Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1095: I don't know if I can take time off? !

Chapter 1095 I don't know if I can take time off? !

After a simple wash, even the breakfast did not eat, Yun Liuli hurriedly rushed down the stairs.

Yun Liuli just got on the bus and listened to the assistant of the dialect. Q: Miss Yun, this afternoon, the party sister is going to a big film crew to let me talk to you. I can tell you to go with you, but you have classes in the afternoon, no. Do you know if you can take time off?!"

Seeing that the cloud does not speak, the assistant added: "The crew that went to today is a big film, and it is still a movie of the early Han Dynasty. The sister thinks you can learn in the past."

After a little hesitation, Yun Liuguang nodded: "You can take a vacation!"

"Okay!" The little assistant was happy to drive with a cloud of glaze, first go to the shaping class.

At the end of the physical class, Yun Liu rushed out of the shower, and had not had time to take a break, the dialect was here.

Seeing the glaze of the hair has not dried, the dialect looked at the watch: "Take the hair for ten minutes, let's go, this time is a rare opportunity, you can learn more when you go earlier!"

Yun Liuli took up his own bag, said: Go, talk, don't blow! ”

"Be obedient to blow your hair, otherwise you will not get a good cold! Go, I am waiting for you!"

Yun Liu can only put down his own bag, blow the hair a half dry as soon as possible, holding the bag and go with the dialect.

On the way in the morning, Yun Liuli ate the bananas given by the dialect assistant, and bought a sandwich on the road, so now she is hungry and has a back, even if she doesn't mention the food, just want to get to the studio.

Although the cloud and dialects have arrived very quickly, when the crew went to the crew, the crew was about to enter the shooting state.

Since the dialect is the class to visit the director, naturally the coffee and snacks were brought to the crew. The director heard that the dialect came, and people distributed coffee and snacks, and said that they would start preparing for ten minutes.

The dialect and Hu Dao are relatively familiar, so there is no winding around before coming. It is said that it is necessary to bring a new person to see what is going on.

Who in the industry doesn't know, but whoever is in the dialect has not been blushing.

Lin Wen is like this. Later Lu Tianyu was like this. Now the dialect says that he wants to bring a little girl. Hu Dao has great expectations for this so-called "little girl".

It was really shocking to see the cloud glaze holding the notebook in the ponytail in the back of the dialect.

The cloud glaze is indeed too beautiful, and it is still the age at which the girl blooms as beautiful as a flower!

The beauty of the girl is delicate and fragile, as if she is not contaminated with fireworks, she will be feathered at any time, and the hair between the eyebrows will be deserted, making her look like a flower of Gaoling that can only be seen from afar.

Hu Dao is so old, so famous in the circle, what kind of beauty has not seen? !

It’s as pure as this little girl, so pure and unique, and it’s the first time I saw it.

Hu’s film was the costume film “The Warrior”. It was located in the suburbs and there were few actresses. Even though the actress saw the cloud, it was still a big enemy, especially... this beautiful girl is still the most in the industry. The famous broker dialect brought it.

Wearing a armor sitting in a chair and watching the script, the assistant listened to the dialect when he was at the beginning of the cold. He put down the script and got up and walked in the direction of the dialect.

At the beginning of the cold, the height of one meter eighty-six, wearing a heavy armor with blood, although the lips are laughing, the gas field is still scalp numb, as if the ghost king returned from hell, the handsome facial features and hard, prestige Every step is powerful.

"Sister!" When the early Han Dynasty debuted, the dialect took the time to pass the cold. Later, when the cold came to the end, it was a pity that the dialect was quite unfortunate. At the beginning of the cold, I didn’t expect it to be up at the beginning.

"The beginning of the cold..." The dialect looked at the direction of the early Han Dynasty, and the lips and corners laughed. "Long time no see!"

"Oh, half a day, you are coming to the early cold class, not to explore my class!" Hu guide joked.

The dialect borrowed the opportunity to introduce the cloud glaze behind Hu Hanchu and Hu Dao: "I am not here to explore the two of you. I am taking my little sister, Xiaolili, to see the filming scene of the big production. Can learn from our big movie god!"

Cloud glaze is not very good at dealing with people, slightly nodding.

At the beginning of the cold, it was also a dagger.

Ten minutes later, Yun Liuli followed the dialect seriously behind the director and looked at the screen...

At the beginning of the scene, the scene was told that they had been shackled by Wei Jun for four days. Now it is already full of food, and the generals who played in the early hours of the cold are planning to backwater.

On the screen, when the early cold is riding on the horse,

"I am the Lianglang of the girders. Behind us is our unarmed people. It is our relatives. We are human beings, fathers, or husbands! Today... even if we are covered with horses, we should protect them all! Today, The last one died in Fengcheng! The city is in the people! The city is ruined!"

Clouds and glazes looked at the monitor screen, and the goose bumps on the body suddenly rose up. When the eyes of the early Han Dynasty swept through, the people couldn’t stop the blood and screaming in the body to follow the generals to fight the enemy.

The group performance seems to have been infected by the early cold, holding the long hair in his hand, and hysterically screaming: "The city is in the people! The city is ruined!"

"The city is in the people! The city is ruined!"

"The city is in the people! The city is ruined!"


The deafening sound of the squeaky voice mixed with the sound of the horse screaming, the cloud slick throat swallowed and swallowed, almost shouting.


The director was very satisfied with the performance of the early Han Dynasty: "This is too!"

Shi Hanchu is a well-known "time" in the industry, that is, almost as long as the filming is a one!

It is said that the top actor can play the game with the opponent actor after playing the game.

Many of the younger emperors like the early Han Dynasty, the outside world will be somewhat controversial.

At the beginning of the cold, as long as people who have worked with him know that he is definitely deserved.

Seeing the reaction of the cloud glaze, the dialect took over the shoulders of the cloud glaze, and took her to bend over to look at the screen. He whispered: "When you see it... This is the act of the early Han Dynasty!"

At the moment when the beginning of the cold began, one look was enough to pull people into that mood, making people seem to return to the fierce battlefield in ancient times.

At the end of a shot, the next step is to kill the highlights.

After shooting the cold, the horse rushed to hold the long sword, took a group action, raised the battle flag, and held the long hair to follow the lens of the early cold, the scene coordination group re-released.

The time of the game will be longer. Hu guide began to play back the shots before. After the cold, the assistant quickly took off the heavy armor. When the early morning, he walked over and stood behind the director to watch the shot taken today.

(End of this chapter)

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