Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1193: Miss Hong and Miss Hong’s heart!

Chapter 1193, Miss Hong and Miss Hong's heart!

This assistant is Lu Jinnan’s No. 2 assistant. He usually only helps to manage Lu Jinnan’s life...

Let him deal with Hong Jinxi's business because Lu Jinnan put his personal help on the Kaide Group to help with some daily affairs.

Lu Jinnan has always been ignorant of the ability of Assistant No. 2, and it is also a test and exercise for him to deal with Hong Jinxi, but if he is capable of doing this, then Lu Jinnan is going to change people!

"Jin Nan..." Hong Jin's weak voice with a few pleadings, falsely asking for help from the assistant. "Actually, this is not your assistant's business. He didn't tell me the hospital, but also advised me not to come over. It is my own." I was in the heart, so I thought I had to take my mother to apologize..."

When I heard Hong Jintao’s words, the assistant already understood what Hong Jin’s idea was.

The last time I stopped Hong Jinxi, this time, Hong Jinxi still couldn’t stand the hospital? !

It seems that there is no subsidy from Mr. Lu, and Hong Jin has been very bad!

The assistant slowly opened his mouth and did not lead Hong Jin's feelings. He easily stunned the original thing: "I am sorry that Mr. Lu, Mrs. Lu and your father-in-law were hospitalized that night, I met the mother of Miss Hong and Miss Hong who would apologize. Ms. Li, and stopped two people at the elevator! I didn’t tell you about this, I thought I had handled it!”

Hong Jinxi has a fine sweat in her palm. She nodded to Lu Jinnan: "Well, we have been there... I just took my mother to apologize that night, but I was so anxious that it was too late, so I didn't bother to go back first!"

Hong Jinxi said very slowly, with a bit of sincerity.

The assistant at the other end of the phone almost sneered out. I only thought that Hong Jin’s mother had been blind and swearing. I didn’t expect Hong Jinxi to be...

In this case, the assistant did not intend to leave Hong Jinxi with a face. He said: "But Mr. Lu, I have clearly stated clearly with both of them that the best way to apologize is not to appear in Mrs. Lu and Lu’s father. In front of them, otherwise people will feel that they have ulterior motives, thinking that they know that Mrs. Lu’s children have nothing to do. I want to come over to Mrs. Lu’s wife, who is not good at Lu’s wife. I’ve said this... they’ve gone. Mr. Lu, you must ponder the heart of Miss Hong and Miss Hong!"

This word is not leaking out of the phone amplifier. Hong Jinxi nervously looked at Lu Jinnan and shook his head: "Not Jin Nan, I really want to come to Bai Xiao... Mrs. Lu apologizes, but also wants to see it with my own eyes. Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Lu’s father are safe, I can rest assured! This is my mother’s fault, which is undisputed!”

"Come on now..." Lu Jinnan said to the assistant on the phone.

"Good sir, I am coming soon!"

See Lu Jinnan's slow-moving reason hanging up the phone, Hong Jin's throat is sore and sobbing: "Jin Nan... You know me! I really don't have the ulterior motive as your assistant said. I just came to see Mrs. Lu's father and land..."

"Miss Hong!" Lu Jinnan looked at Hong Jinxi, and the expression was indifferent, which made people feel cold. "What kind of person are you, don't explain it to me, I am not interested..."

After Lu Jinnan said, he gently slammed Bai Xiaonian’s hand: "You are not used to sympathize with me. I am the most cold-blooded person. Your mother is in trouble with my father-in-law, and my father-in-law is hospitalized. My wife is injured and looks at In the past, I just didn’t support you, it’s a great gift for you!”

Lu Jinnan said, taking a step forward, Hong Jinxi was forced to step back by Lu Jinnan’s sharp eyes and almost fell...

"The pity for you is not enough to offset the anger of my heart, so don't appear in front of me, I can't control my temper in the province... You can't even keep your mother!" Lu Jinnan's cold and scorpion toward Hong Jinxi Look in the direction, "Do you understand?!"

Hong Jinyu’s throat choked: “In your heart... I really see it so bad?!”

"Let's go!" Lu Jinnan said softly to Bai Xiaonian, his eyes did not stop on Hong Jin's body, and he helped Bai Xiaonian to go up the steps.

"Jin Nan..." Hong Jinyu called Lu Jinnan's name.

Seeing Lu Jinnan helping Bai Xiaonian really want to go, Hong Jinxi’s mother finally couldn’t help but open her mouth: "Lu Jinnan, do you still have a conscience?!"

Lu Jinnan looked at the past with a pair of fierce scorpions: "A former girlfriend who has been missing for eight years, I funded her for medical treatment, gave her mother a subsidized apartment and living expenses! Just such an ex-girlfriend... Her mother almost died My father-in-law, my pregnant wife was hurt! I have not let you disappear from this world, it is already a great kindness, conscience?! First ask if you have it! Let me say more words... I will let you I don’t know how to disappear in this world!"

Lu Jinnan is a straight man, and he can't talk without turning around. When he is straightforward, he is like a sharp blade that penetrates the heart of Hong Jin.

Hong Jinxi’s mother was also scared by Lu Jinnan’s singer-like voice. Lu Jinnan’s chilly image was like a thousand years of cold, and the mother of Hong Jin’s back was hairy. She was afraid to open her mouth again.

Bai Xiaonian saw Hong Jinxi’s shaky and incredible appearance. He smiled and said: “Miss Hong is not coming to apologize to me, want to see if I am safe?! I see it now...”

Hong Jin's lips are licking, and the eyelids are filled with tears.

"Since I saw it, I was troubled by Miss Hong... I don’t want to appear in front of me in the future!" Bai Xiaonian did not face the sage of Lu Jinnan. Instead, he said what to say. "Really... I see your mother. Female, she gave birth to an impulse to fight! I have a bad temper and pregnant, since I don’t have any ulterior motives to hide!"

After that, she licked Lu Jinnan’s hand: "Go!"

"Bai Xiaonian, you..."

Hong Jinxi’s mother still wants to say something, but she is caught by her daughter.

"What do you want to say?!" Lu Jinnan asked, the voice was cool.

Hong Jinxi’s mother was bitten to her tongue, her lips pressed close to her eyes... and she shook her head for a long time.

"Take your mouth!"

After Lu Jinnan warned Hong Jinxi’s mother, this was the time to lift her feet, and Hong Jinxi could only watch Bai Xiaonian and Lu Jinnan leave together.

"What's the matter with you?!" After Hong Jinxi's mother left Bai Xiaonian and Lu Jinnan, she was finally no longer suppressed by Lu Jinnan's strong gas field. She opened her mouth and said, "What do you promised mom?! You are... Is that what you do?!"

There are also a hundred monthly tickets to add more baby! Come on! Recently, the investigation was strict, and some chapters were sealed... Thousands of thousands are working hard to change

(End of this chapter)

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