Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1128: The enemy meets the so-called hostility

Chapter 1128: The enemy meets the so-called hostility

Yun Liuli sat at the bed of Gu Qingcheng, and thought of the plot and Bai Xinqing’s heart activities, but felt that the nose was sour...

She looked at Gu Qingcheng and felt more distressed to him: "Since I feel sorry, I will cherish me from now on!"

"Yeah!" Gu Qingcheng beheaded, all eyes are full of pets, "after... I will cherish you every moment!"

Yun Liuli couldn't help but smile and nose, and leaned gently on Gu Qingcheng's arms: "In the future... don't take your life and death anymore, don't be sorry for me! I don't want anything, sorry... I just want you to be good. Love me! Stay with me to the old..."

"Yeah!" Gu Qingcheng caressed the top of the cloud glaze, coveted a kiss, "I will!"

This is the last adventure of Gu Qingcheng, and later... no more!

He wants to live well with Yun Liuli. He also wants to have a beautiful child like Yun Liuli.

He is still not very old, and he can grow up with his children!

Counting the time when Sheng Kang was coming back, Yun Liuli sat back on the sofa, waiting for the light bulb Shengkang to come back with hot coffee and brought the favorite pine nuts of Jacob Beru. The cloud glass said thank you and invested in himself. In the script.

In the evening, when Xiao Meng came to the hospital, he also brought two people... One is Guan Nina, the other is... Zhou Yuchen!

Xiao Meng, this little girl is all good, is not a little resistance to high value!

When I heard that Zhou Yuchen and Guan Nina are good friends of Yunlili, especially... Zhou Yuchen’s name dialect has been said several times in Xiaomeng, she directly brought people to the hospital.

When three people entered the door, Yun Liuli was sitting on the bedside and stripping the pine nuts to Jacob Beru.

Shengkang has not seen it at the moment...

Just now Jacob Beru planned to eat pine nuts, and Yun Liu put down the script and rushed over to say that Jacob Beru was injured and how he could peel the pine nuts himself. He had to strip Jacob Beru.

Then Jacob Beru refused to say no, cloud glaze must insist on peeling!

Push and let go, and finally became Jacob Beru looking at the computer, eating the pine nuts handed over by the clouds...

Shengkang silently shed tears for Qingcheng, and Gu Qingcheng holds the little girl in her hand. Now she is waiting for another man like Yuhuan. If Gu Qingcheng still sees such a picture, how sad it is? !

My own palm, I am willing to be a slave for others... just because that person has a face that is almost exactly the same as him!

Isn't this annoying?

"Miss Liu Li, you see who I brought to you!" Xiao Meng entered the door and let him go to the side, "Dangdang... your good friend!"

In the hands of the cloud glaze, the pine nuts were peeled back and looked back. Seeing Zhou Yuchen and Guan Nina, there were some surprises. The eyes were still happy: "How come you come together?!"

Yun Liuli handed a stripped pine nut to Jacob Beru, and Jacob Beru took it, and looked up in the direction of Zhou Yuchen and Guan Nina.

As soon as Zhou Yuchen entered the door, he saw the pine nuts that the cloud glaze handed over to Jacob Beru, and the scorpion sank...

"Xiaomeng went to the dormitory to pick you up clothes. I happened to be in the dormitory. I heard that you came to the hospital to take care of the wounded. I came!" Guan Nina said, looking at the direction of Jacob Beru, the heart suddenly smashed. I jumped up. "I heard Xiaomeng... This is a special friend you want!"

Although Xiao Meng was fascinated by Zhou Yuchen's face value, but what can be said, what can not be said or counted!

Regarding Jacob Beru is a lover of cloud glaze, Xiao Meng did not mention a word.

Yun Liuli poured a pine nut and held it in his hand. He continued to peel the pine nuts. In the face of Zhou Yuchen, he said very honestly: "This is my lover! I am pursuing him..."

Jacob Beru seems to be unwilling to listen to the cloud and mention this, frowning.

Guan Nina’s eyes lit up and she dared to look at Jacob Beru.

Jacob Beru with a black-rimmed eyeglasses can still keep the pair of deep and deep eyes under the glasses.

Guan Nina’s heart thumped and jumped twice. It turned out that this is the man that Yun Liuli likes... This is not a type of man with Zhou Yuchen!

Zhou Yuchen is the kind of comic man who is peerless in the world, and this man is full of masculine.

Guan Nina’s eyes are all sparkling, biting her lower lip and giving her eyes to the cloud: "Then we have to add oil!"

After that, Guan Nina took advantage of her shoulder bag, boldly and Jacob Beru said: "Our glass is popular in school! And our glass is still so beautiful, you can be sure Don't let us chase after the glass for too long..."

Jacob Beru looked at Guan Nina and said nothing with his thin lips.

Guan Nina bumped into Zhou Yuchen with her elbow and wanted Zhou Yuchen to say something...

When Zhou Yuchen saw Jacob Beru, he was born with a sense of disgust. I am afraid this is the so-called hostility of the rivals.

Zhou Yuchen looked at the cloud glaze and stripped the pine nuts to Jacob Beru. It was not jealous, but angry!

Why would anyone be so shameless, actually let a little girl give him the peace of mind that he still enjoys? !

Zhou Yuchen bit his teeth and said to the cloud: "Take the pine nuts and hurt the nails, let me come!"

Zhou Yuchen handed the book to Guan Nina, walked to the side of the cloud, and reached for the piece of pine nuts that had just been poured out of the cloud.

Gu Qingcheng secretly looked at Zhou Yuchen. In the mouth of Yunlili, Gu Qingcheng heard the name Zhou Yuchen many times...

Yun Liuli said that seeing this Zhou Yuchen is like seeing her once.

This week, Yu Yuchen’s eyes are different, and the long ones are also very beautiful.

However, it is quite compatible with the little girl named Guan Nina, who has no heart and no heart.

Yun Liuli took the pineapple's hand and hid it to the side: "Zhou Yuchen, will you help me in the end, I am pursuing others, let the good friends help to peel the pine nuts to people to eat, what is going on?!"

Said, Yun Liuli handed the bag of pine nuts on the table to Zhou Yuchen: "If you really want to peel the pine nuts, then you peeled off to Guan Nina to eat, don't mess with me!"

The name of Guan Nina’s eyes was wide and she was flattered.

Zhou Yuchen held a dilemma with the pine nuts in his hand. Yu Guang seemed to see someone watching him, and he looked up at the black and sly scorpion of Jacob Beru.

Zhou Yuchen’s inexplicable heart was trembled. For a moment, he seemed to be oppressed by the power of the mature man.

But nothing has yet to be captured, and Jacob Beru has already taken his eyes off.

(End of this chapter)

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