Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1076: It’s also a bad day.

Chapter 1076 is also against the sky.

岑墨正色: "Your organization... hand it to me! Since then, your calm life, I will guarantee!"

In the study, in addition to the diffuse smog of light smoke and white mist, quiet needles can be heard.

"Although this is not used to describe people like us, but... your so-called years are quiet, there must always be people who are carrying heavy weight for you!" 岑 ink sits on a single sofa, with one hand on the armrest Above, "Come me, come on!"

Yan Mo is not for Fu Huai'an, but for her sister Lin Wen who is hard to find.

Fu Huai'an group in their hands is indeed attractive enough for Yan Mo!

Therefore, in order to keep Lin warm, Yan Mo is more willing to regard this as a transaction.

He is not Fu Huai'an and Gu Qingcheng. They want the years to be quiet... Although the ink is yearning for, but can't afford it!

Zhai Mo has always been single, not to mention that he never put himself on the safety of Song Yu and his children’s safety in his hands.

The stronger he is, the more people will not touch his people!

Yan Mo and Fu Huai'an and Gu Qingcheng are different things they believe in.

If you can put Fu Huai'an in their hands, it will undoubtedly make him a step forward.

"But, after Gu Qingcheng's suspended animation, I took the sword in your hand for personal use, and it became more real..." Yan Mowang looked to Fu Huai'an, "I am Lin Wen's brother, at least I will not harm you!"

This is a good word, and I am very concerned about the family relationship between him and Lin Wen. Since this is the case, I will not touch Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an.

Gu Qingcheng looked at Fu Huai'an: "Mr. Qi's business involves a range, but it is much wider than us..."

The meaning of Gu Qingcheng is that the ink is also stained by those Fu Huai'an business that is strictly prohibited from being contaminated. They are not the same kind of people. The experience of growing up from a young age has led to the fact that there is almost no lower limit for this person!

For him, as long as he makes money, he will stick, no matter what.

Before he did not recognize Lin Wen, he and Li Muyang conspired to help Li Muyang to rob Lin Wen at the wedding... Not to want to get involved in the arms business.

And Fu Huai'an and Gu Qingcheng mainly do the arms business!

岑 ink did not move to the cup in front of the drink, and waited for Fu Huai'an's answer.

In fact, the mind is very clear, Fu Huai'an, they want to be suspended, it is easy to withdraw, but how to deal with a large organization is the most important issue!

It is better to hand it over to the hands of others when it is handed over to the hands of others!

"If Gu Qingcheng wants to retire, the way your organization handles it... you should be hard to decide?!" 岑墨 put down the teacup in his hand, not looking down at Fu Huai'an, "even if it is dissolved, if it is a deliberate person It’s also a big problem to recruit. It’s not people, weapons, very sharp weapons. They are used to drinking blood. Even if you give them freedom, they will never get used to ordinary people. Life! If this is the case... let me make the best use of it."

"This is your requirement to cooperate with Gu Qingcheng?!" Fu Huai'an calmly asked.

The ink lips are hooked at the corners of the lips: "This is more realistic..."

In fact, Yan Mo did not intend to make the best use of Fu Huai'an characters!

If he is allowed to arrange, he will probably arrange a large part to protect Lin Wen. After all, Fu Huai'an “Mr. Morality” is like a mine buried deep in the ground, watching security, but who knows when? The explosion killed Lin Wen and two children.

"I have arrangements for these people..." Fu Huai'an opened his mouth.

In fact, Fu Huai'an arranged a small group of very trustworthy groups. The Mutaotao group, which was next to Lin Wen, is still around Lin Wen, and the task is to protect Lin Wen.

Also beside the cloud glaze, Bai Xiaonian, although Yunnai’s skill may not be needed, Fu Huai’an still arranged...

The rest of the people, Fu Huai'an intends to perform tasks in the name of the task, to arrange them in all corners of the world, let them perform hidden tasks, no matter what happens to remain silent, waiting for the day of the start.

But this is also risky. Once the news of Gu Qingcheng’s death spreads out, it is difficult to guarantee that no one will defect.

Most of the methods that others control their own killers are implanted with drugs or subcutaneous injections, small and sophisticated equipment, and toxins that are lethal.

But Fu Huai'an has never done this before, and their team has never had a traitor!

But who can guarantee it in the future? !

"But..." Fu Huai'an opened his mouth. "You can leave six groups for you. These six teams are responsible for protecting your safety, but not for your business."

"Since it is reserved for me, is it natural for me to arrange it?!" Yan Mo smiled and looked at Fu Huai'an. "More... I am not a person who keeps promises, even if I promise you now, the next six groups. To my hand, I want to use it or I have the final say, because you are a warm husband, so I will tell you the truth! In addition... I want ten groups!"

In the case of Li Muyang, Zhai Mo saw the power of Fu Huai'an group. There was only one big group... It was safe and unintentional to take Lin warm and control Li Muyang. What a terrible power.

That is, at that time, Zhai Mo began to face up to the group of traditional Uighurs who had taken over from his predecessor, and Fu Huai'an personally cultivated the awareness of the new power of the rise.

Mainly, it is a good place to take over the hand, which has both advantages and disadvantages!

The advantage is that it has been shaped to scale, the downside is that there is no way to adapt according to the intention of the ink... because its big framework has been set.

"Mr. Yu is really a big lion!" Tang Yan is still the look of the smiling face and talking to him. "Ten groups, to the hands of people like Mr. Yu, who are in the hands of the means, are afraid of going against the sky!"

Although Tang Yan’s words are exaggerated, they are also facts. They are always the means to achieve their goals. This is an unscrupulous means. There is no limit to the limit. It can be said that there is no lower limit to the imagination that can surpass metamorphosis.

This is probably related to the childhood experience of 岑墨!

岑 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇No... Fu Huai'an?!"

"Good!" Fu Huai'an was in the wrong eyes of Tang Yin.

Tang Yan frowned and wanted to talk to Fu Huai'an, but did not speak.

(End of this chapter)

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