Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1085: Lin warmed up and saw the cloud glaze

Chapter 1085, Lin Wen looked up and saw the cloud glaze

In a word, Xiao Xiao is speechless.

Not only that, Xiao Qinghai also warned Xiao Yuan not to look for people in the society to harass people around Zhou Yuchen, otherwise he would stop all his pocket money, in addition to this... Xiao Qinghai also said that he would deduct Xiao Yuan Half of the pocket money is used as a punishment for bullying brothers!

And the most important thing is Zhou Yuchen's pocket money, which is three times that of Xiao Yuan! Xiao Jia’s grandmother felt that Zhou Yuchen had suffered outside in the past few years and also compensated Zhou Yuchen for a card! It is said that every year Xiaoyuan birthday, she will give a red envelope, this card is the red envelope that she did not give to Zhou Yuchen’s birthday these years!

When Guan Nina was still in the shock of Xiao Yuan and Zhou Yuchen coming down from the same car, she saw Zhou Yuchen revealing a smile to her.

Suddenly, Guan Nina’s heart must jump out of her chest.

Like a girl comic, the handsome prince saw her in the crowds...

"Wait for me?! Let's go!" Zhou Yuchen said.

"How come you come with... and Xiao Yuan?!" Guan Nina and Zhou Yuchen walked side by side into the school and lowered their voices.

"Yeah!" Zhou Yuchen only said one word.

Guan Nina also did not continue to ask questions. She only said in Zhou Yuchen’s ear that she was finished class today, she will take the test tomorrow, and she is not prepared enough.

Far away, Zhou Yuchen saw the cloud glazed carrying his shoulder bag, frowning and looking forward, and the corner of his lips screamed: "Rose!"

Cloud glazed his head and still thinking about his own money making plan, for this night last night did not sleep.

"Glass!" Zhou Yuchen shouted again and ran towards the direction of the cloud.

Guan Nina chased two steps behind Zhou Yuchen, but suddenly slowed down her own pace...

She has some doubts, today's Zhou Yuchen...somewhat different, very different!

Not only did he and Xiao Yuan come down from the same luxury car, but also because Zhou Yuchen... actually called the name of Yunlili, like a normal student!

Guan Nina looked at Zhou Yuchen and caught up with the cloud glaze. Two people stood under the big tree, and the morning sun penetrated the big branches, like a golden ribbon mottled to the ground.

She groaned, suddenly felt that Zhou Yuchen and Yunlili match well!

Perhaps, only the beautiful and amazing girl of the cloud glaze can deserve the people who look so good last week!

Zhou Yuchen took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it to the cloud.

"What is this?!" asked Yunxiaoli.

"You don't need money?! There is... I don't know how much, but there must be a lot. If you don't have enough money, you and me!"

The cloud glaze still carries the shoulder bag with both hands, and looks at Zhou Yuchen with a sigh of relief: "Where are you coming from?!"

Obviously... even the hospitalized money is paid by the cloud.

"Xiao Qinghai... Pick me up to the Zhou family!" Zhou Yuchen opened, so it was easy.

The cloud glaze is like a glassy scorpion staring at him: "And then?!"

"Give you money..." Zhou Yuchen said.

How can cloud glaze use other people's money to raise her lover? ! What a joke!

However, the lips of the cloud glass still have a smile: "I want to make money myself! Zhou Yuchen... I like to rely on myself!"

Zhou Yuchen has a slight glimpse, the sun... The girl’s lips are licking the shallow pear nest, clean and beautiful, and the beauty is suffocating.

"Go! Class!" Cloud glaze against Zhou Yuchen.

Yu Guang noticed that he was standing in a daze, Guan Nina, and Yun Liuli beckoned to Guan Nina: "When you left, what do you want to stay!"

Guan Nina sullenly screamed and ran away. That moment, Guan Nina had managed her own expression. As always, she didn’t have the heart and laughed and took the arm of the cloud glazed: "Tomorrow test, learn God Seek the cover!"

"Okay!" Cloud glass should have a voice, "I promise you can take the first place! Next time I cover you!"

"You are too arrogant! Be careful to be squeezed out of the first place!"

"Then I am looking forward to it!" Yun Liuli's tone is ordinary.

Three people walked into the classroom together, and Xiao Yuan’s stinking face was surrounded by Xiao Yuan’s friends.

Seeing Xiao Yuan's direction toward Zhou Yuchen, Guan Nina looked at Zhou Yuchen. She was the first time she saw Zhou Yuchen's beautiful nephews looking back, so deep and calm.

The professor came in and patted the table and said that the name of the local voice came, Xiao Yuan bit his teeth and turned around.

I will take the test tomorrow. There is a mourning in the classroom. Some people still beg the professor to give the key points. The bald professor answers very simply, the key point? ! Hehe... I usually talk about the key points!

There was a moment of mourning in the classroom.

Yun Liuli took out a handful of notes from the bag and handed it to Zhou Yuchen...

Zhou Yuchen didn't say anything, opened his eyes!

All are the focus of the cloud glass, making notes.

Clouds and glass never take notes. It is not new at all.

The ink seems to be new, and this is probably what Yunxiaoli has done for him!

"Small glass, you are eccentric!" Guan Nina licked a small mouth. "Why don't you give me Zhou Yuchen! I am also a poor student... I also need to learn the gods!"

Clouds and glass to pack up their own things: "Then copy a copy!"

After that, the cloud is going to go...

"Where are you going?!" Guan Nina asked.

"I am going to find my sister..."

The sister of Yunlili is Lin Wen.

Out of the classroom door, Yun Liuli made a phone call to Lin Wen. The phone was picked up by Younai. He knew that Lin Wen was recording the program and asked for the address cloud glaze to take a taxi.

On the way to go, Yun Liu Mosuo with a mobile phone, hesitating for a long time decided to call Gu Qingcheng again!

But the phone dialed in, it is already in the state of shutdown...

Has it gone abroad? !

Good heart!

I don’t even say a word to myself when I’m in the heart of the cloud.

Cloud glazed sucked the nose, and after getting off the taxi, he was not willing to call Gu Qingcheng, still shutting down.

Too worried! Give at least one SMS!

Put the mobile phone into the pocket, and the cloud glaze went to Lin Wen’s studio.

Lin Wenzheng and the dialect who have already finished the video talk about what is being discussed. It is a few scripts that the dialect personally gave Lin Wenxuan to choose Lin Wen.

"I am more optimistic about this fairy drama... After all, you only have the basics of "God of the Devil", the style is very beautiful! I mainly want you to expand this young man, so this is better! Although it is a guest... but the role is very like!"

Lin warmed a sigh of mineral water: "I don't really want to pick up the TV series..."

"You give me a little bit of interest!" The dialect helped the amount. "Do you think that you are familiar with this point now?! It's far worse!"

"Small are here!" Lin warmed his eyes and saw the clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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