Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1129: Natural actor material!

Chapter 1129 is born actor material!

In fact, Zhou Yuchen has a lot of questions in his heart to ask for cloud, but he has never been good at talking.

He does not care about the cloud, but he does not care about the man who likes the cloud. This man looks like a lot of age and cloud. It is not an age group. He is afraid that this man used any improper means to confuse the cloud.

Although he is not the heart of the cloud, he can't let his heart love being hurt.

Suddenly, Ginina’s personality is extravagant. Seeing that Jacob Beru is silent and introverted as if he is not good at talking, and because Jacob Beru is older, Guan Nina did not dare to ask the question of Jacob Beru. In order to be active, I said a lot of the outstanding performance of Yunli Glass in the school, I hope to help the cloud glass to pursue Jacob Beru.

Jacob Beru’s expression is a bit stiff, and it’s not good to interrupt the chattering Guan Nina. Obviously, I don’t know how to respond to it. How unnatural is unnatural.

Zhou Yuchen sat down and peeled the pine nuts. He slammed the pine nuts and handed it to the cloud glaze. The cloud glare stared at the talking Guan Nina and handed the pine nuts to Guan Nina.

The little girl was also polite. She took the pine nuts on her hands and did not stop on her mouth: "The glass directly took a piece of brick and brick and sent it in the past. The man suddenly became bloody!"

"What about your story?!" The eyes of the cloud are all smiling.

"I said everything is true!" Guan Nina put a few pine nuts in her mouth. "Zhou Yuchen also saw it at the time, is it Zhou Yuchen!"

Zhou Yuchen nodded.

After hearing Zhou Yuchen’s affirmative answer, Guan Nina said to Jacob Beru: "So! Our glass is a rare beauty, a great hero! You must not let us glaze for too long! We Glass is very popular!"

"You have said this a few times!" Cloud glare reminded.

"I tell the truth, the truth is not too much!" Guan Nina smiled brightly and brightly.

Shengkang: "..."

Does Yunli Glass use Gu Qingcheng to teach her self-defense means to save the beautiful man? !

Zhou Yuchen’s attention was all used to observe Jacob Beru.

Zhou Yuchen didn't understand what Yun Baili liked Jacob Beru. He didn't seem to talk well and was not good at interacting with people. When Guan Nina spoke to him, he always frowned and switched to Nina's eyes. Very uncomfortable.

It is very different from Zhou Yuchen's imagination. Zhou Yuchen thought that... Yun Liuli must be the kind of tall man who is different from his type!

In front of this man, he is a tall man, but he is definitely not a stalwart.

This kind of gloom Zhou Yuchen is very familiar, and has the same taste as the gloom of his body.

Therefore, Zhou Yuchen’s bold speculation is whether this Jacob Beru has been bullied like himself, so he will enter the eyes of the cloud. !

After all, cloud glaze is like to support them in this kind of mud.

if so……

Zhou Yuchen regained his gaze. Why can't people who like the cloud glass be their own? !

Is it because you are not up? !

Isn’t it enough to work hard enough to make the cloud look into the eye? !

Zhou Yuchen moved his eyes to the cloud, and the glass was just like a smile...

After coming out of the hospital, Zhou Yuchen’s heart was very heavy. Especially after seeing the goodness of the cloud and the glass to Jacob Beru, Zhou Yuchen was inevitably not in the heart.

"Zhou Yuchen!" Guan Nina suddenly called Zhou Yuchen.

Zhou Yuchen turned back to Guan Nina...

Perhaps because the sky is already dark, Guan Nina has the courage to embrace Zhou Yuchen's narrow waist, not waiting for Zhou Yuchen to push her away... Guan Nina has already released Zhou Yuchen.

"Whether you like glass or not, I will like you as always! I believe that my sincerity will touch you! I will work hard with Liuli, I believe we can all be beautiful!" Guan Nina looked up, right Zhou Yuchen showed a big smile.

Zhou Yuchen looked at Guan Nina, who was shining under the street lamp. The brow was slightly tight: "I only like cloud glaze..."

"I know! It doesn't matter... I will try to make you like me!" Guan Nina's expression is very optimistic, especially when she sees that the cloud is also pursuing her own lover, which is like making a Guaninna. The role model gave Guan Nina courage.

Zhou Yuchen doesn't say anything, she doesn't want to give Guan Nina hope, but Guan Nina does not mind at all: "I believe... you will like me! I will!"

Guan Nina licked her bag with her hands and smiled at Zhou Yuchen: "I will send you home!"

"No, I take a taxi!" Zhou Yuchen said that he stopped a car and left the car.

Guan Nina stood on the edge of the hospital door and looked back at the inpatient department of the hospital. Her lips were swelled and she was going to cheer with the cloud.


Jacob Berua has a health care, and Yun Liu Glass has been following the "Warrior" crew to record variety shows.

The kind of indoor variety show does not cost any physical strength. It is a game of entertainment. For example, if you are guessing, who is undercover, or some game that tests your brain.

Yun Liuli is the most actress in the "Warrior", and she is still loved by Xie Xun's life, so she is a well-deserved actress.

At the scene of the recording of the program, the host asked Hu Tuo how to activate a new person like Yun Liuli as the heroine.

Hu guide smiled and said: "The truth is... Yun Liuli followed her agent's dialect to see how the film was made, and then I saw the cloud glaze... just like the netizens feel, I feel Cloud glaze satisfies my imagination of the little county owner. Originally... I didn't intend to let the role of the little lord appear in the camera. After all, the little lord, this is a beautiful girl in my mind, so the small gorge played by Yun Liuli later The main shots are all shots!"

The host was taken aback and quickly asked Yun Liuli: "Is this the case?!"

Cloud glass is a serious nod.

The topic seems to be naturally transferred to the cloud glaze here, the host asked Yun Liuli: "We know that the first time you glaze on the screen, it should be the MV "fake aristocrat" in cooperation with the current popular singer Lu Tianyu, then you think that playing MV What is the difference with movies?!"

"It's no different, after all, there are no lines..."

The audience was amused and laughed. The black face of Yun Liuli was very embarrassing. She said it was very serious... What did everyone laugh at? !

"Do you know why cloud glaze says so?!" Hu guide took the word and smiled and pointed to the cloud glaze. "This little girl has never forgotten, the script that I have seen... can be left to you without a word. Natural actor material!"

(End of this chapter)

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