Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1139: I will never give you up!

Chapter 1139 I will not give up on you!

Her suit sleeves were pushed straight into the elbows, revealing the slender white arms, and the white jade wrist with a red leather chain watch, more and more lining the white Xiaonian wrists with delicate skin and white.

Today, Bai Xiaonian's overall dress is very professional and intellectual. A waterfall-like micro-volume long hair is bundled behind his head, and his posture is tall and straight... The beauty of the sun is like a delicate flower blooming in the morning.

She pulled the door of the business car and lifted her foot toward Lu Jinnan.

A gust of wind blew through the white hair of Xiao Xiaonian. She frowned and put her behind her ear. When she approached Lu Jinnan, she asked, "What's the matter?!"

This day, it is not particularly warm. Lu Jinnan’s eyes fell on the two slender legs of Bai Xiaonian’s white flowers. The frown took off his suit and walked over to bend over and used his suit to hold Bai’s legs and let her go cold.

Bai Xiaonian did not have any feelings. After all, it was not as warm as the embassy. She held her suit and asked Lu Jinnan: "What is urgent?!"

"If you are busy, get on the bus. I told you in the car that it was too cold outside... I caught a cold for a while!"

"I have to sort out today's interview and submit an interview. The internal publications are urgent..." Bai Xiaonian said.

Lu Jinnan asked again: "Is it particularly urgent?!"

In fact, it is not very anxious.

"What the **** are you doing?!" Bai Xiaonian’s voice was a bit unpleasant.

"If you don't worry, get on the bus and talk about lunch! You haven't had lunch yet?!"

Bai Xiaonian frowned.

"Anyway, you have to go back to lunch for a while!" Lu Jinnan said good words to Bai Xiaonian, like a child, "take you to eat a particularly delicious hot pot."

Bai Xiaonian looked back at the direction of the commercial vehicle. The assistant was down from the car. He took the baggage of Bai Xiaonian and rushed over to ask Bai Xiaonian’s bag to Bai Xiaonian: "Xiao Nianjie, your bag!"

Bai Xiaonian: "..."

I really thank you!

Lu Jinnan was very happy to pick it up. He smiled softly at Bai Xiaonian’s assistant: "Thank you..."

Bai Xiaonian’s assistant has to be fainted by Lu Jinnan’s smile. No way... This world is a world of Yan dog, who makes Lu Jinnan a high value!

"You're welcome! You're welcome! Lu and you and Xiaonian sister go slowly!"

Bai Xiaonian put the hair behind his ear, glanced at the dog's assistant, and Lu Jinnan went in the direction of his car.

Lu Jinnan carefully guarded the white waist of Bai Xiaonian and walked to the side of the car to open the door to Bai Xiaonian. After Bai Xiaonian got on the bus, he put Bai Xiaonian's handbag in the back row before he got around the car.

On the way, Bai Xiaonian sat in the co-pilot and listened to the recording while finishing his interview.

Lu Jinnan brought a hot pot restaurant to Bai Xiaonian, which was newly opened... Bai Xiaonian had not heard of it before.

This is Lu Jinnan's own hot pot restaurant. After all, Bai Xiaonian likes to eat hot pot.

The two sat down in the private room. When Lu Jinnan ordered the food according to the preferences of Bai Xiaonian, the bottom of the pot had already come up first, and the spicy smell of butter was very hooked.

"What are you going to say?!" Bai Xiaonian squatted on the table and did not look up and asked.

In the private room, there is a moment of silence, quiet can only hear the sound of the bottom of the pot rolling.

Lu Jinnan said to Bai Xiaonian through the faint heat: "Today I went to the house to change the bathroom light bulb. Dad said to me... Your attitude is firm, afraid of delaying me, let us forget it!"

Bai Xiaonian had some surprises when she heard this. She raised her gaze and nodded. "You should listen to my dad! Otherwise, I will sue for divorce when I arrive in two years."

Lu Jinnan smiled and took the lemon kettle in front of Bai Xiaonian, and poured it into Bai Xiaonian, and put it on Bai Xiaonian's hand: "So, I told Dad what our children didn't have!"

Bai Xiaonian's face is heavy.

This incident, Bai Xiaonian did not tell his father, because his father’s health is not good, he was afraid to stimulate him...

"I told Dad that I only recognize you as Bai Xiaonian in my life. I can't make up for the mistake of losing my child, but I am trying to tell you by action. There will be no such thing happening in the future. I will never again in this life. I will be angry with you, no matter what happens!" Lu Jinnan paused and explained, "So... I will not give up on you! Never!"

Every word in Lu Jinnan is extremely solemn.

He smiled at Bai Xiaonian: "In the future, I may have to lose my dad's support."

Bai Xiaonian didn't say anything, just looking at Lu Jinnan, the hot air between the two... With the aroma of the people, the outlines of the two were blurred.

Bai Xiaonian's legs overlap, and he took out a box of ladies' cigarettes from the bag next to him. He just pulled out a folder and listened to Lu Jinnan. "You said... I will smoke when I think about me. I am now with you." In front of you, whether you think about me or if you think about me, you can tell me that smoke is all right."

Bai Xiaonian had a cigarette on his fingertips. He did not find a fire in his bag. He could only give up.

She frowned and didn't move with a cigarette. She asked, "Are you talking to my dad, what is my dad's reaction?!"

"Dad has been silent, did not say a word." Lu Jinnan told the truth.

Bai Xiaonian nodded and put the unsucked lady's cigarette in the ashtray and picked up his bag.

"Dawn Year!"

"I will go back and see my dad! You eat slowly!"

How can Bai Xiaonian eat when he hears that his father knows that his child is gone? !

"I will send you!" Lu Jinnan got up and took the suit jacket on the back of the chair.

Bai Xiaonian nodded.

Lu Jinnan drove the car to the car restaurant and bought a snack for Bai Xiaonian to let her pad first in the car. Her stomach was not good and she could not stand the hungry.

When he arrived home, Lu Jinnan did not follow up. He stood at the door and said to Bai Xiaonian: "I am waiting in the car!"

"Don't wait!" Bai Xiaonian said three words to Lu Jinnan and rushed toward the direction of the family.

Lu Jinnan was wearing a thin shirt and stood by the car.

He ordered a cigarette and he was a little nervous.


Bai Xiaonian opened the door with a key and did not call anyone.

The house was quiet, but her father’s door was half hidden.

The habit of Bai Xiaonian’s father is that all the doors and windows in the house are open during the day, and the door is rarely hidden.

She put down the bag, changed the slippers and didn't go to the door, and heard the cry of her father.

Bai Xiaonian’s heart was caught by what was caught. She stood stiffly on the side of her body and tightened her hand and then let go.

She adjusts her emotions and imagines that she is "old white".

But when she saw the picture of her mother in the hands of her father from the hidden door, she took care of the photos with a wrinkled hand, so she could not show her easy posture.

One thousand three hundred monthly tickets plus more! I’m going to have six hundred copies right now... babys are cheering! The monthly ticket has changed to two, leaving today and tomorrow two days! Add more and less to see the baby!

(End of this chapter)

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