Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1082: You are learning what God is afraid of!

Chapter 1082 You are learning what God is afraid of!

support! Must be raised!

Do you own your own lover? !

Go back to the cloud of the dormitory, take out your own notebook, lick your fingers and calculate the price of the items used in Gu Qingcheng, and what clothes are...

After the calculation, the cloud glass is broken!

Even if she graduated to work, with a fledgling college student, she got 6,000 pieces a month, and she has already bought a pair of shoes for her lover!

too terrifying! ! !

Just follow Gu Qingcheng for three years, and after three years she graduated... What should she support her lover!

So, in the small head of Yunlili, it was filled with new troubles. How to make money? !

Yes, she wants to get up and become a wealthy rich woman before Gu Qingcheng returns, so that she can raise her own lover!

Guan Nina, who got up and got up, saw the cloud glazed on the desk and counted it. "How come you come back?!"

"Well!" Cloud 琉 心 心 心 心 合 合 合 合 合 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"You are learning what God is afraid of!" Ye Yingying rolled over, revealing a small head from the quilt, and said asleep.

"Yeah..." Du shadow sat up, licked his long hair, tied a loose ponytail, and chuckled. "Everyone is worshipping your photos these days, saying that God is blessing." ... don't mention how funny!"

"And the second child of the old age, said that you have not come to class for a while, and vowed to take you to the top of the throne!" Guan Nina sat next to the cloud glazed, filled with indignation.

"The first throne is what he can!" Yun Lanjia packed up the book and took his own mug. "I am leaving!"

"Hey! You wait for me!"

Guan Nina, who is also wearing a pony pajamas, screams, but the cloud glaze has already left the door.

Clouds and glass come to the classroom early, there are really few people in this classroom...

As soon as the cloud glaze entered the classroom door, he saw a figure sitting in the corner wearing a black sweater.

"Zhou Yuchen!" Yun Lan glass called a sentence, naturally went in the direction of Zhou Yuchen.

Zhou Yuchen heard the voice of the cloud glaze, the body was first stiff, then grabbed his own books and schoolbags, and went out without looking back.

"Hey! Zhou Yuchen!" Yun Liuli shouted again, but Zhou Yuchen's figure has disappeared into the sight of the cloud.

Yun Liu put down the book and the cup sitting next to Zhou Yuchen, whispering: "I see you are a ghost, run so fast?!"

After the cloud glaze sat down, one hand held the shackles and made a big profit.

Guan Nina rushed to the classroom after washing, and sat down with the cloud glass, and hit the arm of the cloud with his elbow: "What do you remember on your small book?!"

"I want to make money, so I am thinking about what is going to be fast..."

"Why do you want to make money?!" Guan Nina does not understand.

"Now..." Clouds glared to the mouth and changed his mouth. "Do you have anything to say to me?!"

Looking at Guan Nina's face, "I have something to say", Yun Liuli asked.

"If you have time to care about Zhou Yuchen!" Guan Nina said that when she said this, her eyes were red.

Clouds and frowns frown, thinking about Zhou Yuchen’s sudden hearing of his voice this morning: “What happened to Zhou Yuchen?!”

"Xiao Yuan was discharged from the hospital..." Guan Nina said.

What Xiao meant to leave the hospital means that it is necessary to start looking for Zhou Yuchen.

"Zhou Yuchen last time arrested Xiao Yuan to fight, and Xiao Yuan did not come out this time. He was looking for a social gangster. He went directly to harass Zhou Yuchen’s nanny family. Zhou Yuchen’s nanny was married... she The stepchild and stepdaughter were harassed, and they took Zhou Yuchen’s former nanny’s child, and Xiao Yuan’s people to come to Zhou Yuchen!”

Guan Nina said a blushing blush: "Either Zhou Yuchen beaten, or the babysitter's children were beaten, the child was only four years old... Zhou Yuchen couldn't see the child beaten, so... beat him!"

Clouds frown.

"Xiao Yuan gives those people money, so that one day, three times, Zhou Yuchen, Zhou Yuchen, as long as he resists, hit the four-year-old child! Zhou Yuchen rebelled once, and the afternoon of the same day... the babysitter took the child back from the kindergarten, the bicycle Was hit, the child fell and broke his blood..."

"Xiao Yuan?!" Yun Liuli asked, her heart could not help but anger.

For a four-year-old child, Yunli really underestimated the despicable degree of Xiao Yuan.

"Xiao Yuan is still at home, and people have not come to school!" Guan Nina bit her teeth. "I and Zhong Qingyi went to Xiao Yuan's house and let Xiao Yuan close the hand... Xiao Yuan took the vase and said let me And Zhong Qingyi took care of his affairs. He and Zhou Yuchen’s Liang Zi’s past life... This is not his death, Zhou Yuchen’s death, unless Zhou Yuchen dropped out of school, what do you say about it?! But I don’t want Zhou Yuchen to drop out... although Zhou Yuchen is against me. Love doesn't care, but I still like it!"

"It’s not that he died if Zhou Yuchen died, then let him die!" The cloud glaze sounds calm like water.

Guan Nina is inexplicable because of the cloud glazed, the back of her back is cold. She restrains the feeling of hairiness and continues to sway to the cloud: "Glass, or you can talk to Zhou Yuchen! Transfer it! Don't be killed at this school. of!"

Cloud glass nodded: "I know!"

Thinking of Zhou Yuchen just now, Yunlili felt that Zhou Yuchen was beaten again, so he left? !

Guan Nina licked the sleeves of the 琉云琉: "Or else, are we going to Zhou Yuchen now?! We are squatting at the school gate, let him not come to school today, save it and be beaten! I just got on When I was in the building, I saw Zhou Xiaochen, who was playing Zhou Yuchen in the usual time, waiting for Zhou Yuchen downstairs!"

Yun Liuli thought that Zhou Yuchen had just left, and her brows tightened her small notebook and got up: "Go!"

When Guan Nina and Yun Liuli went downstairs, they didn’t see those small gangsters who were waiting for Zhou Yuchen downstairs. Guan Nina’s scalp was tight: “It’s not going to catch Zhou Yuchen!”

The cloud glaze looked around and went directly to the remote garbage station behind the teaching building.

Sure enough, just a few people around the garbage station are shouting at Zhou Yuchen: "Hey... Didn't you hear that you can play?! Why don't you do it?! It's really the heart of the Virgin... for an irrelevant four. The old child is beaten here! It is really touching!"

"Yeah, I don't want to beat you! But it's hard to get rid of people's money, you can rest assured... As long as you drop out of school, we are definitely not difficult for you!"

"Yeah, you have retired, we have to explain, we are all good!"

Plus more to offer ... and then three hundred votes monthly ticket to continue to add more baby!

(End of this chapter)

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