Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1162: I can sue you!

Chapter 1162 I can sue you!

This is the most unfinished business in Bai Xiaonian's father's heart.

Lu Jinnan looked at Bai Xiaonian’s good white Xiaonian father in his eyes. Bai Xiaonian’s heart hurt him as a father.

I want them to be together, and I am afraid that they will be tormented to each other. When these days, Bai Xiaonian’s father arranged a blind date for Bai Xiaonian, and he was also very contradictory.

I am afraid that I will insist that Bai Xiaonian and Lu Jinnan have no results together, and have delayed Bai Xiaonian’s life...

I am afraid that Bai Xiaonian will have Lu Jinnan in his heart. In order to be with others, he will also delay his life!

Lin Wen comforted Bai Xiaonian’s father and said, "Uncle... I think there is Lu Jinnan in Xiaonian’s heart. The things between them should be solved by themselves. We care about them, but they can’t help.”

Bai Xiaonian’s father nodded, and the emotional thing was indeed as Lin Wen said, the outsiders... could not help.

Bai Xiaonian’s father, in turn, comforted Lin Wen’s words: “Don’t worry too much about warming up, Jinnan’s child will not hurt Xiaonian anyway!”

Lu Jinnan's heart for Bai Xiaonian, Bai Xiaonian's father can see clearly, just about the child... Bai Xiaonian's father also has a hurdle in his heart.

"Uncle White, don't worry too much!"

Lin Wen’s words seemed to comfort each other with Bai Xiaonian’s father.

The party was already exhausted in the messy villa that was tossed.

The nanny came to see the unbearable situation in the house, and he was tempted to clean up and guess whether the male owner and the hostess had passed through the house.

In the living room, the sofa cushion was smashed on the sofa, and the coffee table was lying there, and the vase collapsed.

Even the restaurant was not spared, and the dishes fell to the ground with food.

The nanny stood on the stairs and looked upstairs. If he didn't hear the movement, he couldn't rush to go upstairs. He could only start the apron and clean up from the living room.

Upstairs, Bai Xiaonian put himself in a round bath with hot air and fragrant scent, and his eyes were exhausted.

In her mind, all of them were Lu Jinnan's high-selling smoke, trapping her in bed and taking out the pills from the bedside table and chewing and swallowing.

He doesn't want to die like...

In the past, Bai Xiaonian had heard that some people who ate this kind of medicine had overdone in bed.

She thought that this time both of them would die in this villa, and Lu Jinnan said that this time it was over. He had already collapsed and there was nothing to give to Bai Xiaonian.

Even in the imagination, Bai Xiaonian never felt that **** would happen to himself in such a fierce form one day.

Without measures, Lu Jinnan made up his mind to let Bai Xiaonian have another one.

For three days, Bai Xiaonian didn't know if it would be. After all, these days...not her safety period.

Inside, Bai Xiaonian wants his own child to come back, but he does not want to have anything to do with Lu Jinnan, full of contradictions.

The bathroom door was knocked, and Bai Xiaonian opened his eyes and a slight sound of water in the bath.

Outside the door, Lu Jinnan has put on a clean home service, standing in a room full of hormonal atmosphere after a fierce love, and whispering Bai Xiaonian through a group: "Are you alright?!"

Bai Xiaonian’s sore throat rolled over, and his hoarse voice was not like: “Well, do you still have to give me medicine?!”

Lu Jinnan's hand on the side of the body tightened hard, and the back of the hand blasted up. He single-handedly rubbed the frosted glass on the door. He whispered: "I gave you a sugar candy, a pair of scorpions... better!"

"And then?! Continue to do?!" Bai Xiaonian's voice with a clear cool anger.

Lu Jinnan’s hand on the glass was slightly tightened. He said: “The last thing I want to hurt is that you are a young year. I want to please you to make you comfortable. I want you to go through the kids’ way. I am with you! ”

Bai Xiaonian did not say anything, Lu Jinnan has been standing outside.

Looking at the time, Bai Xiaonian has been soaking for nearly forty minutes. Although the bath is heated at a constant temperature, Lu Jinnan is afraid that Bai Xiaonian’s bubble time is too long: “Year of the Year, your time is a bit long, come out!”

I know that if I don’t go out, Lu Jinnan will push the door in. Bai Xiaonian stretches his hand over the bathrobe, and the trembling arms hold the bath to try several times before he gets up.

Did not eat well, and even tossed ... Bai Xiaonian body can not hold back, virtual and powerful.

In the bathrobe, pull the bathroom door open.

The taste in the bedroom is not good, and the love after the love is like the fertile fertilizer that catalyzes the poppy seeds in the body. It is slightly swayed by this breath, and the drugs that have not been completely consumed will have a comeback.

Lu Jinnan bent over and swayed Bai Xiaonian. She took her into the room and placed it on the soft and clean bed of the room. She took out the hair dryer... I blew my hair to Bai Xiaonian.

"I let Liu Auntie milk the milk, you eat a little bit later, I haven't eaten well in these few days, I have to make up." Lu Jinnan said of course, but only got a cold cry from Bai Xiaonian.

Lu Jinnan didn't care, and after Bai Xiao's senior hair was tied into the pony tail she used to, she squatted in front of Bai Xiaonian and grabbed her one hand: "Dawn, this time you don't be afraid, I will stay with you, waiting for us. The child is born safely! I have a feeling... Our child has not left, the child is waiting for his parents to give him a chance to let him come to the world!"

Bai Xiaonian’s finger jumped slightly...

Child, are you really waiting? !

"So give the child a chance and give me a chance! We have come back again..." Lu Jinnan squeezing the little hand of Bai Xiaonian with sincerity.

"Until I was pregnant, are you going to do this with me like this?!" Bai Xiaonian's expression was calm, as if he was unmoved, asked.

Lu Jinnan smiled and smiled: "Let me slow down! Let's come again! Be sure to let our children come back, I too... I miss him!"

The child is the armor of Bai Xiaonian against Lu Jinnan, and it is also the softest pain in the depths of Bai Xiaonian.

She opened her wet eyes and frowned. "Lu Jinnan, you are illegally banned! I can sue you!"

"Well! After you are pregnant, whether you want to sue me for illegal bans or tell me that I am violent, I will recognize, even go to surrender! As long as you and your children are good!"

Bai Xiaonian took his hand from Lu Jinnan and frowned and said, "I am tired..."

"Drinking milk, stewing, snow, sleeping, or drinking rock sugar, Sydney?!" Lu Jinnan asked.

Bai Xiaonian’s nephew is really a fork, and the hoarseness is a mess. Every time I say a word, it hurts so badly, so I chose the sugar candy Sydney.

After drinking all the mouth is sticky, I don't know how much rock sugar Lu Jinnan put.

Bai Xiaonian is too tired to close his eyes and sleep.

The third is more... It’s a little bit more than a monthly ticket to add more babies!

(End of this chapter)

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