Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1114: Not too bad? !

Chapter 1114 is not quite appropriate? !

Just in front of Fu Tianci’s mobile phone lens of so many fans, Yun Liuli said that he is pursuing the person he likes. Yun Liuli has to give a dialect to say a word, save the last news and turn it out to make the dialect as a broker. Unprepared.

The phone called and the dialect was silent for a while and said, "I know!"

Cloud glaze is a bit embarrassing. After all, she did not say hello to the dialect in advance: "Sister Sister... Sorry! I said it today with an impulse!"

"This has warmed up and I have already greeted me. I just didn't expect it to come so fast!" The dialect stretched a face. "From now on, don't say anything to the outside world, give it to me! Tomorrow morning, I am Look for you!"

"it is good!"

Knowing that I have added trouble to the dialect, Yun Liuli only wants to make up.

"In addition, I will bring you a book in the past tomorrow. When you are chasing a man, you should ponder and think about it!"

"Okay, my sister is relieved... I will!" Yun Liuli promised to be happy.

The cloud glaze suddenly burst out of such a scorpion. The dialect had to design the person with the cloud glaze to design it as a "fairy girl". It was just like this... originally wanted to use the temperament of the cloud glaze itself to make the "pretty goddess value fairy" The sister's person can't use it!

It is equivalent to the abolition of a copy, and all the staff of the studio have been in vain for so long, and have to start all over again!

The dialect can only wait for the studio to have the next girl who has the same level and temperament as the cloud glass, and then packs the "Shenxian Yan value fairy sister".


In the evening, when the topic of [Lu Tian Bath MV Girl Hotel Chasing Men] was just popped up, the studio worked overtime to organize the full-scale packaging of cloud glaze under the leadership of dialects.

The people in the dialect studio are old people who used to use the dialect. This situation is not uncommon. The coffee in the studio is full of fragrance!

After the detailed work arrangement was completed, the dialect arranged two tasks...

"Xiaoman, the fan group of Liuli has been established, but now it is an extraordinary period, so every fan must be strictly screened, and would rather miss the blackspot! Don't let the sunspots have a little bit of it!" At the conference table, talk to a thin girl.

"Receive the boss."

"In addition, the mountain brother, you pay attention to the network, make a small program, and all the black glazes are bogey sentences, all of which are shielded from reporting!" said the dialect.

Shan Ge was inadvertently called to the studio when the dialect took over Lin Wen. Shan Ge is a super fan of Lin Wen, and he is still a very very powerful hacker. His means on the Internet is quite powerful. Since the mountain came, Many things on the Internet lead to a monologue, and I want to be comfortable.

"Okay!" Shan Ge nodded.

"Okay! Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. We have to do everything well tomorrow before the "Warcome" crew announces the first trailer!"

The director of the "Warrior" has already called the dialect, indicating that the first trailer of "Warrior" will be announced. The director in the trailer will cut the lens of the cloud, which is to sell. The dialect face, the second is... also wants to attract the attractiveness with the value of the cloud glass!

After all, the movie "Warrior" is basically a male character, and few women appear!

Cloud glaze is also a little red in the green plexus, and ... is still particularly dazzling red, the director in the trailer will naturally put the cloud glaze into it.


At the same time, there is Morocco...

Everyone thought that the ink was dead, and all that was exhausted by the ink was destined to be taken over by Saihande!

In addition, Saihande later reorganized the interior of the Moroccan aging minor with an iron-and-blood wrist. Everyone guessed that Saihande would definitely announce it as the new master!

did not expect……

I was discharged from the hospital!

This news caused them to blow up inside. At this time, the so-called veterans came back to taste. Zhai Mo was deliberately hiding behind Gu Qingcheng, and let Saihande come forward to solve everything for him. Don't panic out!

It’s a pity that they are too late to get rid of their chests.

Zhai Mo was in a wheelchair and was discharged from the crowd surrounded by Saihande and many cronies.

"I heard that Gu Qingcheng still has a twin brother who is now in Haicheng?!" 岑墨 seems to carelessly ask Saihande.

Saihande’s dagger in a wheelchair: “Yes, before Shengkang gave everything to me, I told him... He has Gu Qingcheng’s life, to find Gu Qingcheng’s younger brother, and to let him take care of the cloud. !"

岑墨眸子眯: "Is the brother checked?!"

"Our people have repeatedly checked, there will be no mistakes... from small to large resumes, and our classmates and our people also sent people to talk, there are people!" Saihande confessed.

For a long time, Yan Mo sneered aloud: "Send someone to be Gu Qingcheng this younger brother! Don't let him die too easily! I am so hurt because Gu Qingcheng is so bad It’s also my good heart... Since their brothers didn’t recognize each other during their lifetime, after death... I sent them to reunite! They should thank me!”

Saihande’s indifference was like a machine, and he nodded and said, “Good sir, I will arrange it after you send it back!”

But the people behind Zhai Mo and Saihande couldn’t help but whisper: "Sir, this... Mr. Fu’s wife is so good with our wife, killing his good friend’s brother under the eyes of Mr. Fucheng Isn't it not right?!"

"What is the relationship between a woman's family and me?!" It doesn't matter if you look at it. "I'm afraid he won't be!"

"But...Jacob Beru is the younger brother of Gu Qingcheng. Since he is in Haicheng... Mr. Fu will definitely send people to follow the protection. We are rushing to seize the handle here..."

"How are you caught?! Gu Qingcheng is dead! The elite teams in Gu Qingcheng's hands are in my hands. What can he and Fu Huaien fight with me?!"

After being smashed by the ink, he felt that since the killing of Gu Qingcheng, the temper became more and more violent, and he carefully stopped behind him.


The next day, many fans stayed in front of the computer phone early, waiting to watch the trailer of "Warrior"!

After all, sometimes at the beginning of the cold... that is a huge appeal.

The opening notice of "Warrior" is the war horse screaming, when the cold is full of blood... The front of the heart is all arrows, he is already faltering, but he still holds the battle flag in one hand and holds the **** sword in one hand.

One thousand three hundred chapters of the monthly ticket plus!

(End of this chapter)

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