloud glaze is a little girl, but the brain is very clear, especially in the past few years with Gu Qingcheng, I have seen so many people who have wanted to be quiet and stunned, and the cloud glaze is about taking Gu Qingcheng out of the quagmire. Things, telling the truth... very optimistic.

If you let the cloud glaze, she would rather sit in that position than Gu Qingcheng, and be strong enough that others will not dare to swear until they are about to die, pick out their own heirs!

At that time, even if it was dangerous...

Yun Liuli thought of it here, licking the action of the lollipop, thinking of something!

She has a hunch that Gu Qingcheng will definitely agree to find a way to retreat from that position!

Because, once Gu Qingcheng decides to be with the cloud, he will definitely consider more for the cloud.

If it is really like cloud glaze, Gu Qingcheng has been sitting in that position and picking the heirs before the end of his life. At that time, if there is danger... Anyway, Gu Qingcheng’s life is about to come to an end!

However, the cloud is still young!

The reason why Gu Qingcheng has been reluctant to stay with Yunli Glass before is not afraid to bring this danger to the cloud glaze? !

Cloud glass suddenly felt that the lollipop in the mouth became boring!

(End of this chapter)

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