Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1163: How do you care about him? !

Chapter 1163, how do you care about him? !

After waking up, Bai Xiaonian found that there was no Lu Jinnan in the room. Her mobile phone Lu Jinnan had already filled her with electricity and placed it on the bedside table, within easy reach.

She turned on and gave the British ambassador’s daughter a call...

Bai Xiaonian apologized to the daughter of the British ambassador with a hoarse voice that could hardly make a sound. He said that he was sick and sick for a few days, and he did not deliberately make a cool appointment. They could go to the Linlin warm tomorrow!

The British ambassador’s daughter said that she did not need to let Bai Xiaonian be in good health and said that she was not in a hurry.

Bai Xiaonian did not quit, and hung up the phone. Bai Xiaonian also called back to her colleague who had contacted her.

When the phone just hit the assistant, she listened to the little girl and lowered her voice and said to her: "Dawn sister, something big, because I can’t contact you in these days, so today I interviewed the returning diplomat of Mr. Shen Zizhou. Happy sister is out! Shen Zizhou is famous for his low-key. It’s Xiaonian’s sister who has spent a lot of effort to make Mr. Shen Zizhou agree to accept the interview! Come back soon! Otherwise, it will be hard for a few months. Make a wedding dress for someone else!"

When he heard the assistant, Bai Xiaonian got up and got up.

It is not a big deal to make a wedding dress for others. The person in Shen Zizhou is not only famous for its low-key, but simply wants to hide his name!

Bai Xiaonian worked hard for a few months, and only let Shen Zizhou’s assistant Songkou promise to be interviewed, but the camera and camera equipment could not be taken at the scene. The published manuscripts also needed the assistants of Shen Zizhou to send them.

In the case of Shen Zizhou's turtles, if Shen Zizhou knew that there was no call, he would directly exchange people for interviews. Perhaps they would not want to interview Shen Zizhou again in this life.

Bai Xiaonian was shocked from the bed and his legs were almost soft.

"I will come right away!"

Bai Xiaonian hung up the phone and ran back to the master bedroom and randomly picked up the set of more formal clothes that Lu Jinnan had prepared. He ran downstairs and looked flustered.

Lu Jinnan, who is brewing coffee in the restaurant, heard the sound of the stairway, thinking that the babysitter was heavy, afraid of disturbing Bai Xiaonian from the kitchen, but seeing that Bai Xiaonian was panicking and slamming on the ground.

"Where are you going?" Lu Jinnan asked.

"There was something going on in the work! I have to go..." Bai Xiaonian went to the porch and opened the shoe cabinet but did not find his shoes. "What about my shoes?!"

During Bai Xiaonian’s eagerness to get angry, it was inevitable that he would rush.

"The babysitter washes, I drive you to you, and I will buy you shoes on the way!" Lu Jinnan did not change clothes, took the car keys and changed shoes to accompany Bai Xiaonian to go out. "What?? Can I help?" ”

Bai Xiaonian shook his head...

Just got on the bus, Bai Xiaonian’s assistant’s phone came again. She told Bai Xiaonian that she did not stop Tong Huan!

This is natural. Since Bai Xiaonian returned to China, Tong Huan’s stability has been suppressed by Bai Xiaonian several times. How can she let her go?

Bai Xiaonian hung up the phone, dialed the phone number of Tong Huan, untied the tie of the shirt neckline, and almost screamed at Tong Huan: "You don't care if you want to grab the child, but you know that Shen Zizhou's interview is difficult, Shen Zizhou People are weird, if Shen Zizhou knows that we are not directly notified to change people in the past, we will not interview Shen Zizhou anymore! You don't understand!"

Tong Huan did not care, who interviewed was not an interview, but also said that Bai Xiaonian was too low-level to stop her, and very proud to tell Bai Xiaonian this is the above decision, Bai Xiaonian could not stop!

Moreover, she did not dare to take this responsibility. She was a person who obeyed the above order. Before the hanging point, she also warned Bai Xiaonian not to do anything extra. If she went to the entrance of Shenzizhou Hotel, she could not see Shen Zizhou... then they called this phone. The recording will return to the director's hand. When the time is wrong, I believe the director has a clear judgment.

Bai Xiaonian couldn't just hang up the phone and contact Shen Zizhou's assistant. In an attempt to make himself sick, let Shen Zizhou accept the above to interview Shen Zizhou!

Although Bai Xiaonian hates Tong Huan, it does not mean that she hopes that this interview will be yellow.

The assistant of Shen Zizhou refused. He only said that it was a pity for Bai Xiaonian. Even the next cooperation of a guest set was too lazy to give.

Bai Xiaonian broke his mobile phone and said: "fuck!"

Seeing that things can't be made up, biting my teeth...

The most wanted person to interview in these years is Shen Zizhou. In the past few years, Shen Zizhou has experienced life and death in Syria. He is the most transparent person to see the Syrian situation.

After Shen Zizhou was injured, he returned to China with a low profile. His assistant said that he is planning to hide his name from the world, so he will not pick up any interviews. Bai Xiaonian repeatedly promised that he will never reveal a little bit of information from Shen Zizhou except for the interview. It will take nearly half a year to get it. Shen Zizhou's trust.

"Shen... from the continent?!" Lu Jinnan frowned slightly. "You want to interview him?!"

Bai Xiaonian listened to Lu Jinnan's words in the words of Shen Zizhou: "Do you know Shen Zizhou?!"

Lu Jinnan shook his head: "I don't know, but the old Fu knows that when the old Fu was still in the army, he protected him from a mission! We should be talking about one person."

Fu Huaian has few people to admire, so Lu Jinnan remembers the name.

"Can that be..." Bai Xiaonian had light in his eyes.

"Maybe not!" Lu Jinnan looked at Bai Xiaonian and subconsciously reached out and touched Bai Xiaonian's head. "It was only a protection task. At that time, the identity of Lao Fu was different. The identity of Shen Zizhou, I am afraid I don't know who Fu Fu is!"

Bai Xiaonian is like a deflated ball. Sitting on the co-pilot, he feels more sour and uncomfortable.

Lu Jinnan couldn't see Bai Xiaonian's lost look. The speed of the car slowly dropped down and stopped.

Bai Xiaonian frowns to retreat from the door and get off.

Lu Jinnan locked the door and took out the mobile phone from the storage box: "I called the old Fu."

The phone dialed through, and Fu Huaian’s voice was half-smiling: “Is it going to appear?!”

Lu Jinnan knows that most of the work lost in the past few days should be Fu Huai'an for him. It's a bit embarrassing. The burden is still straightforward: "Is it true that Shen Zizhou secretly returned to China?!"

"How do you care about him?!" Fu Huai'an phone is the voice of the file.

"Dawn and he had an interview, just today, but because of my sake, I have to be smashed..." Lu Jinnan looked at Bai Xiaonian’s face and looked forward. The index finger tapped the steering wheel and opened. "If you can contact He, can he let him sell a face and reschedule a time?!"

"I am afraid that this is too busy to help..." Fu Huai'an said very sincerely.

Hanging up the phone, Bai Xiaonian knew that his interview was definitely yellow.

(End of this chapter)

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