Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1113: Because the person I love lives in this hotel!

Chapter 1113 because I love people living in this hotel!

Shengkang: "..."

Listen! Listen!

What is the difference between the cloud and the glass? !

"Bring your lady! Roll!"

The eyes of Jacob Beru are a red blood. This is the first time that Shengkang heard Jacob Beru say such a heavy word, and he was busy pulling the glass-glassed arm and pulling people from the door.

The door "嘭-" slammed shut.

A cloud of fire that did not start, turned to look at Shengkang, did not wait for Shengkang to say something, cloud glazed over a shoulder fell ... Shengkang lying in the hotel corridor.

Sheng Kang, who feels awkward, wants to cry without tears, and Venus looks at the ceiling. Who is he who provokes? !

"Miss Liu Li!" Shengkang is not prepared to be thrown down. If it is not the hotel corridor, the carpet will definitely be hurt, he can't take care of himself... Get up and chase the cloud of fire.

In the elevator, the atmosphere is particularly depressed.

The cloud glazed with a face until the elevator reached the first floor and the face did not ease.

"Miss Liu Li, will I send you back to Fu Zhai or Yunding Apartment?!" Sheng Kang asked.

"You don't have to send it!" After the cloud glaze is finished, he will go out from the elevator...

As soon as I went out, I happened to be in touch with the fans who participated in the press conference of Fu Tianci’s new song today.

The little fans have not yet pulled out from the excitement of the scene, and the side of the discussion discussed the things at the press conference today while waiting for the elevator.

When the elevator door was removed, a group of fans saw that there was no mask or hat, so it was so ugly... but it was enough to stun the time of the cloud, the girls stunned for a moment, and finally did not restrain themselves, especially CP. The powder actually screamed out.

"Miss sister! Miss sister! Really Miss sister!"

"Ah! It really is the Miss Sister in the MV!"

"Miss sister signed me a name!"

"Can Miss Sister take a photo with me!"

"What is this fairy value! Too good to see Miss Sister, I like you very much!"

The little girls are rushing to the top, Shengkang is busy in front of it... Finally, the cloud glaze is coming out of the elevator.

Those CP powders took out the signature fan that Fu Tianci signed before, handed it to the cloud glaze, and wanted to let the cloud glaze be signed next to it. This has the feeling that the husband and wife signed together, and I feel sweet in my mind. No.

Yun Liuli saw so many sweet smiles... The sparkling eyes surrounded themselves in the middle, and they took pictures with their mobile phones. They all looked at themselves with the look of the envy and the like, and the eyes of the cloud had a smile. meaning.

Nodded, and reached out to accept the fan, and took the pen and signed it.

Under this circumstance, almost everyone has to hand over the things they have to help to make the signature of the cloud, and the fans should be poked on the face of the cloud. However, Yunli knows that everyone likes her so passionately. Not angry, just forced to retreat.

Sheng Kang, who acts as a temporary bodyguard, is busy keeping the cloud glass behind him. He can't stand the enthusiasm of the little girls, and the body leans back.

“Is the fairy sister also living in this hotel?!”

In the gap between the signatures of the cloud and the glass, a little fan girl asked excitedly.

Yun Liu smiled and said: "No, I live in Haicheng!"

Yun Liuli answered the answer to another small girl's aid fan.

"How old is the fairy sister at the hotel?! We saw you in the morning..."

Yunli Glass signed up and raised her head and smiled: "Because I love people who live in this hotel!"

Shengkang: "..."


Miss Liu’s lover is not Mr. Gu Qingcheng Gu, how did Mr. Gu’s death just become a Jacob Beiru? !

Sure enough, Miss Liu loves the face of Mr. Gu!

The fan base was blown up and went straight ahead. Shengkang was almost unable to stop.

"How come?! Miss sister and your face with a big baby! You can't like others!"

"Yes, Miss Fairy! We all like you! Your MV is awesome! I am crying!"

"Don't be in the face of my CP powder, hand-pick your CP... Miss sister! Too cruel!"

In a mourning, Yun Liuli heard someone ask: "The lover of Miss Fairy, is the man you stopped this morning?!"

Clouds and glazed looked up, seeing the small fans all look like a gossip, holding the mobile phone and not forgetting to look at themselves with the stars, the cloud glaze is a big square and nodded: "Yes, it is him! Just... the revolution has not succeeded, I still Work hard!"

Yun Liuli said calm and calm...

Cloud glaze and Fu Tianci's CP powder mourn, but it does not affect them like cloud glaze!


Before, they liked the value of cloud glaze. Now they prefer the honesty of cloud glaze. It seems that everything is quite frank and open, unlike the stars who are in love and hide.

For the female celebrity, the love of the debut of the debut, it is no different from making a death.

The cloud glaze did just that, and announced that she was chasing others!

Even Fu Tianci’s fans whispered to Yun Liuli that she suddenly admitted that she was chasing a man’s career development.

Yun Liuli smiled and said: "But I am chasing him! I like him so much... I don't know the whole world knows, then no one comes to grab me!"

This is a joke, and Fu Tianci’s fans laughed and said that they would become fans of Miss Sister.

But these little fans still have a lot of questions to ask Miss Fairy Lady. The result is that they have not had time to ask, and their fairy lady is already on the train and left.

CP powder can not help but sigh: "Miss fairy girl name is good to listen, glazed... People say their name is Miss Sister, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah of!"

After screaming, CP powder took the signature of Fu Tianci and Yun Liuli on his hand and sent it to the group. He sighed first...

[Miss fairy girl called Yun Liuli, the name is so good! 】

Then the group boiled, thinking that they went to the new song club today and saw the fairy lady, excited to start screaming, asking if the MV couple fit today!

In the next words, let CP powder wow and stun in the toilet.

Miss Sister sent tears to the group's small video.

[Miss hammer fairy lady has a lover, not our big baby! 】

Here CP powder is crying in the toilet, but it is only a happy powder. It is a pretty girl who is very beautiful and super good.

In Shengkang's car, Yunlili sat in the back row, looking at the lights outside the window, and took out the phone to call the dialect!

Ok! There will be updates later, and the one-three-month monthly ticket plus will be offered immediately!

(End of this chapter)

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