Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1112: Clouds and glazes are like a land

Chapter 1112, the cloud glaze is like a land

Shengkang support.

Hanging up the phone, Shengkang appeased Jacob Bello, who was holding his camera and was not happy... even when he was forbearing.

He said: "I will call Miss Liuli. It may be that the little girl is playing...hehe..."

Jacob Beru looked up.

At this time, Jacob Beru was even impatient with the look of Shengkang.

Shengkang took the pressure and dialed the phone of Yunlili. The phone was picked up and he only said two words: "Open the door!"

Shengkang doubts, looked at Jacob Beru, only hung up the phone and went to the door to open the door.

The cloud glaze really stood outside the door.

Sheng Kang just wanted to ask how the cloud glaze knew the room number of Jacob Beru. Shengkang was pulled out of the room by the sash of the glass, but the cloud glare was drilled in and out, and the door was closed directly.

Shengkang being held outside the room: "..."

Then he is not going? !

What if the Jacob Beru throws out the cloud glaze in a while? !

Otherwise, he still waits...

Sheng Kang feels that the task that Gu Qingcheng arranged for himself when he died... is really bad. This is to take care of a little girl. This is to take care of a little ancestor!

Closing the hotel door, Yun Lanli looked at Gu Qingcheng sitting on the sofa, Gu Qingcheng's hand on his knees gently shook the cloud glass, and the thumb indicated that the cloud curtains were not pulled.

Clouds and glass will know what to do, and try not to look at the hotel's floor-to-ceiling windows...

She guessed that someone should monitor Gu Qingcheng at that end.

Cloud glaze leaves the memory card and battery in the pocket from the pocket: "Is this what you want?!"

Jacob Beru looked at the cloud and said nothing.

The cloud glaze is like a land, and the battery is thrown up and down. On Jacob Beru said: "A kiss... change something! The demand is not high!"

Jacob Beru stood up and squinted for a long time before he remembered a word, saying: "Deceive too much!"

Cloud glaze squatted on the sofa: "I am a girl, you are a man... How can you bully you with a kiss! You are like a big girl..."

Jacob Beru stood there stiffly, licking his lips.

Yun Liuli used to look at his own lover, the Taishan Crash Yu Qian's face did not change the color of the calm appearance, this time watching him look bullied, there is no place to vent the fire, I feel novel and interesting.

"Give you!" Cloud glass gave the battery and memory card to Jacob Beru, no further requirements.

Jacob Beru grabbed it and put the memory card into the camera to check it out. It was confirmed that it was his own memory card. He was relieved and looked at the eyes of Yun Liuli... as if to say, Things have been sent and you can go.

"You didn't eat dinner, I didn't eat enough. I am so far to give you something. Please I have to eat a meal. Should I have it?!" Cloud glass was lazy and looked at Jacob Beru.

"Things are what you take, you sent it back!"

"Then you owe me a taxi fare is right?! You are a big man... the money owed to a woman, can't say it!"

Jacob Beru got up and took the money from the bag and handed it to the cloud.

The cloud glaze made the kind of female hooligans, and the small hand grabbed the wrist of Jacob Beru and stood up. He wrapped his arms around Jacob's neck and tipped his toes to kiss.

Jacob Beru stepped back two steps to avoid, but he had a little effort on the glazed glass. Two times, he put Jacob Beru on the sofa, clasped his hands and wrists, and kissed him directly. .

Jacob Beru, a strong and powerful man, did not have the power to fight in the case of the cloud and the realism of the glass.

I don’t know what I thought of. When I saw the curtains, I didn’t pull the curtains. I got up and pulled the heavy hotel curtains back.

On the sofa, Gu Qingcheng had already sat up, and he looked at their little girl with red eyes.

"I know, it is not the time now..." Yun Liuli said that the grievances were extremely great.

Gu Qingcheng hooked his lips against the cloud glaze and reached out to her...

The white and small hand of the cloud glaze was placed in the warm and dry palm of Gu Qingcheng, and he was pulled into his arms: "You can stay here for up to two minutes!"

The cloud glazed bite the lower lip, and both hands wrapped around Gu Qingcheng’s neck and put his head on Gu Qingcheng’s shoulder: “I’m doing this right?!”

"Yes, you have to add fuel. According to the personality of Jacob Beru, there is no big thing, I am afraid that I will leave Haicheng!" Gu Qingcheng put the little hand playing with the cloud glass, and the voice was calm.

"What big thing?!" Yun Liuli asked.

"Probably... Jacob Beru is the younger brother of Gu Qingcheng, and the enemy does not want Jacob Beru to live, to vent his hatred!" Gu Qingcheng laughed at Yunxiaoli. "It is a farce... The bigger the better, the better!"

Yun Liuli is very happy that Gu Qingcheng did not look at her, but she could not help but raise her heart.

Cloud glaze has been with Gu Qingcheng for so many years, and his mind has turned very fast. He can guess that it is probably a killing arranged by himself. It will not really hurt the life of Gu Qingcheng, but this time it is in Haicheng... Jacob Beru is not Gu Qingcheng, naturally it is to live in a public hospital with less confidentiality!

Really hurt... it will be inevitable!

Calculating the two minutes should be coming soon, Yun Liuli firmly grasped the neck of Qingcheng: "Then I will play a hospital for your injury, I will not take care of it, then you will be tempted by me!"

"Good!" Gu Qingcheng and Yun Liuli reached a consensus, and he took the opportunity to kiss the little girl's delicate and soft lips.

The glazed glass smashed the shirt of Gu Qingcheng, the button stretched over the ground, and the nails were left with scratches on the chest.

The door of the hotel suddenly opened. Standing outside the door, I really didn’t know that Shengkang, who was not going to change, looked up. I saw Jacob Beru gasping and pushing the cloud glass, and the wolverine...

Sheng Kang’s eyes widened, and Gu Gucheng’s clothes were pulled open, the buttons were stretched, and there were scratches on his chest. This is obviously what happened inside the house.

The cloud glaze was pushed outside the door and I didn't want to go in. Jacob Beru touched the door from the inside, and the cloud glazed outside to push the door.

"Help!" Yun Liuli shouted to Shengkang, who did not know why.

Shengkang nodded a step forward, and his hand had to touch the door, but he got it back. This is how... How can he help? !

Is it really necessary to help the cloud glaze to grab a good house woman? !

"You can't beat me anymore... It's not how I count together, I will take you sooner or later!"

Since Gu Qingcheng said that it was a farce, Yun Liuli went to the direction of the farce...

(End of this chapter)

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