Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1075: Brother, how come you? !

Chapter 1075, brother, how come you? !

Gu Qingcheng is worried about the cloud, and the cloud is naturally worried about Gu Qingcheng...

The reason why Gu Qingcheng is so strong is that he has never retired from sitting in that position, and he has never been able to provoke anything!

However, if others know that Gu Qingcheng has the meaning of retreating, those who hate Gu Qingcheng want to kill Gu Qingcheng... Can they not sharpen their swords? !

Lin Wen smiled at Yun Liuli and did not intend to continue this topic with Yun Liuli. She said: "The round is asleep. I will send the child upstairs. You and Nana are sitting downstairs for a while, think about lunch. What to eat!"

Clouds and glass are not in a nod.

Lin warm put the round into the small cradle, the group and the small candy two small noisy squatting beside the cradle, the small candy pressed down the voice to Lin Wendao: "Mothers of the group... assured to give us the round!"

The group saw the younger brows seem to wrinkle together, tilted a chubby hand on the lips to make a "squeaky" gesture, and then warmed the forest with a lighter voice: "The group protects the circle!"

Lin warmed and smiled and licked the two children's small heads, closed the door and went downstairs. I didn't expect to encounter the ink on the stairs when I went downstairs.

"Brother, how come you?!" Lin warmed his face.

岑 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥 攥

I don’t blame, I know that the video of Lu Lili’s slashing Lin Wen’s video has been rumored on the Internet.

It is also because Fu Huai'an did not deliberately press it. The dialect also felt that this video had no harm to Lin Wen. Instead, it could improve the exposure rate, so it went with it.

Lin warmed his head: "I am fine!"

Lu Yili did not get close to Lin Wen’s body and was kicked off by Lu Jinnan. It was Lu Jinnan’s warmth, and almost fell into the round of Lin’s warm arms, which made Lin warm to the present.

"Is both children still okay?!" 岑墨 asked.

"Fortunately, the round is still small, I don't know anything about it. The group is probably because there are Tang Xiao's daughter's little candy, and the little girl feels very excited, so the group has not been scared!"

This is the first time: "Song Hao is coming, downstairs! I will go to Fu Huai'an study first..."

"Brother, this thing... I can't blame Huai'an!" Lin Wen was afraid that the ink was going upstairs to find Fu Huai'an trouble, and reached out and grabbed the ink arm.

岑墨 raised his hand and took a picture of Lin Lin’s white hand: “I know, I am not right or wrong, your phone can’t get through, so I want to come and see it, I’m on the way.” I’m on Fu Huai’an’s phone and said that I want to ask for help, just that I am coming over... just say it over!”

Please help me? ! Helping Gu Qingcheng's things? !

Lin warmed his nod to loosen the ink, and could not help but ask: "Wai'an and you said what is it?!"

"Probably said..." 岑墨 can see Lin Wen’s worry, “You can rest assured! Can help me!”

After thanking the ink, Lin warmed downstairs...

Song Yuzheng listened to Yun Liuli, saying that the brows in the playground today are crumpled, see Lin warm downstairs, said: "This woman is too embarrassed, actually poisoned his own family!"

Lin Wen had seen Lu Yuli’s stepfather’s appearance of Lu Lili...

Lu Yuli's stepfather can say that if Lu Yanli is to be sold to the clear waters, it is safe to know that Lu's stepfather is not a good thing!

There is also Lu's mother, Lin Wen also listened to Lu Jinnan, Lu Yuli's mother once wanted to jump from the Kaide Group's building and threatened Fu Huai'an to see Lu Lili, in order to hope that Lu Yili was on Fu Huai'an, and thus changed Become her cash cow!

Later, I knew that Fu Huai'an didn't like Lu Lili. Lu's mother didn't want to face her face. She said that Fu Huai'an had slept her daughter for so many years and hoped to pay compensation.

Lin warms the road: "Lu Lili is also a cause!"

In short, poor people must have hateful things.

Song Lan took Lin Wen on the sofa and lowered his voice and said: "Small glass said, Lu Jinnan may be blessed in this time?!"

"I don't think it's too good to say..." Lin Wen always felt that Bai Xiaonian had something hidden in his heart, but this should be the reason why Bai Xiaonian had not accepted Lu Jinnan.

"What to eat at noon?! I will arrange..." Lin warmed the topic.


In the study, a cigarette was spotted by a frown.

What Fu Huaian said, Zhai Mo actually has some heartbeat...

After marrying Song Song and then giving birth to their children, Zhai Mo did want to live a quiet life.

In the past, I have never understood the big shackles that have stood at the peak of power. Why do I always want to retreat? Now I have a wife and children to understand!


How many of these people have hospice? !

Even Fu Huai'an, who now has a quiet life, is because he has not exposed his identity, and Gu Qingcheng stood in front of him, so he barely had a peaceful life.

After thinking for a long while, 岑 拉 拉 烟 烟 烟 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点

Fu Huai'an leaned on the desk, and the sturdy and sturdy Huanren looked in the direction of Yanmo.

Fu Huai'an today called Qi Mo, but he wanted to design an illusion that Gu Qingcheng and Yan Mo were fighting for each other, leading to the death of both Gu Qingcheng and Yan Mo.

I uttered a long smog: "You are right. The people under my command are the deadly people. The original Moroccans are not created by me. I have abandoned those people and Song and children. Peaceful life... This is very attractive! But Fu Huai'an... You can live a quiet life like Xiao Wen now, because you don't know Gu Qingcheng in front of you?!"

Gu Qingcheng is also staring at the ink.

"If Gu Qingcheng is dead, the most fearful sword in your hands will disappear. Even I will be 'dead'. In case I meet the kind of hateful morality, I want to find out Mr. Morality. Then, what about people who are fast?!” 岑墨 raised his head and Fu Huai’an looked at each other.

Fu Huai'an still didn't say anything, just listened to him and said: "Fu Huai, you and I don't care, but I don't want my sister... and my sister's children, and you have a life that is precarious!"

"I have arrangements for our lives." Fu Huai'an replied.

After shaking his head and taking a deep cigarette, he pressed the cigarette **** and the twilight was firmer than ever: "There is no peace in your organization! You want a calm life! I want to let me play the show... ”

Third, the children are asking for a monthly ticket, and six hundred monthly tickets plus more! Already very close! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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