Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1125: Still conquering me is interesting? !

Chapter 1125 is still conquering me interesting? !

She took a paper towel and rubbed the porridge on her back, and asked Xiao Meng: "What script do you want to send me?!"

"Yes right..." Xiao Meng took a heavy piece of script from his bag and put it on the coffee table. "This is the script "Red Makeup Mountain River". Hu guide has already set you to play the role of Bai Qiqing in it. The protagonist’s sister, right... The heroine is Miss Lin Wen’s sister!”

Little warm sister? !

Cloud glass went to the coffee table, picked up a script and looked at it, then sat down beside Xiaomeng and read it carefully...

"Red Makeup Mountain River" is about the Bai family who will be the door of Zhong Ming Ding's food house for a hundred years. The long-haired girl's white rumor is in the Baijia seven-year-old Lang. All the people died in the sand. Everyone said that when the country was going to die, the white woman was led to kill. Enemy, the story of the backbone of the country.

There aren’t many plays in the cloud, but when I first touched the script, it seemed to be attracted to the devil.

Gu Qingcheng sat on the bedside of the bed and looked at the cloud glass that carefully studied the script. There was a little warmth in the eyes.

In Gu Qingcheng's view, cloud glaze is rarely so serious...

Because for the cloud glass, what seems to be easy, so the cloud glaze rarely puts anything in mind.

He heard that Yun Liuli felt that filming was very interesting because it was challenging and difficult.

She still remembers that the little girl stood in front of herself, and she said to him: "My interest is Gu Qingcheng, and my hobby is Gu Qingcheng!"

Now... Gu Qingcheng is very happy, because in addition to him, Yun Liuli finally has some hobbies in life.

Shengkang looked at the expression of Jacob Beru and raised his eyebrows slightly. Is Jacob Beru this a Stockholm syndrome? ! Because the cloud glaze gives him porridge really likes the cloud glaze? !

In Sheng Kang's view... He is very happy with Yun Liuli and Jacob Beru!

The premise is that this will not hurt them each other!

Like last night, the glazed glass does not care about the situation of the injury on Jacob Beru. As long as it does not happen, Shengkang can accept...

Shengkang stayed here for one night, and Yun Liuli did not let people bring their own meals. At this time, Shengkang was also hungry, and he also needed a shower to clean up!

Shengkang looks at Xiaomeng, I feel that there are people here... Clouds and glass should not come to Jacob Beru, so I said to Yunlili... I went back to take a bath and change clothes, and come to lunch at noon. gone.

Jacob Beru bowed to Shengkang.

Yun Liuli did not hear that he was already immersed in the script.

Holding the script and watching it for a long while, Yun Liuli seems to be too addicted to ask Xiaomeng: "Is this script original?!"

Before the cloud glaze shoot "Warrior", I heard that the original novel also went to look at it, and wrote a character biography to the county owner, so it was a good performance!

But now let the cloud glazed look back at his performance in the "Warrior", Yun Liuli feels that ... his performance is still unsatisfactory!

After the completion of the county owner, Yun Liuli went back and thought carefully, thinking that he could play better!

This time, the role of Bai Yuqing in this "Red Makeup Mountain River" is very challenging for Yun Liuli, she wants to conquer this role!

Yes, it is conquest!

Although the cloud glaze looks cold, but there is always a strong desire to conquer things that are not familiar to them.

Xiaomeng shook his head. "This is really not. This script was written by Hu, not a novel adaptation..."

Yunzhuo nodded, and wanted to find his own bag to take a notebook and a pen, but found that he did not take the urgent package that he came last night, and told Xiaomeng to go down and buy a pen and paper for himself.

"very interested?!"

After Xiao Meng left, Gu Qingcheng asked Yun Liuli.

Cloud glazed nodded.

"It is rare to see you so seriously, very beautiful!" Gu Qingcheng smiled.

The cloud glazed her head and her ears were red. She put down the script and ran to the bed of Gu Qingcheng. Both hands were on both sides of Gu Qingcheng's body: "Now Sheng Kang and Xiao Meng are not there, we have to pick up one..."

The words of Yunlili have not been finished yet. Gu Qingcheng’s big hand has buckled the back of the cloud and drove the man into his arms and kissed him.

The fiery lips meet, the hot cloud glazed support on the side of Gu Qingcheng's arms almost lost strength, the lips and teeth are opened by his hot tongue, arbitrarily attacking the city, taking all the breath of her mouth and heart and lungs.

The heartbeat of Yunlili is especially fast. He can feel the restraint and forbearance of Gu Qingcheng. He can feel the heart of Gu Qingcheng who is beating because of his emotions!

Her ears were full of blood and blood, and I felt that my soul would be plunged into his bones by Gu Qingcheng.

She really... really wants to be a woman of Gu Qingcheng!

That is what she has been looking forward to for a long time. Yunli can't help but want to tear off Gu Qingcheng's clothes, but she knows that Xiao Meng will be back soon, she can't!

People probably know that the more they can't do it, the more they want to do it!

The hand of Yun Liuli is not controlled from Gu Qingcheng's sickness. This kind of action seems to be instinct. She wants to fit the body of Gu Qingcheng and wants to tear off the clothes of Gu Qingcheng.

Perceived the intention of the cloud glaze, Gu Qingcheng first returned to the world to restrain himself. He grabbed the wrist of the cloud glaze. Because the mood was not stable, he did not control the force. Yun Liuli felt that his wrist was almost pinched off by Gu Qingcheng.

Gu Qingcheng heard the sound of the cloud glass sucking and letting go, and the breathing was heavy.

The skin of the cloud glaze has been white, and the wrist is already red.

The two people breathe in a mess, and the cloud glaze is red on the neck and ears. She pretends to lick her wrist to ease the sputum, and the heartbeat speed is broken!

"Let me see your wrists..." Gu Qingcheng reached out to the cloud.

The cloud glaze from the goodness of the flow put the little hand into the hands of Gu Qingcheng, Gu Qingcheng stared at the redness of the cloud glazed wrist, knowing that he was heavy, and the thumb was fine on the piece of red.

"I'm fine, my skin is too white, it's scary to use a little bit of power!"

Yun Liuli wants to withdraw his hand, but Gu Qingcheng has not loosened it.

Knocking on the cloudless glass and thin boneless hands, Gu Qingcheng's **** has not completely dissipated: "This time just busy doing what you like, have you studied with Bai Xiaonian?!"

One said that Bai Xiaonian learned the cloud, the ear of the glass was red, and Gu Qingcheng said what he learned in the heart of the cloud.

She apologized to Gu Qingcheng: "This time the trip is too tight, and ... patronize the conquest of acting!"

Gu Qingcheng gently put the cloud glass that was some distance away from her to the bedside, and took her to sit down: "It is interesting to conquer the acting, or is it interesting to conquer me?!"

(End of this chapter)

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