Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1084: Prove it to me!

Chapter 1084 proves to me!

Out of distress and pity, it is because I saw Zhou Yuchen as if I had seen myself, so I was a little bit softer. I wanted to give the warmth that I once gave to Gu Qingcheng to Zhou Yuchen. !

However, at that time, I still knew that I was studying hard, but Zhou Yuchen completely gave up.

"I am not learning scum..." Zhou Yuchen whispered.

"The exam will not be embarrassed, if you have the ability to catch up with me, I will admit that you are not learning slag, otherwise you are a scum in my eyes!" Yun Liuli took the medicine in Guan Nina's hand and stuffed it into Zhou Yuchen's arms. "Go back to class." !"

"In case, those gangsters are also!" Guan Nina was busy.

"Afraid of what they do?! Eat people?!" Clouds and glasses pulled Zhou Yuchen's wrist to pick people up, and to Guan Nina, "Go! Class!"

Guan Nina sprinted behind the clouds and glazed with Zhou Yuchen going to school, and her heart was still uneasy.

When the three returned to the classroom, it was a coincidence that Xiao Yuan returned to school today.

Xiao Yuan, who is joking with a friend, turned back and saw the cloud glazed with Zhou Yuchen in the classroom, his brows tight.

"Cloud glaze is coming to school too!"

"Yeah, it seems to be hurt..."

"You are not stupid, please ask for sick leave before the cloud!"

The classmates in the classroom whispered.

Guan Nina sat next to the cloud glaze, opened the book, pretended not to see the eyes of those classmates, and could not hear their voices.

When I was still not in class, Guan Nina remembered the topic that had not been finished this morning with Yun Liuli: "Glass... Why do you want to make money?! I don't think you look like you are short of money?!"

Yun Liuli is not willing to say anything about raising Qingcheng, and he said: "Repay debts!"

There is nothing wrong with this. In these years, Yunli Glass has always been raised by Gu Qingcheng. In the future, she wants to take care of Qingcheng... This should be regarded as a debt.

"Do you owe a lot of money?!" Guan Nina asked again.

Yun Lanli thought about Gu Qingcheng’s daily expenses and nodded: “Giant money!”

Guan Nina took a sigh of relief: "I can sponsor you 20,000... my private money! If I need to wait for my parents to send me pocket money, I will give it to you!"

The bottom of the cloud was slightly touched. She smiled at Guan Nina's lips and said, "I still have a glass of water, or forget it!"

Besides, Yun Liuli still has time to make money! Not in a hurry...

Zhou Yuchen looked sideways at the side of the cloud, really... is it lacking money? !

Zhou Yuchen opened the book, and the hand holding the pen trembled slightly because of the pain.

He recalled the words that Yun Liuli said just now. He felt that he was always helping him with his own glory, and he was still tempering.

He suddenly licked the sleeves of the 琉云琉, and whispered, "I am really not learning slag!"

Yun Liuli looked at Zhou Yuchen sideways, and his different colors were sincere.

"I will take the test soon, and prove it to me!" Yun Liuli's tone of speech is very calm.

Zhou Yuchen looked at the focus of Yunli Glass Zheng: "Good!"

After school that day, Zhou Yuchen returned home and thought of the lack of money in the cloud. He suddenly walked into the kitchen and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from the trash can. After the expansion... it was written telephone number.

This is Zhou Yuchen's biological father... It is also the phone number left by Xiao Yuan's biological father to Zhou Yuchen!

Anyway, Zhou Yuchen is his son!

Therefore, Xiao Yuan’s father couldn’t help but look for Zhou Yuchen after hearing about Xiao Yuan’s and Zhou Yuchen’s frontal bars. He saw Zhou Yuchen’s life and left a string of numbers for Zhou Yuchen. He said this to Zhou Yuchen. ......

"Xiao Yuan is very smart, but he doesn't have to be serious in his affairs! Xiao family must be Xiao Yuan's succession... Before that, if you can promise to cooperate with me to stimulate Xiao Yuan, let him use his mind in serious things. On, I can give you 10% of the shares, you think about this is my phone, think about giving me a call..."

Zhou Yuchen is smart, so I understand what Xiao Xiao’s father Xiao Qinghai said.

Zhou Yuchen was in the face of Xiao Qinghai. As a result, he did not look at the paper strips and was thrown into the trash can.

Xiao Qinghai said: "Xie's 10% of the shares may be more than the legacy your mother left for you! And... I have to support you, Xiao Yuan is not so bad to bully you! You think about it!"

When Xiao Qinghai and Zhou Yuchen spoke, there was no such kind of loving feelings, as if they were only talking about business with an insignificant person.

Zhou Yuchen knows why Xiao Qinghai is looking for him, except that he is Xiao Yuan’s half-brother, but also because... Xiao Yuan has looked down on Zhou Yuchen from the bottom of his heart.

Xiao Yuan’s strong heart is strong, and it is definitely not happy for people like Zhou Yuchen to be on the top of his head.

Zhou Yuchen stared at the phone number and stood in front of the window. The twilight made him look as beautiful as the half-court of the gods.

Since this is Xiao Qinghai’s decision, I hope that in the end, Xiao Yuan will really have the fighting spirit to defeat him, instead of his garbage that Xiao Yuan looked down on, and Xiao Yuan stepped into the mud.

Zhou Yuchen re-smashed the note and dialed the phone number.

When the phone was connected, Zhou Yuchen said: "What you said, I promised! You let Xiao Yuan be far away from the people around me, especially my former babysitter and her children, otherwise... we will terminate cooperation. !"


Early the next morning, when Guan Nina waited for Zhou Yuchen at the school gate, she saw Zhou Yuchen coming down from a luxury car. What surprised Guan Nina was that...the same luxury car was still down. Xiao Yuan.

Compared with Zhou Yuchen's face that hurts but does not affect the handsome face, Xiao Yuan's face can be stinky!

Zhou Yuchen was taken back to Xiaojia last night!

Although Xiao's grandmother couldn't accept Zhou Yuchen's different eyes, she remembered her son saying that... Zhou Yuchen could be used to stimulate Xiao Yuan to use his intelligence in serious matters. Xiao Jia’s grandmother not only endured, but also Xiao Yuan’s shocked and strange eyes. In the middle of Zhou Yuchen and Yan Yue color.

At the dining table, Xiao Qinghai officially informed Xiao Yuan... From today, Zhou Yuchen is a member of the Xiao family, and Xiao Qinghai decides the next heir to Xiao’s family based on their academic performance and the score given to the Xiao’s internship. !

Xiao Yuan, the unique heir to the original nails, felt anger. He almost smashed the table. The anger pointed to Zhou Yuchen and asked Xiao Qinghai: "Where a garbage competes with him!"

Xiao Qinghai said: "If jade dust is a junk in your heart, then... If you even compete with the garbage, you can see that you don't even have the garbage. How can I hand Xiao Xiao to a person who is not as good as garbage?!"

(End of this chapter)

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