Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1133: Clouds and glass let go of my heart

Chapter 1133, Clouds and Glass, Put Your Heart Down

"You don't know if there is something called waterproof tape?!" Gu Qingcheng looked at her little girl with her neck and shoulders squatting. He tried to say, "Otherwise, I will give you a few hours, now you are. You can go to see the teaching film that Bai Xiaonian sent to you. We took a shower... Try it at night?!"

"Ah?! So fast!" The more hot the cloud glass ears are.

"I heard that this kind of thing is to be careful to try again and again. The first time may not be successful." Gu Qingcheng whispered his little girl.

"Really?!" Clouds glazed with watery eyes and big eyes.

Gu Qingcheng pulled up his lips and tried to restrain himself from making too much smile: "Yes, I used to listen to Tang Yin. Tang Yan advised me not to always be ignorant. I am afraid that I will meet a woman I like in the future. Misunderstanding can't be done."

Surprised by the cloud, he hugged the narrow waist of Gu Qingcheng: "You will not do it!"

"That night, I will rely on you!" Gu Qingcheng, like the scorpion of the secluded pool, stared at the cloud and faintly, and dug a pit for the cloud.

Yun Liuguang nodded: "Then I will study now, but I feel a little shameful when I sneak a peek. I am going to take a tablet and come over, let's study together?!"

Gu Qingcheng's nephew picked up, the little girl didn't experience it... The idea is too simple!

Studying with a man, how can she be sure that they become an internship while learning and learning together? !

So, the shameful cloud glaze took the tablet into the room of Gu Qingcheng. The two people were sitting on the soft bed and watching the pictures on the tablet were red.

Because of the shyness of the cloud, two people with one earphone, the voice is also very clear.

So, as Gu Qingcheng expected, learning became an internship...

They have been intern until the end of the evening.

In the middle of the road, they heard the aunts of the housemen to cook, they restrained each other and could not resist, and the movements that were as careful as possible made the heartbeat fast enough to be self-sufficient.

When the aunt of the housekeeping left, Gu Qingcheng was relieved.

After the end, although the cloud glaze has a burning pain, but the nest in Gu Qingcheng's arms is unprecedented satisfaction.

"At this time, shouldn't you have to order a cigarette?!" Yun Liuli looked up from Gu Qingcheng's arms and looked up at Gu Qingcheng.

"Do you want a cigarette?!" Gu Qingcheng couldn't help but bow his head and smack the clouds and faintly smile. "What do you do with cigarettes?!"

Yun Liuli thought of the messy things that he searched on the Internet. The ears could not help but be hot, and muttered in a low voice: "I don’t have to say anything after the incident..."

Gu Qingcheng: "..."

Cloud 乖乖 乖乖 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧 巧

Gu Qingcheng's dark-skinned scorpion is reflected in the delicate and delicate facial features of the cloud: "Jacob Beiru does not smoke, I took this opportunity to quit."

The cloud glazed nodded, and the arm slammed the waist of Gu Qingcheng. He put his head on the chest of Gu Qingcheng and carefully avoided the wound of Gu Qingcheng. The voice was distressed: "The days of quitting smoking must be difficult!"

Feeling Gu Qingcheng's arms tightened, he bowed his head and said: "I don't think it's hard to think of you!"

Then, the brave and fearless little girl was blushing again, and even her eyes were red.

Cloud glass guides how much the Gu Qingcheng smokes before, almost as fierce as Fu Huai'an smoking.

Later, Fu Huai'an quit smoking for Lin Wen, and the cloud glaze was particularly touched and especially envious.

She was still thinking that Gu Qingcheng would not quit smoking for himself for a lifetime...

However, he gave up the identity of Gu Qingcheng for her, and started to quit smoking.

Yun Liuli feels that he is so happy, has such a lover...

"I'll be pregnant?!"

Yun Liuli suddenly thought of the child's problem and asked the man around him.

This one……

Just now, Gu Qingcheng and Yunlili are in a hurry, and Yunding Apartment has not prepared any measures.

If you go out to buy a birth control pill, you won’t be eyeing it.

Gu Qingcheng thought that Yun Liuli was not wanting children for a while, and his eyes were calm, or he was soothing and smashed the shoulders of the clouds: "Which is so easy..."

Clouds and glass do not want children, but it is not suitable now...

She said: "That is, also... maybe, right?!"

Gu Qingcheng looked down at her and nodded.

"But it doesn't matter, even if I am pregnant now, I can honestly admit that I have strengthened you!" Yun Liuli asked, "Jacob Beru should not be the kind of irresponsible man?!"

After Gu Qingcheng thought about it, he said: "He is not, although he is silent, but he is still a very responsible man."

"That's good!" Cloud glazed down.

After so long after tossing, the cloud glazed was so hungry that the back of the chest was attached to the back, and even if you didn't want to wash it, you would go to eat first.

The little girl is holding the bed and walking is a little difficult...

Gu Qingcheng wants to go to the living room with the cloud glaze, and the cloud baubles: "You have a wound on your body! And there is a monitor outside, forget it!"

Yunli glass has long heard that it is particularly uncomfortable after the first time, and it is psychologically prepared to be able to bear it!

She remembered on the Internet that after a few more trials, she would not feel very comfortable. Today, she and Gu Qingcheng have come many times, and the next time I try again... it should not hurt!

Gu Qingcheng sent the cloud to the room, used a waterproof sticker to affix the wound, took a shower, and did not open the bathroom door. He heard the bedroom as if it were the position of the bedside table.

"Don't make trouble... let the old Gu hear it for a while!"

This is the voice of Lu Jinnan.

Gu Qingcheng quietly opened the bathroom door.

There was also a sound of laughter in the bedside alarm clock.

"Is the old man taking a shower?!"

This is the voice of Lu Jinnan.

"Would you like to talk to Lao Gu about this contact method after a while, or if the old Gu knows that we have eavesdropped on him and the little glass... Can't kill us?!" Tang Yan's guilty opening.

"Then you turned off the call!" Lu Jinnan's voice was a bit contemptuous.

Gu Qingcheng has a black line.

Today's inspection is so detailed, this alarm clock is carefully checked again because it is newly added Gu Qingcheng...

Gu Qingcheng ink-colored long hair on the water, he tied the bathrobe with a belt, went to the bedside table, scorned the alarm clock, bent over and picked up, the eyes were gloomy.

Do you pretend not to know, or warn these two goods? !

"I really want to hear the sound of breathing..." Tang Yan whispered.

The Gu Qingcheng installed here is the latest product developed by Tang Wei’s technology company. The radio function is super!

"You shut the call first!"

Lu Jinnan really wants to worry about Tang’s IQ...

(End of this chapter)

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