Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1083: The heart is soft and sometimes it is weak!

Chapter 1083 is soft and sometimes it is weak!

Yun Liuli is looking at a pair of beautiful eyes. I don’t know what I am looking for. Guan Nina’s heart has mentioned the eyes of the blind man. She reached out and licked the sleeves of the 琉云琉, and lowered her voice: “What are you doing! They all have to Playing Zhou Yuchen!"

"Looking for bricks!"

After that, the cloud glaze really found a brick. She stuffed her book and cup to Guan Nina. When she picked up the brick, she greeted the person with a brick.

Guan Nina looked stunned and almost screamed. She saw that the boy who had been smashed by the glazed bricks had moved a few steps to stabilize his figure and raised his hand to touch his head...

Really red blood.

Zhou Yuchen, who had a wound on his face, was there, looking at the bricks on the bricks of his hand, and the heart was about to jump out of his chest.

"The trough..."

The boy just shouted a trough, and the cloud glaze was on a brick, and the bricks were shot in half.

"Zhou Yuchen, I have taught you to make these people afraid, catch one... fight in the dead!"

Seeing that a girl like a fairy is so embarrassed, several other people have stepped back a few steps. You see me, I don’t know what it is.

However, Zhou Yuchen first grabbed the fist of the cloud and the glass, and the chest was undulating and violent. The complexion of the color was complicated but it was difficult to cover up: "My business, don't take care of you!"

When Guan Nina heard this, she couldn’t help but ran to the side of Yunlili: "How do you talk about Zhou Yuchen, and the glass is also to help you!"

"You don't have to help!" Zhou Yuchen shuddered and opened the hand of the cloud glaze. "Go! Roll!"

"Which is easy to go?! Don't have to pay a price for someone?!" The man who was beaten gnashed his teeth.

Clouds and glass twitched Zhou Yuchen’s arm and dragged him behind him, cold with a face...

Cloud glass suddenly saw the social mix on the opposite side changed his face.

"Miss Liuli..."

Looking back, is the assistant of Gu Qingcheng, followed by bodyguards.

Several social gangsters were scared away. Guan Nina took Zhou Yuchen to care for the wounds. Yun Liuli and Gu Qingcheng’s assistants sat in the roadside cars.

The assistant handed a file bag to Yun Liuli: "Mr. Gu has arranged for two groups of people to protect you in secret, and your living expenses and all expenses can be taken from Mrs. Fu!"

"What is this?!" Cloud glass asked with a file bag.

"This is some private property under the name of Mr. Gu, including Yunding Apartment, you must go to Miss Liuli! Your name has been signed!" Assistant explained.

The original assistant also thought that Gu Qingcheng had to transfer most of the name and even all the property to the name of Yunlili. I didn’t expect it to be just a little bit at the end, and it’s not a big deal!

Gu Qingcheng has Gu Qingcheng's own concerns, and the transfer of property is too obvious... The plan for suspended animation will be loopholes.

So for safety reasons, he can only give the cloud a little bit.

Cloud glass **** the nose: "What about others?!"

"Mr. Gu is busy..."

What is the difference between this answer and no answer? !

Clouds and glass do not scream, you know that today from the beginning of the elevator ... they will see it after a few years.

Cloud glass smashed the paper bag in his hand and pushed the car door off...

Not far from the pharmacy's door, Guan Nina was holding a disinfectant and a cotton ball with disinfectant water in her hand. Zhou Yuchen was sitting on the stool at the door of the pharmacy. She didn't look at the car where the cloud glaze was.

Seeing the cloud glaze off the car, Zhou Yuchen's tight fists slowly loosened.

"Miss Liu Li!" The assistant followed off the car. He looked at the cloud and glazed for a long time. "You take care!"

"Please... please take care of him! Please!" Cloud glazed throat whimpered.

The little assistant nodded and then pulled the door and got on the bus.

Watching the small assistant drive away, Yun Liuli walked in the direction of Zhou Yuchen and Guan Nina. Seeing Guan Nina’s hand rubbing the red water into her eyes, Yun Liuli stuffed the portfolio into Guan Nina’s arms and took it. After sterilizing the cotton ball, it will poke to the wound at the corner of Zhou Yuchen...


Zhou Yuchen took a sip of coolness, but he did not hold back.

After the cloud glaze cleaned the wound from Zhou Yuchen, he handed the ice bag to him and asked him to apply the wound: "You know the nanny who used to take care of you... Is her child tired of you?!"

Zhou Yuchen tightened his hand in the ice bag and nodded.

"Do you know that I and Guan Nina are almost tired of being hurt today?!"

Zhou Yuchen looked up at Yunluli with incomprehensibility, but when she touched her clear scorpion, she hanged down: "I let you go! You..."

"You shouldn't let us go! You should pretend not to care..." Yun Liuli once learned something in Gu Qingcheng, she now handed it to Zhou Yuchen, "One person will threaten you with another thing, because They caught your weakness! But if you don't care... that's not your weakness, they won't threaten you with this, because it doesn't make sense to waste time! Do you understand what I said?!"

Zhou Yuchen hangs his throat and his eyebrows are wrinkled.

"If at the beginning, Xiao Yuan people brought the child to look for you, you still have a life to catch a person to fight in the dead, do you think they will bring this child next time?! No use for them What is this spirit?! It is your weakness... Tell them, right, this child is the soft underbelly of your Zhou Yuchen!"

"So they will take the child to threaten you again and again! And you just... excited to let us roll, just tell them... I am your friend with Guan Nina, we are your weakness!"

Guan Nina: "..."

Just Zhou Yuchen has let her roll together? !

Zhou Yuchen only glared at the ice bag.

"I didn't see that you are quite soft?!" Yun Liuli deliberately took the words of Zhou Yuchen. "The heart is soft and sometimes it is weak!"

"I thought that when I went abroad, I would lose my temper and not be hospitalized?!" Yun Shuli said with a heavy heart. "Zhou Yuchen, the world is full of chanting. Have you heard of this sentence?! We are at school, I help you... treat you as a friend." After we left school, I have my life and my way to go. What do you do?!"

"Glass..." Guan Nina whispered a cloud of glare and pulled her arm to let her say less.

"I may not be able to listen to this, but Zhou Yuchen... I am a tyrant, you are learning slag! After going out of school, our life is two ways, maybe there is no intersection except class reunion, even... I am not What kind of classmates will be going to party! Do you want to continue to blame yourself?!"

The words of the cloud glaze are like a knife, inserted in the heart of Zhou Yuchen.

In the past, Yun Liuli’s words to Zhou Yuchen were too mild.

Hey... spoiler, Zhou Yuchen will be black...

(End of this chapter)

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