Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1150: Cloud glaze, is this magical? !

Chapter 1150 Cloud Glass You are this magic? !

The winning group can get the Xuanwu map, and the losing team needs to hand over all the maps carried by the body and belong to the winning team.

Upon hearing this punishment, Liu Yuxi asked: "Silver sister, it doesn't matter if we lose, map you should remember it?!"

Blue team: "..."

Fu Tianci feels that no matter how the game is counted, they are suffering!

Even if the cloud glazed out the map on her body, her mind remembered it. What is the difference with not coming out? !

However, it didn't matter when he was cold. He smiled and patted his teammate's shoulder: "Winning the map is the most important thing."

The vampire also gave everyone a particularly small electronic grasshopper cage. When you open the switch, you can hear the sound of grasshoppers screaming inside. He suggested that you should be a little lighter when you pick up the garbage, don’t wake up sleepy. Dragons, otherwise there will be terrible things happening. If you accidentally wake up the dragon, then use the electronic grasshopper in your hand to deal with the dragon.

The game content after the **** is very unfriendly to the girls like Yun Liuli and Liu Yuxi. It is a shot.

Five balls, two teams who scored more in the ball who won!

In the case of Shi Hanchu and Fu Tianci and Du Wenjie's handicap, the team of Yunlili was still unexpectedly lost.

Then Liu Yuxi looked at the cloud glazed with tears in his eyes and asked: "Sister Liu, what do we do?!"

After a little thought, Yunlili said: "That will follow the blue team!"

Liu Yuxi nodded, and also the map that the blue team got, more than them!

Seeing that it was noon, the Blue team sat down at the rest and opened the props climbing bag given by the program group, which has today's dry food.

Fortunately, there are compressed biscuits provided by Gu Qingcheng in the bag of Yun Liuli, but... the bottle of mineral water has been sprinkled by Liu Yuxi just over half, and the remaining water is not enough for two people to drink.

No water is a big problem for them.

Looking at the dry compressed biscuits in his hand, Liu Yuxi asked Yun Liuli: "How do I drink the glass sister?"

Fu Tianci couldn't stand it. He wanted to take their own water for distribution, but Du Wenjie did not agree. There was a small friction in their group.

Fu Tianci thinks that they are small girls, they should help!

Du Wenjie said that this is a competition, and when it is not really life critical, they should respect the program group.

In the end, it was said at the beginning of the cold that the program group would not really let the guests have an accident. They did their part, and the game was the game, which ended the dispute within the blue team.

The cloud glaze here turned a deaf ear to the blue team’s controversy. After Liu Yuxi had finished drinking the water, he took out the Swiss army knife from the bag and cut the water bottle from the middle. Then he found a piece of muddy soil that was still damp. Deep pit, put the bottle in, and peeled off the plastic paper used to pack the things in the backpack. Cover the edges with mud and finally put a stone in the middle of the plastic bag and sit back on the tree. The sun was waiting for the sun to move over the pit she dug.

"What are you doing with the glass sister?!" Liu Yuxi asked.

Not only Liu Yuxi, but even Du Wenjie and Fu Tianci are curious, only when the cold early understands what the cloud is doing, and the heart can not help but praise the little girl is really smart, but also curious how such a small girl will have this kind of wilderness for survival Skills? !

When the lunch time is over, everyone has to start before the departure, and the cloud glaze slowly stands up from the shade of the tree, walks to the pit and moves the stone on the plastic, carefully opening the soil and uncovering the plastic paper from the deep pit. Take out the mineral water bottle that she cut half of it, and there is already half a glass of water inside.

"I am going!" Du Wenjie was shocked. "Is this magical in the clouds?"

Fu Tianci also widened his eyes, as if he couldn't understand how most of the water was coming.

Only at the beginning of the cold, I got up and carried a backpack: "Let's go! There are less than four hours."

Yun Liuli ate a few compressed biscuits, snorted and drank the water, put away his plastic paper and homemade cups into his backpack, and set off.

The next level they encountered came across a female general who was sitting on a swing. The shape of Sumanman was exactly the same as that of the general in the War.

In the pink petals flying in the sky, a man dressed in a Sumanman sat on a swing, a black ink hair beam top with a white jade crown, a pony tail with long hair, she reached out and caught a good flower, covered with There is tenderness in the murderousness, especially the slightly sullen smile on the lips, and the beauty is suffocating!

It seems to be disturbed by the people, she looks back, and instantly crushed the flowers in her hands.

Sumanman got up and held his waist with a single-handed sword. His eyes were alert and murderous, making people feel good and cool: "Who is here?!"

Du Wenjie and Fu Tianci both looked at the early hours of the cold and said that they must win.

Although Yun Liuli knows Sumanman, but he is recording a program, and there is a plot, it is not good to say hello.

Sumanman was the director who deliberately invited.

The popularity of Shi Hanchu and Sumanman was originally high. Coupled with the drama of two women chasing men, it will only make the ratings of this program higher.

Sumanman is personal because this period is sometimes cold, so it came again.

Su Manman plays a very powerful dragon slaughterwoman, Wei Xueyang. She has already died for more than a thousand years. The soul has been here to guard the dragon, preventing the dragon from waking up and going out to be a misfortune. .

Only before the female general voluntarily guarded the dragon, her husband had been out for six months. She had been from her husband to watch the sudden emergence of the dragon. She had no news of her husband, so she was worried about her husband and asked for two. The teams helped find their husband's reincarnation, and the team they found could get a map of the White Tiger.

Prior to this, each team sent a representative to test the flexibility, winning the party can get a very useful hint, the losing party will get an ambiguous hint.

Whether it is Shi Hanchu or Fu Tianci or Du Wenjie, three big straight men... How can Liu Yuxi, who is learning ballet from childhood, be more flexible? !

Du Wenjie and Fu Tianci were especially well-behaved in the face of Sumanman, and they screamed neatly: "Xunzi!"

Then Sumanman showed a kind-hearted smile and sat on the swing and laughed: "The mouth is sweet, but I am sorry that I can't pass it for you!"

Liu Yuxi was very happy that he could finally make a little effort. He was very hard and won the game very easily.

When Yun Liuli and Liu Yuxi approached Sumanman to listen to the clues, I saw Sumanman’s very shy expression...

(End of this chapter)

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