Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1154: Use the money to do what I want to do!

Chapter 1154 uses the money to do what I want to do!

Zhou Yuchen looked up and looked at Gu Qingcheng. His eyes were suppressing some expectation!

But Zhou Yuchen is young, the city is not enough... The look of hope is coming out.

Gu Qingcheng fingered the hair of Yun Liuli and replied: "Sorry, I will never pay attention to this, but if you want to know your mother's news, why not go to the supermodel circle to inquire?!"

Zhou Yuchen does not want to, but he does not have access to this circle.

But Zhou Yuchen is different now. He is now the son of Xiao’s family...

Since Xiao Qinghai wants to use him to stimulate Xiao Yuan, why can't he borrow the momentum of the Xiao family? !

Zhou Yuchen nodded: "Thank you!"

After that, Zhou Yuchen stood up and looked away from the direction of the cloud.

In front of this Jacob Beru, Zhou Yuchen is very stressed, perhaps because Jacob Beru’s older relationship life experience is more abundant than Zhou Yuchen!

The kind of deep and strong inadvertently revealed, Zhou Yuchen, who is pressured, has some difficulty breathing.

"I am leaving first..." Zhou Yuchen opened his mouth and his voice was a little hoarse.

"So late, be careful on the road!" Yun Liuli is as jealous as Zhou Yuchen.

Zhou Yuchen nodded and went to the elevator Gu Qingcheng to brush his fingerprints. He looked up and looked in the direction of the cloud glass, and he stopped talking.

From Yunding Apartment, Zhou Yuchen couldn’t tell what it was. I thought that if I had the courage to bow in front of the cloud lover, I could get at least some news about my mother, but he did not get any news.

He looked at the way the cloud glaze and Jacob Beru got along. The two of them seemed to have known each other for a long time, and the habits of the cloud glaze were taken for granted... and the subconscious movements of Jacob Beru were silently displayed to Zhou Yuchen. How much they fit together.

Zhou Yuchen looked back at the architectural Yunding Apartment, which is like the landmark of Haicheng City. He finally lifted his foot and walked to the main road.

Returning to Xiaojia from Yunding Apartment is almost a little early in the morning.

Open the door of the room, but see Xiao Yuan sitting in his bed playing shoes in the shoes and legs.

Zhou Yuchen glimpsed a little, standing at the door, his eyes were undisguised disgust.

"Go out!"

Zhou Yuchen’s voice was quiet and with no disguise.

Xiao Yuan’s lips twitched and smiled at Zhou Yuchen. The voice of the game ended in the phone. He said: “Don’t be so indifferent, we are brothers!”

Xiao Yuanyi changed his usual indifference to Zhou Yuchen and regarded Zhou Yuchen as a garbage gesture. He even said that Zhou Yuchen was his brother.

Just, this is the case... Xiao Yuan said that the contempt, watching Zhou Yuchen's eyes still look like garbage.

"Now the cloud glaze can be regarded as a big star that suddenly becomes red!" Xiao Yuan opened his mobile phone picture. "This is a photo of a hacker friend. It took me more than two million! How about you?" Is there no trace of PS?!"

Xiao Yuan’s cell phone showed a picture of a girl being shackled by a man. The girl’s face... is a cloud of glaze.

Zhou Yuchen's cocoon suddenly contracted.

"If this photo is sent out, what effect will it have on the future of the cloud glaze?!" Xiao Yuan’s lips twitched and looked at Zhou Yuchen’s eyes as vicious. “You said, the cloud glaze that boyfriend, the photographic king Jacob Beru... Seeing that his girlfriend is so dirty, will she still want her?! If the cloud glaze is abandoned by Jacob Beru, do you have a chance, look... as a brother Is it good for you?! Similar to help you get the woman you want?!"

Xiao Yuan saw Zhou Yuchen's suffocating suffocation, and he slowly got out of bed and went outside Zhou Yuchen's room.

He rubbed his shoulders with Zhou Yuchen and violently hit Zhou Yuchen, who opened the door at the door. He said before the door: "My hacker friend said that he can still make the appearance of the actress in A·V into a cloud of glass, that is The price is more expensive. I have a few friends who have been tempted to say that even if they are not able to get on the cloud, they will have a good time watching the video.

When Xiao Yuan’s words were not finished, Zhou Yuchen smashed his collar and slammed into the door. He grabbed Xiao Yuan’s neck with his big hand.

After Xiao Yuan’s painful expression was slightly distorted, it was all about the success of provocation: “Why, this can’t stand it?! What should I do if the photos and videos are sent out?!”

Zhou Yuchen squatted on Xiao Yuan’s neck, and Xiao Yuan’s throat hurt, and his forehead jumped on his forehead. Both hands went to pull Zhou Yuchen’s hands. Zhou Yuchen’s efforts were more and more forceful. Xiao Yuan’s breathing was not smooth and he was climbed with red blood. He Only panic to pull Zhou Yuchen's arm.

"What are you doing with Zhou Yuchen?!"

Hearing Xiao Qinghai’s shocked voice, Zhou Yuchen bit his teeth and pushed Xiaoyuan away.

Xiao Qinghai insomnia to this point, originally intended to go downstairs to pour a cup of water to eat a few tablets of sleeping pills and then sleep, who knows that before leaving the building, Zhou Yuchen looked at Xiao Yuan's neck.

Xiao Yuan looked at Zhou Yuchen with his neck and smiled at the lips. Xiao Qinghai looked at Xiao Yuan with a face: "Go back to your room!"

Xiao Yuan had a moment of mistakes. He didn't seem to think that Xiao Qinghai would lick himself. He bit his teeth and took a look at Zhou Yuchen. He lifted his foot and went to the room.

Xiao Qinghai always looked at Zhou Yuchen until he heard the sound of Xiao Yuan’s closing, which gave Zhou Yuchen a slap in the face.

Zhou Yuchen was beaten too far, and the entire right cheek was hot.

"Who gave you the courage to dare to start Xiaoyuan?! You thought that Xiao Yuan was killed... Is Xiao Jia yours?!" Xiao Qinghai also has disgust in his voice. "What spring and autumn dreams do you do?! You Thinking what you are?!"

Zhou Yuchen always knew that he was nothing in the eyes of the Xiao family...

In this world, people who really care about Zhou Yuchen, in fact... there is no such thing!

Zhou Yuchen thought of the cloud glaze, and thought of the girl who was white and jade, and now the girl... is also with people she likes! No one in this world will care about him anymore!

No, no more...

"I can let Xiao Yuan's people stay away from the nanny, and the nanny who is hard to get in the middle age... can also kill people, do you understand?!" Xiao Qinghai threatened Zhou Yuchen one word at a time.

Zhou Yuchen's heterogeneous glutinous rice was layered like an Antarctic ice. He pressed his heart and rolled the waves of the sky, looking up... A pair of scorpions were as flat as a mirror.

"Isn't it necessary to stimulate Xiao Yuan?! Don't let him feel the threat of how to stimulate?!" Zhou Yuchen's voice is not wavering. "I don't have any interest in you Xiaojia. I just want to get Xiaojia's after the event." The ten shares are then sold, and the money is used to do what I want to do!"

Xiao Qinghai’s nephew picked up and seemed to want to see the true and false of Zhou Yuchen...

(End of this chapter)

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