Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1094: I have been trying to please you.

Chapter 1094, I have been trying to please you.

[I have been trying to please you, send blood and life. 】

[Even if I hide my claws and fangs, I am elegant and courteous, pretending to be the body of a natural aristocrat. 】

[You said, don't play with those tricks, but don't know how much I need you. 】

[Loyalty and humility are all for you, or you can't please you. 】

[Poor fake aristocrats, camouflage elegance, fictional identity, politeness, perfect flesh, empty body, only admiring you, I am really only. 】

At this point, Fu Tianci’s assistant pressed the timeout.

"Liu Dao, do you listen to this lyrics MV made into love suitable or friendly?!" asked the dialect.

After Liu’s frowning thoughts, he said to Fu Tianci: “Actually, this song is not what Lu Tianhu said today is that I wrote a good brother. I really didn’t hear it. I thought a tragic love, from love to nothing... Finally accepted by the lover, is this really not a love story?! Or... you wrote a story story?!"

Fu Tianci: "..."

Fu Tianci still wants to fight, he listened to the dialect and said: "If you still don't believe, or we call Xiaowen to listen, you ask Xiaowen, little warm will not pit you!"

"Dangdang -"

The cloud glaze knocked on the door and pushed the door in...

Liu Dao almost caught the moment when he saw the cloud glaze. As the director of the MV, the various flowers Xiao Liu had seen a lot of them. It is rare to see such a beautiful, temperament is so unique.

Fu Tianci saw the cloud glazed in and came in, and he quietly put down his feet on the table.

"Sister, I am coming..." Yunliang holds his own book and pen and sat down on the empty chair next to Fu Tianci.

Yun Liuli has begun to perform classes with the teacher. This is the first time that Yun Liuli has taken notes seriously.

The dialect gave an introduction to Yun Liuli and Liu Dao.

Fu Tianci did not adjust his sitting position.

"So Liu Dao, Lu Tianyu, do you have any other opinions on this MV shooting?!"

"Nothing!" Liu Dao nodded, he was very satisfied with the heroine!

No wonder the dialect should be hailed. If he is such a stunning color in his dialect, he must give her the best resources!

Just rushing this girl's face value, the entertainment circle will definitely have her place.

"What about you?!" The dialect asked Fu Tianci.

Fu Tianci: "..."

If he says that he is unwilling to face the face of the cloud, will the little girl cry out, how can he say that he is an acquaintance, is it not too good to refuse it? !

Just as Fu Tianci’s inner activities were extremely rich, the dialect said: “Well... then that’s it!”

"I haven't answered yet!" Fu Tianci squinted.

The dialect looked at the cloud: "Do you want to object?!"

Yun Liuli also looks toward Fu Tianci.

Fu Tianci: "..."

He is not short of heart, how can he oppose the face of the cloud glass? !

Fu Tianci did not move his ears red, but he was a particularly shy boy.


The dialect shook his head in his heart, and Fu Tianci was really not good at dealing with beautiful girls.

There is a "Black Time" on the "Fake Aristocrat" album, which is a male and female singer. The female singer dialect invites the best female singer in the new singer. Song Zhifan and his chorus, who are known as energy cannons, are also in the studio. ear.

"Since there is no opinion, when will Liu guide start shooting?!" asked the dialect.

"I can do it here, considering that I have to write a script, and a set... If the money is sufficient, the fastest or the day after tomorrow!"

"Funding is not a problem!" The dialect is backed by the CapitaLand Group and it is very convincing.

Cloud glazed nodded: "The afternoon class of the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow is the morning class, and after 10 o'clock in the morning, it will be fine..."

The meaning of cloud glaze is probably more in favor of the day after tomorrow.

"Then the day after tomorrow, I asked the assistant to free the trip of the day bath."

The MV thing was set.

When the dialect takes the MV script to the cloud glaze, 叮嘱云琉璃: "The MV does not need any acting skills. You only need to be responsible for the beauty. You will go to the shaping class this afternoon, and then go to the performance class with the script after you finish. Let the performance teacher guide and guide, and relax after the day of recording, I don’t expect you to take the film!"

Dialects and cloud glazed jokes.

Cloud glazed nodded.

After leaving Gu Qingcheng, Yun Liuli signed a contract with the dialect and suddenly began to get busy.

She knows that everything she is doing now is to be able to take care of Qingcheng in the future, so she is very motivated.

The little girl took the script to go to class, and seriously consulted her performance teacher. The teacher performed the little girl again. The little girl remembered all the movements, but she didn’t have much expression...

The performance class lasted until 9 o'clock in the evening, and the cloud glass taxi back to Yunding Apartment was more than ten o'clock.

I haven't eaten dinner yet, and my stomach is hungry, but the little girl can't lift her legs.

The dialects are very close to the curriculum of Yunlili. In addition to the shaping class, today, the dialect also makes people take the cloud and go to the film crew to see how others are acting!

Because there is a dialect relationship, and the crew that Yun Liuli went to today is a network drama crew, she can even stand behind the director and watch the monitor with the director without disturbing the director. What is called acting.

The performance teacher also left too much homework for the cloud glaze to let the cloud glaze complete it privately, and the cloud glaze was completed until late at night.

After a short break, the cloud glaze soaked the noodles, took out the mobile phone, and ate the instant noodles. Today, in the classroom, the teacher taught her how to perform the video of the action in the MV script.

After eating instant noodles, Yun Liu rushed into a bath and stood in front of the bathroom mirror, imitating the teacher's movements and look.

The teacher said that the personality of Yun Liuli is too restrained, not to be released... In fact, it is not suitable for acting, there is no talent in this aspect.

But Yun Liuli does not believe in this evil, Gu Qingcheng said... As long as you work hard, there is nothing you can't do.

When did she confess to the cloud? ! Even the gold medals in the international Olympics have been taken, and it is not a good actor!

In order to conquer the word "actor", Yunlili is willing to give full energy.

Yun Lanli set a 12 o'clock alarm clock. At 12 o'clock, he sent a message to the phone number that Gu Qingcheng had shut down. He reported his situation today and closed his eyes on Gu Qingcheng's bed.

Perhaps it is because it is too tired, and perhaps this big bed is the taste of Gu Qingcheng, and the cloud glaze sleeps very well.

At 5:30 in the morning, the cloud glaze rose up and looked in the mirror and reviewed the facial expressions practiced last night.

It was not until 8:30, when the dialect sent an assistant phone call to pick up the cloud glass, and Yunlili realized that he had not started washing.

Our small glass is very hard for the future to care for the elderly, and thousands of monthly tickets are also very hard! Monthly ticket monthly ticket for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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