Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1132: Everyone has a life

Chapter 1132 Everyone has a life

Gu Qingcheng was finally able to make a positive result with Yunli Glass. It was difficult to finish the nine-eighth-one-one. How could Tang Hao, as a good brother, let the outsiders stay to bother their friends and his beloved woman? !

Shengkang is not at ease, afraid that Yunli Wanwan is strong with Jacob Beru, so he has not been able to go...

But now Yun Liuli and Jacob Beru live in Yunding Apartment, unless he follows them in twenty-four hours, otherwise... Cloud glass really moved this idea, how can he stop? !

Forget it, everyone has their own lives...

Anyway, the order he got was to take care of the cloud glaze. Although Jacob Beru was the younger brother of Gu Qingcheng, he wanted to take care of himself because of his heart, but he could not take care of Jacob Beru for a lifetime!

Fu Huai'an and Tang Yan are all worried that Yun Liuli and Jacob Beru are alone. What do you insist on here? !

So, Shengkang and Yunlili Jacob Beru bid farewell, followed Tang Yan and set foot on the elevator, and gave Jacob Beru a look of your own self-sufficiency, set foot on the elevator downstairs...

There are two people in the Yunding Apartment, Yunliang Glass and Gu Qingcheng.

It is clear that Gu Qingcheng has not done anything, and the breathing of Yun Liuli has been chaotic.

She leaned her neck and looked at Gu Qingcheng: "There are two of us!"

Gu Qingcheng is more cautious and makes a gesture of “嘘...”.

At the beginning, Fu Huai'an knew clearly that Gu Qingcheng would put Jacob Beru in this position. In addition to sending people to fake Jacob Beru, Fu Huai'an needs to acquiesce in the ink. The house arrangement is monitored, and the fake is passed to the ink. A Jacob Beiru is really the signal of Gu Qingcheng's younger brother!

In addition to Fu Zhai, Yan Mo also arranged for people to enter the Tang Yi company to steal the fingerprint of Gu Qingcheng, used to compare with Jacob Beru fingerprint!

Yan Mo originally wanted to do something more real, and arranged people to Yunding Apartment, but was refused by Fu Huai'an. Fu Huai'an was afraid of affecting the emotional life of Yunlili and Gu Qingcheng.

The reason why Yan Mo did this is that he wants to pass out from all his own places. Jacob Beru is really just a message from Gu Qingcheng's brother.

After all, in the eyes of the outside world, Zhai Mo is the enemy of Gu Qingcheng. Only the news from here is worthy of others’ trust.

Yun Liuli will pay attention to the meaning of Qingcheng, to Gu Qingcheng: "Do you want me to take you to visit at home?!"

"No, I will rest first, where is the room?!" Gu Qingcheng asked.

"I will take you to the past..." Yun Liuli took Gu Qingcheng to the door of the room and pushed open the door.

The sheets that have been changed in the master bedroom are covered, and Gu Qingcheng puts the threshold on the door, the standard Jacob Beru style.

Cloud glaze also began to check where the living room was tapped.

Just before Tang Hao’s men’s hand, Yun Liuli carefully checked it again, and she saw a tiny miniature eavesdropping under the coffee table.

Cloud glaze checked the kitchen and had its own bedroom, as well as several guest rooms...

Detail under the carpet, stairs... vases, ornaments and lamps, and even ceilings and chandeliers!

However, in addition to the eavesdropping under the coffee table, Yun Liu did not find other monitors. This shows that Tang Hao’s men have indeed had problems! And Fu Huai’an’s aunt who came to take care of them should really take care of their lives.

Gu Qingcheng went back to the room and also checked it in detail. I made sure there was no problem, coming out of the room...

"How come you out?! What do you need?! I will help you!" Yun Liuli said to Gu Qingcheng pointing to the coffee table.

"Drinking water, I will come by myself!" Gu Qingcheng said that he knew.

Yun Liuli ran in the direction of Gu Qingcheng: "I will help you! You are a patient now, I will take care of you!"

The cloud glaze squeezed open Gu Gucheng and washed it to the kettle to pick up water and boil water.

"Do you intend that I will stay in the Yunding apartment, you will not hide in the room?!" Yun Liuli asked Gu Qingcheng,

Gu Qingcheng does not say anything.

"What are you hiding from me?! It is difficult for you to find that you like me, so I dare not face me... hiding me?!" Cloud glass is still the smile.

"What are you talking about!" Gu Qingcheng pretended to be angry and angry.

"That is to want to rest in the room?!"

Gu Qingcheng did not say anything according to the path of Jacob Beru.

"There are two of us at home. If you don't even want to talk about it, then I can only find a way to enlighten you and save you what is wrong with you..." Yun Liuli said that this statement has obvious meaning.

Gu Qingcheng hesitated and said, "Well, rest..."

"That's good, I will accompany you to rest in the room, what I do... you rest without letting us interfere with each other!"

So, after the cloud glazed poured a glass of water into Gu Qingcheng, he made his own claim to take his script and book and entered the room of Gu Qingcheng.

As soon as I entered the door, Yun Liuli used her eyes to ask if there was any problem in the Qingcheng room.

Gu Qingcheng did not answer, and placed the water on the shelf where the vase was placed, and pulled it through the clouds and kissed it.

Yun Liu holds the script and notebook in his arms, but the signature pen has not been stabilized on the ground.


The cloud sighed and the whole person was pressed on the door panel. Gu Qingcheng grabbed the glazed clothes hem, and the cloud glaze quickly broke away from the hot and hot tongue of Gu Qingcheng: "Wait...etc..."

"What?!" Gu Qingcheng breathed heavily. "I thought... you are more anxious than me!"

Gu Qingcheng's eyes are full of smiles.

Between the two of them, Yun Liuli has always been active. This time, Gu Qingcheng, who has lived a new life, is determined to be the one of the two men who are active.

"I... I haven't taken a bath yet!" The cloud glaze sounds like a little milk cat.

"It doesn't matter..." Gu Qingcheng said, he would bury himself in the neck of Yunlili, but he was shunned by the cloud glaze against his chest.

"I, I forgot to study this time, in fact... nothing will happen! What to do?!" The cloud glass ears are red.

"It doesn't matter, let's explore together!" Gu Qingcheng raised an eyebrow, and the magnetic mellow voice was dyed with a layer of flaws.

"Does your injury not matter?!" Yun Liuli asked again.

In fact, the cloud glaze is really very heroic, but the more you get to the point, the more nervous you are.

"It doesn't matter!"

"But I think... our first time, is it that two people should take a shower, the fragrance is right?!" The voice of the cloud is very low. "You have been in the hospital for so long, and I am accompanying you in the hospital." I haven't taken a bath for so long! Besides, your wounds are still not wet!"

Hello 110? ! Gu Qingcheng is here to play with the little girl...

(End of this chapter)

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