Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1161: You can, I am dead!

Chapter 1161 You Can, I Die!

The hurdle that Xiaoxiao can't pass is the child. This Lu Jinnan always knows.

It’s not that Lu Jinnan’s patience with Bai Xiaonian is about to be exhausted, but he can’t stand this and Bai Xiaonian’s yin and yang.

As long as Bai Xiaonian can rejoin him, his patience can give Bai Xiaonian a lifetime, and it doesn't matter if he whispers in front of Bai Xiaonian for a lifetime.

Lu Jinnan was sitting in a chair, as if the old man was half-finished and his eyes were not blind.

For a long time, he suddenly put down his cigarette and picked up the phone to dial the number of Bai Xiaonian.

The phone rang for a long time, no one answered, until Lu Jinan was resistant to the temper, playing the sixth time Bai Xiaonian was connected...

"What are you doing with Lu Jinnan?! Can you take a shower, call one by one..."

Bai Xiaonian’s slightly angry voice actually made Lu Jinnan’s expression like a mirror with a little smile. He had a fresh and lively resilience of the five senses on the floor-to-ceiling windows, softly into the lights of the sea city, especially gentle and beautiful. .

He had almost no hesitation. When he heard the voice of Bai Xiaonian, he got up and took his suit jacket and went out: "I will pick you up, something to say..."

Suddenly, Lu Jinnan had some kind of jealousy...

Since this time, he has been doing that humble beggar, forgetting that he is Lu Jinnan!

Bai Xiaonian and Lu Jinnan lost the child, he had to find it back... Bai Xiaonian can only pass this past.

In order to win the way of their feelings, Lu Jinnan wants to do one thing.

Bai Xiaonian did not escape to Lu Jinnan. He seemed to want to tell Lu Jinnan that she had let go in this way, so that Lu Jinnan should not be entangled.

Especially on that day, Bai Xiaonian’s father knew that Bai Xiaonian had lost a child. When Bai Xiaonian went home, he came out from home. She and Lu Jin’s peace and tranquility had nothing to do in Lu Jinnan’s house for a whole night. Since then, Lu Jinnan has been more comfortable.

Bai Xiaonian did not doubt the other, let Lu Jinnan go to the downstairs to call her.

However, this time Bai Xiaonian did not think of the car of Lu Jinnan, this guy directly drove the car back to the so-called "their home."

On the road, Bai Xiaonian asked Lu Jinnan what to say, Lu Jinnan only said that it is related to Lin Wen...

Lu Jinnan mentioned Lin Wen, Bai Xiaonian will inevitably raise his heart: "What's the warmth?!"

It was good to call more than an hour ago!

Bai Xiaonian took out his mobile phone and called Lin Wen’s phone, but he was stopped by Lu Jinnan’s wrists: “I will tell you at home!”

Bai Xiaonian hates the fingerprint lock here, but since he peacefully coexisted with Lu Jinnan, it is not so repulsive.

As soon as I entered the door, the lights of the whole house were lit. Bai Xiaonian asked Lu Jinnan while changing shoes: "What do you want to say about warmth?!"

The voice just fell, and Bai Xiaonian was beaten up by the whole person.

"What are you doing?!" Bai Xiaonian was shocked and subconsciously seized Lu Jinnan's back collar.


Bai Xiaonian has not seen such a overbearing and tyrannical Lu Jinnan for a long time.

Going back to Bai Xiaonian, the whole person has been thrown on the big bed. Seeing Lu Jinnan kneeling on the bed and taking off his suit, he is unbuttoning the shirt button and watching Bai Xiaonian's appearance condescending.

Such Lu Jinnan made Bai Xiaonian feel awkward.

As if I saw Lu Jinnan’s arrogant appearance last time, it was a matter of the last life. Her brows were wrinkled, and she grabbed the sheets full of Lu Jinnan’s taste, and her heart rose in anger: “Lu Jinnan... You are ignoring me. Lin warm, just to lie to me here to force me to violently?! Are you only this kind of drama?! Is it not anything other than this?!"

"I am on the phone with Lin Wen today, she said... The hurdle between us is a child!"

Lu Jinnan had already taken off his shirt and dropped it to the end of the bed. He took out a box of cigarettes from his trouser pocket and painted two pictures of body enchanting.

He bowed his head and ignited the flame in the bedroom where the light was not turned on. Lu Jinnan took a deep breath and leaned over to Bai Xiaonian...

Bai Xiaonian hid, but did not escape, Lu Jinnan single-handedly held a pair of slender wrists of Bai Xiaonian and took the smoke into it!

It is not the taste of nicotine. It is not awkward at all. In the coolness, there is a little bit of scent of the dead, and the coefficient enters the lungs of Bai Xiaonian.

"Lu Jinnan!" Bai Xiaonian screamed but could not break away. "What is this?!"

This hysterical question, in fact, Bai Xiaonian already has the answer in the picture on the cigarette box.

Nothing can be done in the news, the news can't!

It is said that there is a popular smoke in the market. The name that is very good to listen to can be taken in less than ten seconds. It will make people sink into the desire and can't extricate themselves. It is a popular thing in the entertainment industry.

Lu Jinnan did not speak. He turned his head and took a deep breath, throwing the cigarette under the bed: "Since our Kan is a child, then we will have another child!"

"You are not afraid, and finally kill yourself!" Bai Xiaonian grabbed the pillow, and he wanted to go to Lu Jinnan with anger, but he couldn’t pull out because of Lu Jin’s strong strength. Bai Xiaonian could only force it hard. Grab the pillow.

"I am dead, can you come out of the child's horns?!" Lu Jinnan's eye socket is particularly deep. When he said this, he was seriously scared. "You can, I am dead!"

Bai Xiaonian’s wife trembled, she knew... Lu Jinnan was not joking.

As long as Bai Xiaonian can come out from the horns of the horns, or die as a slave to Bai Xiaonian in his life, Lu Jinnan is as sweet as he is.

Lu Jinnan said the most passionate love words, warmly kissed Bai Xiaonian's lips, and desperately used the almost arrogant way belonging to Lu Jinnan to make up for the gradual distance between the two people.

It’s dark and dark for three days...

Lu Jinnan really didn't want to die. After the love of smoke, it was medicine. After chewing the pills, he swallowed and then fed Bai Xiaonian, as if he wanted to die with Bai Xiaonian on this bed.

Bai Xiaonian resisted and resisted the drug. She thought that Lu Jinnan wanted to die and wanted to pull her together.

No one can contact Bai Xiaonian for three days, and even the daughter of the British Embassy could not contact Bai Xiaonian.

Only when Tang Yin heard that Bai Xiaonian could not be contacted, he remembered the love that Lu Jinnan took away from him...

Tang Yan’s awkward and Fu Huai’an said that there should be no need to worry about Bai Xiaonian and Lu Jinnan together!

I can't say too much about it. Tang Yan only said that Lu Jinnan had said it before, and he would never say anything else.

Bai Xiaonian’s father is Lin’s phone, saying that Bai Xiaonian and Lu Jinnan are together, don’t worry.

After Bai Xiaonian’s father listened, he did not hang up the phone and asked Lin Wen: “Warm, do you think Xiaonian and Jinnan still have a chance?!”

(End of this chapter)

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