Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1138: He is willing to make up for Bai Xiaonian's life for this mistake.

Chapter 1138, he is willing to make up for Bai Xiaonian's life for this mistake.

Lu Jinnan shook his head.

Although he has tried very hard to restrain his emotions, he is still red-eyed.

For a long time, he calmed his emotions and then choked his mouth: "Dad, I have had a child with Xiaonian, but because I am angry with Xiaonian... I will be gone when Xiaon falls!"

The news came suddenly. Bai Xiaonian’s father was stunned, and he did not slow down.

Lu Jinnan knew that Bai Xiaonian did not want to tell her father about this matter, but today Bai Xiaonian’s father suddenly said such a remark to Lu Jinnan that Lu Jinnan could no longer conceal it.

He calmly and Bai Xiaonian’s father said the cause and effect of the matter, including the things of Hong Jinxi, and Bai Xiaonian’s father.

Bai Xiaonian’s father did not speak the whole story.

"Dad, I only recognize one person in my life. I can't make up for the child's mistakes, but... I am trying to tell Xiaonian, and there will be no such thing happening in the future. I will never be in this life. And Xiaonian anger, no matter what happens!"

When Lu Jinnan said this, the voice was slightly awkward.

Bai Xiaonian’s father hangs his throat and looks at his chopsticks.

This incident, Bai Xiaonian never told him...

His own daughter, he knows, has always been a girl with a strong face and a soft heart.

During this time, I don’t know how Bai Xiaonian came over, such a big thing... but pretending to be nothing in front of him.

Seeing that Bai Xiaonian’s father is not snoring, Lu Jinnan’s heart is also panicking: “ have to fight, I have nothing to say! For me, the hardest decision in my life is to give up Xiaonian!”

Later, Lu Jinnan washed all the bowls from Bai Xiaonian's house, and Bai Xiaonian's father still said nothing.

He didn't know if he told Bai Xiaonian's father today whether he would violate Bai Xiaonian's will, but he couldn't hide it any more. This was his fault.

Moreover, he is willing to make up for Bai Xiaonian's life for this mistake.

When Lu Jinnan returned to the Kaide Group, he stopped the car and met Tang Hao, who was about to leave.

After struggling for a long time, Tang Hao decided to go to Anina.

In the end, the little happy father can't help there all day, and Uninai is a woman's house. Some things still need men to do it.

"Returned from the old man's house?! How about the replacement of the light bulb?!" Tang Hao opened the driver's seat and asked Lu Jinnan.

Lu Jinnan locked the door: "Change, you have to go?!"

"I went to Uninai to see what I needed to help! I have already explained it, if there is anything you call me... I will come back immediately!"

Lu Jinnan looked at Tang Yan’s car and left the building with a heavy feeling.

Sometimes, he really envied Tang Yan, although Tang Yan and Younai seem to look like a needle to Mai Mang, but the feelings are better every day, and their children ... are still there!

Lu Jinnan’s own child is gone.

He suspected that after telling the truth about Bai Xiaonian's father, wouldn't it be a big boost for Bai Xiaonian? !

However, whether or not this help will continue to support him, Lu Jinnan does not intend to give up Bai Xiaonian, and it will be difficult or not...

Going to the elevator, Lu Jinnan thought that Bai Xiaonian would go to the embassy today to interview the British Embassy Ambassadors during lunch time.

He glanced at the time. At this point, he rushed over and almost Bai Xiaonian was about to end the interview. Do you want to go? !

Lu Jinnan hesitated, the elevator has arrived.

The elevator door opened, and Lu Jinnan turned and walked toward his car.

Driving the car out of the underground garage, Lu Jinnan made a phone call to Fu Huai'an: "Old Fu, I don't participate in the afternoon meeting, you can join us hard!"

Fu Huai'an did not ask why, it should be down: "You can rest assured!"

Hanging up the phone, Lu Jinnan is next to the steering wheel...

Telling the story of the child about Bai Xiaonian’s father, Lu Jinnan personally went to speak with Bai Xiaonian.


Bai Xiaonian’s visit to the British ambassador ended, and the British ambassador’s wife invited Bai Xiaonian to stay for lunch.

Bai Xiaonian thanked the wife of the British ambassador and smiled and said that he would go out for dinner with his colleagues to celebrate.

The group of people took the equipment down from the steps of the embassy and put the equipment on the car. They listened to Bai Xiaonian’s assistant. "I used to see Xiaonian’s screaming spokesperson of the US Department of Public Information, knowing that Xiaonian’s American English said The thief slipped, I didn’t expect Xiaon’s sister’s English cavity to be so beautiful!”

Bai Xiaonian smiled and helped the photographer to put the equipment on the car: "What is this? When is there a chance for you to listen to Lin Wen’s English? That is a good listen. Before we attended the poetry society in college, we all said that I listened to Lin. Warm reading poems in English is a way to let the mind bathe in the sun."

"Really?!" The little assistant's eyes are bright.

Bai Xiaonian's assistant is the result of a typical exam-oriented education. English is particularly good, but she is reluctant, so she envied the super-speaking person.

Put all the equipment on the train, and several people get on the bus and go outside the embassy...

Bai Xiaonian sat in the last row, opened the recording pen, and sorted out the questions asked today by the British ambassadors and asked to write an interview.

When the entrance to the embassy, ​​the car stopped. Bai Xiaonian’s staff of the TV station and the embassy handled the handover and returned the visitor’s card.

The small assistant sitting in the front row inadvertently looked up and saw Lu Jinnan across the road from the embassy. He turned his head and knocked on Bai Xiaonian’s knee: "Xiao Nianjie, Lu is at the entrance of the embassy, ​​it should be waiting for you!"

Bai Xiaonian’s glimpse...

Through the windshield, Bai Xiaonian saw Lu Jinnan walking in their direction.

The little assistant saw that Lu Jinnan was more excited than Bai Xiaonian. After all... The news that Lu Jinnan was arrested in the M country was very troublesome in the country. Bai Xiaonian screamed at the spokesperson of the M Ministry of Foreign Affairs and said that he asked the M country to give a reply to the video as a wife of Lu Jinnan. .

Almost everyone knows that Lu Jinnan is the husband of Bai Xiaonian!

At that time, the amount of video reprinted in the country was high and people were flustered.

But the staff around Bai Xiaonian also know that after two people came back from the United States, it seems that there is a contradiction. Lu Jinnan seems to be re-pursuing Bai Xiaonian.

Bai Xiaonian has not ignored Lu Jinnan's original love. The more she loves to ignore it... It feels that Lu Jinnan is getting more and more, so many times Lu Jinnan still says that the business is still listening to Bai Xiaonian.

After the handover procedure was completed, the driver came out of the embassy. The driver was very parked on the roadside. The door of the commercial vehicle was opened. Bai Xiaonian, wearing a white suit and hip skirt, came down from the car.

(End of this chapter)

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