Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1192: Hong Jinxi is very embarrassed

Chapter 1192, Hong Jinxi is very embarrassed

In Lu Jinnan’s heart, Cai Jingyao is indeed not a good bird, not because he is now with Bai Xiaonian. He felt that when he listened to Lu Jinbei’s crying and Bai Xiaonian’s reasons, Lu Jinnan discovered the white dawn in Lujin’s north mouth. The so-called girlfriends are green tea women's watches.

Probably before Lu Jinnan and Bai Xiaonian together, the bottom of my heart always thought that women are not good birds, so the women's watch ability is first-class, and even injured Lin Wen.

"I am not a little idler, Lu Jinbei is your brother, I am afraid that when he happens, you blame!" Bai Xiaonian looked at Lu Jinnan, "Dad said to me, you are with me. Almost let you and Lu Jinbei, a brother who loves to love for many years, turn his face. If something happens to him in the future, you will probably blame yourself! So I will say it in advance, and you will give Lu Jinbei a word in advance. Don't be in trouble, you blame yourself, we can do our own duties as a brother!"

Dad in the mouth of Bai Xiaonian is the father of Lu Jinnan!

When Lu Jinnan and Bai Xiaonian were together, the biggest rebound was Lujinbei...

Probably because I always knew that there was Bai Xiaonian in the heart of Lu Jinbei, he also snatched the love of his younger brother, so Lu Jinnan was also apologizing to Lu Jinbei on this matter.

Lu Jinbei was originally a **** man, Bai Xiaonian did not care, but Bai Xiaonian worried that once Lu Jinbei had something in Cai Jingyao, Lu Jinnan felt sad.

Lu Jinnan reached out and shook hands with Bai Xiaonian's small hand: "I know, you can rest assured!"

Bai Xiaonian frowned, and asked for help, Lu Jinnan: "You said that Cai Jingyao used Lu Jinbei's mobile phone to comment on what I meant by sending your photo?! Provocative?!"

"You sent me a photo?!" Lu Jinnan couldn't help but smile and asked, and the point at the bottom of his heart was swept away.

"Yes!" Bai Xiao young was easily biased by Lu Jinnan and smiled. "I sent a photo of you sewing a mobile phone toy to our children. Several comments have said that I am cheap, my husband can make money. Get out of the hall and get the kitchen!"

"Well, then you must cherish it!" Lu Jinnan looked at Bai Xiaonian at the side, and the smile on his lips was more obvious.

"Yes!" Bai Xiaonian's heart dissipated because of the unpleasantness brought by Cai Jingyao.

As long as Cai Jingyao does not take the initiative to provoke Bai Xiaonian, Bai Xiaonian is too lazy to take care of Cai Jingyao...

Subsequently, Bai Xiaonian simply pulled Lu Jinbei directly to the black, and his eyes were not bothered.

When Lu Jinnan stopped the car and helped Bai Xiaonian get out of the car, Hong Jinxi’s mother and daughter just stepped on the inpatient department.

Bai Xiaonian and Lu Jinnan got off the bus. Lu Jinnan held the white xiaonian, who was still squatting, and took the dinner brought to Bai Xiaonian's father in one hand. He leaned in the direction of Bai Xiaonian's mobile phone screen and wanted to see what kind of Weibo was made by Bai Xiaonian.

Seeing the texts and pictures of Bai Xiaonian, Lu Jinnan’s smile on his lips could not be suppressed...

"Jin Nan..."

A delicate and weak girl came, Lu Jinnan and Bai Xiaonian looked up and looked up at the top of the stairs.

The weak and windless Hong Jinxi was supported by his mother. His face was pale and bloodless. His eyes fell on Lu Jinnan, and he looked at Bai Xiaonian’s courtesy of Bai Xiaonian.

Bai Xiaonian half-squatted with a scorpion, his lips still with that smile, and the beautiful nephew looked at Hong Jin's mother.

Hong Jinxi’s mother has been staring at Bai Xiaonian’s stomach. It seems to be exploring... It was obvious that she saw so much blood on that day, why Bai Xiaonian did not have a miscarriage.

Bai Xiaonian noticed the sight of Hong Jin's mother's inquiry, and raised her hand to gently lift her stomach.

"Mom..." Hong Jinqi pinched his mother's hand.

Hong Jinxi’s mother returned to God and helped Hong Jinxi to walk down the hospital steps...

Hong Jinxi seems to be really weak. Every step of the leg is shaking. Hong Jin's mother said carefully: "Be careful, slow down... don't worry! Your body is still too weak! Let you not come, you must not listen." !"

Bai Xiaonian's brow slightly lifted up, always felt that there was a kind of acting temperament, she drooled.

Lu Jinnan stretched a face and stood next to Bai Xiaonian to support Bai Xiaonian. There was no trace of gloom at the bottom.

"Jin Nan, Miss Bai..." Hong Jinxi looked at Bai Xiaonian and sincerely said, "I am taking my mother to apologize like you and your father today! I am sorry to have hurt you because of my mother! I really I don't know how to redeem a sin!"

"You come, isn't it because Jin Nan stopped your funding, so I can't sit still?!" Bai Xiaonian's lips twitched and asked, and the expression was just a little bit puzzled.

Acting, who will not? !

Hong Jinxi’s mother immediately changed her face: “I knew that you were a monk who gave Lu Jinnan a pillow wind, so Lu Jinnan stopped our funding!”

"Mom! Can you shut up!" Hong Jinyu shouted, and began to be short of breath, and his position on his heart was crumbling. "We are apologizing! No... not to quarrel! Can you not say so excessive? if!"

Hong Jinxi’s mother gave birth to the next thing she wanted to say. She frowned and browed Bai Xiaonian and restrained her temper.

Before coming, Hong Jinxi promised her mother, as long as her mother did what she said, don't take too much involved in this matter... do extra things, apologize for apologizing, Hong Jinzhen promised to take her from Lu Jinnan. Mother gets a guarantee of the future.

So today, Hong Jinxi’s mother will listen to Hong Jin’s words.

"I am not because of funding, Miss Bai misunderstood..."

When Hong Jin's words were not finished, he was interrupted by Bai Xiaonian: "Is Miss Hong a misunderstanding about my identity? I am married and I can call Mrs. Lu! The words of Miss... are called unmarried girls. ""

Afraid of Bai Xiaonian's temperament, Lu Jinnan looked at Hong Jinxi with a cold eye, made a phone call to the assistant, and opened the public release...

The phone is connected, and the assistant is busy: "What do you want to tell Mr. Lu?!"

Hearing the voice of the assistant, Hong Jinwei had a moment of panic. She was afraid that the assistant would shake her out of looking for Lu Jinnan, but soon she calmed down. Even if she shook it out, it didn’t matter. She wanted to apologize, Sanfan. Only sincerely.

"I let you stop all the support of the mother and daughter of Hong Jinwei. The result after you finish it is... people appear in front of me?!" Lu Jinnan was extremely impatient.

Don't talk to Hong Jinxi, and directly call the assistant to the teacher to ask for sin. This is simply ignoring Hong Jinxi, and Hong Jinxi is very embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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