Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1151: Why don't you die smartly? !

Chapter 1151 Why are you not smart to die? !

She hooked the necks of the two little girls and whispered: "My husband was sent to the sacred deed on the second day of our wedding, so I didn't know much about my husband. I only knew that my husband was as much as the monster. Fear of bugs."

Worried about insects? !

Cloud glaze seriously thought.

The message from the Blue team is: Sumanman’s husband is the most brave.

Blue team: "..."

What is this clue? !

Du Wenjie from the blue team said that Sumanman’s husband is definitely the beginning of the cold, but because there is only one chance to guess, they dare not use it. After all, they gather a map and they get the complete map.

However, the cloud glass brows are wrinkled together.

Liu Yuxi whispered: "Afraid of insects?! No wonder we have bugs crawling out when we drop traps. Does this mean that one of us has a special person, is the reincarnation of Manman's brother-in-law?! I see it in a trap. When Feifei was very afraid of bugs, would it be Fifi's sister?! After all... Who is reincarnation is a man or a woman!"

Fu Tianci, who is here, said that if bravely, it would be a sports athlete, the only sports player in the guest today is Zhang Yihan.

However, when Shi Hanchu played in the "Warrior", it was a very brave warfare Xie Xun, watching Sumanman's dress... obviously the shape of "Warrior"!

The blue team is caught in a tangled.

At the beginning of the cold, the clues of their team were almost useless, and it was an ambiguous clue.

The clues on the side of the cloud glaze made the cloud glass suddenly think of the last level. The vampire gave them a grasshopper, saying that if you accidentally wake up the dragon, you can deal with the dragon!

Then... the dragon is afraid of insects!

Yun Liuli suddenly thought of the watch given by the program group. She turned and turned her back to the blue team. She opened her sleeves and looked at the watch. Then she looked like a face and covered her watch with her sleeves. Liu Yuxi runs.

Fu Tianci and Liu Wenjie eagerly looked at the red team that ran away. When asked, Han Han: "What do we do?!"

At the beginning of the cold, I frowned and thought about it, because Sumanman’s message was too ambiguous, and the thinking of the early Han Dynasty was still in the performance of everyone when the red team and the unlucky team fell into the trap.

"Silver sister! What are we running?!" Liu Yuxi asked while trotting.

"Is it noticed that the watch group gave us the watch? The pattern of the dial is that the Western dragon is firing, and the position of the fire is at five o'clock, which means that the dragon is facing five o'clock. Location fire! If I guess there is nothing wrong, this means that the five-point dragon will wake up and fire!"

Director group: "..."

Why are the fine arrangements of our program group all discovered by your little goblin? ! Can you give others some opportunities? !

Liu Yuxi wanted to look down at his watch, but he was too fast to see through the clouds and could not see.

"Then we are running away?!" Liu Yuxi panted.

The explanation of the cloud glazed head is not back: "In the last level, the vampire gave us a grasshopper, saying that if you wake up the sleeping dragon, use the grasshopper to deal with the dragon, that is to say the dragon. Fear of insects!"

Liu Yuxi's eyes lit up: "So, the dragon is the husband of Manman's sister?!"

Director group: "..."

Why don't you die smartly? !

Oh, but **** is still old!

Their directors group didn't believe it, and the wisdom of bringing together so many people would come to mind such a subtle bureau.

The director group has not been proud of it for a few minutes, and the cloud glass is open again...

"The pictogram of the dragon in the dial is the image of the Western dragon. In the Western Dragon, the animal is particularly fond of collecting money! The program group divides the map into Qinglong White Tiger Suzaku Xuanwu, which is an oriental element!"

The director group at the monitor has not begun to calm down.

"In the Eastern element, the dragon is a sacred symbol! So I guess... this treasure hunt program must have a treasure box, and a key, guarded by two dragons, representing the greedy Western dragon guarding the treasure box, the oriental dragon Keep the key!"

Director group: "..."

The director group has been vomiting, and you can't follow the hints we gave you, choose to believe that there is only one dragon! Going to find Sumanman’s husband? !

Liu Yuxi nodded hard: "Since Manman is the dress of the Eastern General, the husband is the Oriental Dragon!"

"According to the Oriental elements, the East Dragon, the West White Tiger, the South Suzaku, the North Xuanwu, the Central Huanglong, the four maps are separated from the middle, that is, the intersection of the four maps is the location of the Oriental Dragon! Fortunately we I have seen two maps, the location of the Oriental Dragon, and the two maps are enough to confirm. Let's get the key first! The exact location of the Western Dragon should be on the most important white tiger map in the hands of Manman!"

Director group: "..."

The director group doesn't know what to use to describe the cloud!

Is it not good to record a good program? ! Why do we have to live the death of our director group? !

Originally, the director group's plot design is super confident. Even if it is a smart person, it will be brought in. If you can't play the task at eight o'clock, then come together and get in touch with the golden dragon!

This kind of abuse of the stars of the plot audience is super favorite!

But why do you not play cards according to common sense? !

Are you coming to abuse the director group? !

When Yun Liuli and Liu Yuxi arrived at the cave where Dongfang Long was located, they saw the Oriental Dragon made by the program group using 3D holographic projection technology.

The oriental dragon dish lingers in the air, guarding the treasure key placed on the ancient stone table, asking who is coming.

Yun Liuli said that she was commissioned by Wei Xueyang to find her husband.

The golden dragon entrenched in the air remembered his wife, and the painful twisted body finally fell into the ground in adult form, saying that he didn't have much time, and asked Yun Liuli to take him to see his wife.

Yun Liuli took the key and quickly took the general to see Sumanman. After the two met, they became together and the petals disappeared between the heavens and the earth. Yun Liuli got the last map of the white tiger representing the West and determined the Western Dragon. s position.

Originally, Yunlili wanted to get to the location before five o'clock, but didn't have time!

When they arrived, the program still used 3D holographic projection technology to make a picture of the dragon on the treasure chest.

Just when Liu Yuxi had to give up, Yun Liuli opened the electronic grasshopper cage given by the vampire, and the voice of the grasshopper appeared. The dragon screamed and flew up, and saw the cloud glazed open the treasure chest with the key, it can only I hovered in the air but did not dare to come down.

So, no suspense, the red team where the cloud glaze is located wins...

(End of this chapter)

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