Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1126: Still at Yunding Apartment

Chapter 1126 is still in Genting Apartment.

Clouds licked the lips and made a pair of fearless faces: "You said... What do you mean, I think what is interesting!"

Yunlili is too disappointing. I used to see Gu Qingcheng, who was refusing to be his own. Now Gu Qingcheng is so unclear and tells his own love, Yun Liuli is not able to stand up.

Gu Qingcheng was teased by her little girl and raised her hand to pick up the little girl's small head: "You still have time, wait for me to leave the hospital... I am waiting for you to conquer me!"

“Is it in Genting Apartment?!” The heartbeat of the cloud glass suddenly became faster.

"If you are ready to go to the hospital, this injury will not affect me!" Gu Qingcheng lowered his voice, although he tried his best to restrain himself, he couldn't help but squeeze the small hand of the cloud.

In fact, Gu Qingcheng is more anxious than Yun Liuli!

Although usually, it is the comparison of the performance of cloud glass.

Cloud glaze and Gu Qingcheng are very close, and the breathing is a bit confusing. In particular, they are sitting so close... still discussing that kind of thing.

"That..." The cloud-throated throat moved. "It’s still in Yunding Apartment!"

Cloud glaze is also very anxious, but can not help but worry about the injury on Gu Qingcheng.

Anxious to return to the urgency... But Gu Qingcheng is now the meat of the mouth of the cloud, and can eat at any time, no hurry at this time...

Moreover, Yun Liuli really does not have time to study hard during this time, and then have to spend time to study and learn.

Within a few minutes, Xiao Meng bought the book and the pen came back. Yun Liuli looked at the script but did not write the desire of the character.

She is now full of words that Gu Qingcheng just plucked himself...

Even Yun Liuli is already eager to try, I want to learn some videos that Bai Xiaonian sent to his mailbox!

The cloud glaze is not calm, put the blank book aside and start to study the script.

She took a long breath and took a few breaths before she gradually calmed down and began to sort out the story of the script. By the way, she thought about the growth history of Bai’s youngest daughter, Bai Yuqing...

Cloud glass picks up the pen and writes the key content on the book.

Bai Yuqing is the youngest child in the big family of Baijia. Although Baijiajiafeng never likes to marry a child, it is because Bai Yuqing is the youngest and a girl. Unlike the white family who teaches boys so strict, the elders of the family are more favored. Therefore, Bai Yuqing is the child who will be the most lazy in the family.

The Bai family is full of style. Whether it is men and women in the family, it is necessary to learn martial arts from an early age. The boys prepare for the future to kill the enemy and defend the country, while the girls are physically fit.

Bai’s long-haired girl’s white rumor is even more popular with the old man’s town, and he was personally taught by the town’s state, and the martial arts martial arts and the military tactics wanted to be powerful.

The white family has training, and all the men in their homes who are ten years old must follow the battlefield, not killing the enemy, just let them feel what the battlefield is!

So Bai Yanyan’s ten-year-old sneaked out as a man and followed his grandfather and uncle. After being discovered, he was always taken by the town of Guo.

Later, the town of Guogong re-entered, and actually acquiesced in the behavior of Bai Yanyan.

Later, Bai Yanyan was 16 years old, followed the town of Guogong, and was injured when the enemy attacked. Bai Yu said that the fiancé died in the war in order to protect the white rumors!

Since then, Bai Yuyan has stayed at home and no longer went to the battlefield, and vowed that this life will no longer marry. She often pushes the array at home and the brothers who have already been on the battlefield, winning every time.

Therefore, Bai Yuqing took the white rumor as his idol and worshipped the white rumors very much.

Later, the barbarian invaded, and the kingdom of the country, known as the **** of war, took the Bai’s seventeen francs to the expedition. But this time the food and grass were not good, and the thief colluded, causing the town’s national defeat to be defeated. In the battlefield, only the town Guogong was shackled by the scorpion...that is, the father of Bai Yuqing, who played the role of Yunlili.

Then, it is the first act in the script...

The old man with white hair and thin skin is wearing a filial piety. When the sky is still not bright, he is holding seventeen shackles. In the paper money of the sky, he takes a heavy step into the city, trying to keep his back straight and not letting himself lose his majesty. .

I straighten out the plot that was not mentioned in the script, and the heart of the cloud has begun to roll over with intense emotions.

She took the notebook and lowered her head and wrote it in her notebook...

The smallest and most favored in the family, so the most unbearable thing, Yun Liuli began to write a childhood to Bai Yuqing according to this path.

Gu Qingcheng looked at the attitude of the cloud and the attitude of the glass, and looked down at the mobile phone. According to the previous browsing habits of Jacob Beru, I watched some webpages related to photography.

Some webpages that cannot be opened abroad, Gu Qingcheng's relish is also fascinating.

The two of them did everything, and continued until midday Sheng Kang took lunch.

Shengkang was very careful that Jacob Beru was bored in hospital and brought him books related to photography.

Jacob Beru looked at photography related books are primary, ask Shengkang...

Shengkang: "..."

The flattering is on the horse's leg...

"This is not to be afraid of you being bored, so I went to pick a few books. I don't understand photography, so I don't pick your heart!" Sheng Kangdao.

"Shengkang... Do you not understand that there is something in the world called a computer?!" Cloud glass, which is being written hard, looked up and looked at Shengkang. "You can't pick a book and you can bring his computer to him." what!"

Jacob Bellou nodded at the sight of the meeting and expressed his agreement with Yun Liuli.

Shengkang: "..."

Is it unnecessary for him to come here? !

Should he go now, leave space and time for these two people, let them hurt each other? !

Shengkang has to go, but I think that if it wasn’t for him to appear last night, Jacob Beru might not only be as simple as cracking the outer suture. Sheng Kang, who was convinced of the whole, decided to bear the burden and sit down.

Xiao Meng's skillful time went out to buy snacks for Yunli Glass, and later bought coffee for Yunli Glass, and then as a microphone for dials and glass dialects.

I heard that Yunli Glass will go to an indoor variety show tomorrow afternoon with the "Warrior" crew. Shengkang is very considerate: "Mr. Jacob Beru will be handed over to me tomorrow, Miss Liu Liu is relieved! Since it is going to be recorded tomorrow. Variety show, it is better to go back to rest this evening, Miss Liu Li, to raise the spirit, you also need to take a bath or something!"

"There is a bathroom here!" Cloud glazed back to Xiaomeng, "You help me go to Genting..."

Halfway through the words, Yun Liuli remembered that Xiao Meng could not enter Yunding Apartment. She changed her mouth: "You help me to go to the school dormitory to get a clean sweater jeans."

There is also a more monthly ticket for six hundred plus! ! ! Thank you for your hard work! Next, the monthly ticket is over 900 plus... More than one thousand plus one more! Baby, come on!

(End of this chapter)

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