Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1155: Originally belongs to my world

Chapter 1155 originally belongs to my world

Zhou Yuchen seems to have no emotions because of Xiao Qinghai's slap!

He just wiped his lips with a little **** smell and opened his mouth. "In order to stimulate Xiao Yuan, Xiao Yuan hates me more. Tomorrow morning... As Xiao Yuan’s private room, I still deduct all his spare parts. Money, freeze his account, let him learn a good job, what is brother and brother, Christine! You can also let me enter the company to help! I’m tempted Xiaoyuan to go beyond my initiative to ask for help from the company. I’ll get back soon. ... originally belonged to my world!"

When Zhou Yuchen spoke, the tone of the tone was smooth and there was no turmoil. It made Xiao Qinghai somewhat surprised, and he also felt that the slap in the face was somewhat indiscriminate.

He asked Zhou Yuchen to come over to help Xiao Yuan, but now Zhou Yuchen and Xiao Yuan hit Zhou Yuchen.

Xiao Qinghai's lip **** seem to want to say something, and Zhou Yuchen has not yet had time to close the door.

Closing the door, let Xiao Qinghai’s heart’s heart disappear, and he seriously considered Zhou Yuchen’s words...

It is true that for such a long time, Xiao Yuan still does not grow up and seems to have the next remedy.

Xiao Qinghai went downstairs, and the right index finger unconsciously honed the clothes of his robe. This is his habit of thinking. He vaguely felt that Zhou Yuchen was not so simple and harmless to him. He hid under the pair of colors. The eyes are different, sometimes it is like quenching.

Zhou Yuchen, who entered the bathroom, clenched his fists, and all the pictures in Xiao Yuan’s mobile phone were in his mind, as well as the words just made by Xiao Yuan!

And... Xiao Qinghai's slap!

Zhou Yuchen held his hands on the sink and closed his eyes with a very terrible idea.

In any case, for Zhou Yuchen... Cloud glaze is the world, the last person he cares about, he absolutely does not allow anyone, hurt the cloud glaze! No damage can be done in any way!

Looking at the eyes again, Zhou Yuchen’s bottom is a poisonous color killing, as if hiding the most gloomy kind of emotion in the world.


Early the next morning, Yun Liuli and Gu Qingcheng attended the A·G company spokesperson conference.

A·G announced that the new generation of flagship machine spokespersons were served by Jacob Beru and Yunli.

The mood of Yun Liuli has never been so excited. She and Gu Qingcheng stood side by side in the spotlight, and they were interlocking...

From today, Yunlili no longer has to hide and hide. Gu Qingcheng does not need to hide. Even Gu Qingcheng has changed his identity, but they can stand in front of people with such a bright future.

She squeezed the big hand of Gu Qingcheng hard, as if she silently told Gu Qingcheng about her mood at this time.

Gu Qingcheng sideways, gazing at the clouds and glazes through the black-rimmed glasses, the eyes are like a whirlpool to **** the clouds into the glass.

The subtle interaction between Yun Liuli and Gu Qingcheng did not escape the flash...

Some reporters seized the opportunity to ask questions, and smiled and said: "Miss Yun is very convenient to talk about how you are holding a beautiful man?! Or Mr. Jacob Beru can talk about it!"

"He doesn't like talking very much, or let me know it!" Yun Liuli naturally took the microphone and smiled. "After a while, he took a sunset at the beach and was smashed with a knife. The man is good... I haven't caught it yet! I don't feel relieved, so I am following him every day. Probably... He was impressed by his careful care after he was in the hospital and after he was discharged from the hospital!"

Gu Qingcheng nodded with a smile and said that he agreed with Yun Liuli.

Another reporter asked Gu Qingcheng: "So Jacob Babe, you are not tempted by Miss Yun Liu before?! After all... As everyone knows, Miss Yun Liu is really a rare beauty. Some people even said that the beauty of Miss Yun Liuli is hard to beat in the entire entertainment circle!"

"This is an exaggeration! So many predecessors are so beautiful... You really find me a new and new enemy!" Yun Lanli did not wait for Gu Qingcheng to make a joke.

However, Gu Qingcheng’s face is not red-hearted and does not jump. He lifts the microphone, and the sound of the subwoofer is low. He has a penetrating power in this laughter: “I was told that the more beautiful the woman is, the more dangerous it is... The beautiful women themselves are hostile! We can be together... the glass is great."

This made the media calm and blew for a while.

I heard that the news that Jacob Beru would pick up the A·G mobile phone spokesperson had done homework before, and knew what life was like when Jacob Beru was a child. It is said that it always abuses Jacob. Beiru’s grandmother used to be a very famous and beautiful woman. This motto... is a phrase often spoken by the lonely grandmother of Jacob Beru.

Thinking of the life of Jacob Beru, and now looking at the achievements of Jacob Beru, everyone is sympathetic to Jacob Beru, but also can not help but admire the tough quality of Jacob Beru.

Under such education, Jacob Beru was only somewhat over-represented and had no personality distortions.

This time the media was very kind, did not ask why Jacob Beru would say this, and no one asked who told Jacob Beru.

Only a small reporter who did not know the truth asked: "Do people who tell you this sentence have a profound impact on your life?!"

Gu Qingcheng took a mask from Jacob Beru and nodded.

A reporter who knows the situation laughed and opened the topic, jokingly asked Jacob Beru: "So Mr. Jacob Beru, you think so beautiful Miss Yun Liu, is it dangerous now?!"

Gu Qingcheng barely hesitated. He nodded and opened his mouth with a microphone: "It is very dangerous, because she occupies my heart, it is equal to my life!"

This is too much moving, and the reporters at the scene are sour.

Cloud glaze can not help but red ears and cheeks, biting the lips, rare to reveal the shame of the little daughter's home.

The heart of the cloud glaze jumps very fast, as if it were to be knocked out of the chest.

Gu Qingcheng has always been a person who talks more and less, and Jacob Beru is the same...

Today, Gu Qingcheng is very serious in the identity of Jacob Beru, his expression and eyes are very serious!

Everyone knows that Jacob Beru never makes a joke, then... this is true!

Those who say that they are not easy to be tempted, once they are tempted... In the battle of love, it must be the one that must be lost!

Because he will be the one who loves the deepest.

There are female reporters who can't help but avoid the red clouds and glaze...

(End of this chapter)

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