Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1212: Also create a chance for Sumanman!

Chapter 1212 also gives Sumanman an opportunity!

"Wedding is just a form. It's not that we have a grand wedding. How good it will be in the future, so I don't think there is any significance in the wedding except to toss the bride and groom!" Yun Liuli took a juice cup and drank it. Big mouth, cold and cold, and narrowly squinted. "It's better to choose to travel and get married. I and both of them are comfortable!"

"Yes, you have done a good job... I feel that happiness is the most important thing!" Lin Wen nodded and agreed.

At the end of the dinner, on the way back, Lin Wen sees Bai Yuyu's young wife Xu Wei who sent a circle of friends to say that the emergency room is working overtime. In the photo... Lin Wen saw Bai Xiaonian, who was blurred behind Xu Wei.

She called and asked Xu Wei to know that Bai Xiaonian was uncomfortable and went to the hospital. Halfway Fu Huaian turned the car to the hospital.

Bai Xiaonian’s seeing Lin Wen’s coming is very unexpected: “How come you?!”

"What happened?! I heard Xu Wei say that your back is so bad..."

"It's okay, the doctor said it was normal. I didn't sleep on the spine at noon. I will pay attention to it later!" Bai Xiaonian grabbed Lin Wen's hand and squeezed it. He frowned and said, "One The phone thing, what do you do to leave two children at home and run over..."

Lu Jinnan and Fu Huai'an did not know what to say outside the door. There were only Lin Wen and Bai Xiaonian in the observation room.

"I just finished dinner with small glass, just because the hospital is not far away from us, so come over and see!" Lin Wen replaced Bai Xiaonian with a horn. "I remember to use pregnant women's pillow after sleeping. I was pregnant at the time of pregnancy. Sleeping on the pillow, have you bought it?! I didn’t buy it for a while, I gave it to you and you used it first.”

"Buy and bought!" Bai Xiaonian nodded. She glanced at the door and lowered her voice and said to Lin Wen. "Cai Jingyao returned to China, do you know?!"

I don’t know how to hear about this Lin Wen...

"Why, she is looking for you?!" Lin Wen asked.

Bai Xiaonian shook his head: "I didn't look for me, but it was more terrible than this. She wants to marry Lu Jinbei! The brain of Lu Jinbei... Oh, only the group that was played by Cai Jingyao, Cai Jingyao said He was really convinced that he was married! Yesterday at noon, I fell to the door and Lu Jinnan and my father-in-law turned away. Yesterday, the police station called Jinnan here, saying that Lu Jinbei’s fight was arrested... You said that it’s not good. Qiao?!"

"Cai Jingyao is trying to create a chance to meet Lu Jinnan!" Lin Wen almost saw it.

"Oh... I am warm and smart!" Bai Xiaonian gave a thumbs up to Lin Wen.

"How does Lu Jinnan say?! Just let it go regardless of Lu Jinbei?!"

Lin Wen is not worried that Lu Jinnan will be tempted by Cai Jingyao. After all... Cai Jingyao does not understand Lu Jinnan’s thoughts on women, nor does he understand how deep Lu Jinnan’s feelings for Bai Xiaonian are.

"Last night, Lu Jinbei fought into the police station. Cai Jingyao sent the police station again. After a month, if Jinnan and my father-in-law could not accept her, she would leave Lujinbei. Jinnan also said... Jinbei was born To protect is too good, it is also acceptable to accept frustration education."

Lin nodded warmly.

Bai Xiaonian adjusted his sitting posture and said: "Then, when I went to the Kade Group to see Lu Jinnan’s meeting at noon today, the manager of the perfume subsidiary of the CapitaLand Group gave Lu Jinnan the choice of a new perfume spokesperson, and there was Cai Jingyao, and ... I also heard that the perfumer of the perfume recommended Cai Jingyao, even Sumanman had to lean back, you said that terrible is not terrible!"

"It seems that Cai Jingyao is prepared..." Lin warmed up and thought about it. "You don't have to worry too much about things you are pregnant now. Everything has Lu Jinnan. I will also stare at Cai Jingyao. You are now safe to know." do not know?!"

"I know, know... how do you like Lu Jinnan!" Bai Xiaonian's lips twitched, and his eyes were full of happy smiles.

If Cai Jingyao said that she had a little bit of friendship with her before she met her in Morocco, the conversation had already consumed this little friendship.

In Lin Wen’s view, everyone has the road and happiness that everyone should have, but I don’t know why Cai Jingyao always remembers the road under others’ feet.

In the past, in the university, playing tricks at the festival to take away the position of others is not counted, but also to play a foot in the drama club... step by step, first of all, the commissioner is bent in it as a supporting role, and suddenly one day turns over to become the protagonist. And the lines and moves of the protagonist are clear!

It can be seen how deep the heart is...

After so many years, Cai Jingyao's position will only be higher than when he was in college. This is very clear.

"I have an idea, do you want to listen?!" Bai Xiaonian suddenly opened his mouth.

"What?!" Lin Wen looked at Bai Xiaonian.

"Sumanman is a famous cursed beauty. This time, the perfume will let Sumanman and the early Han Dynasty come together to make a photo! Also create a chance for Sumanman!" Bai Xiaonian felt that his thoughts were very good. "Sumanman chased the film emperor is not a day or two, but I see that the work of two people is very busy, there is very little intersection, I am also very anxious to see people next to you! As a nephew... you have to help Man Man!"

Lin Wen did not know when Bai Xiaonian actually fell in love with the red lady, with one hand on the hospital bed: "You can tell Lu Jinnan!"

"Lu Jinnan is only working for your family Fu Huai'an. If Fu Huai'an is concerned... there must be no objection to the company!"

Lin warmed and smiled: "You don't have to worry about this. When I was eating, Xiao Lu called and asked Huai'an about this. Huai'an had already set aside for Manman, and Xiaolu was there. I have already said it to Manman! But your husband is the president... You have to trust your husband's power as the president! What's more, the CapitaLand also has the shares of Lu Jinnan."


Today, Lu Jinbei came back from work and said something to Cai Jingyao. He said that he is ready to move to a more profitable company.

There is a sales company that is recruiting people. Their former alumni were in that company. Before the alumni and Lu Jinbei said that they would let Lujin North change jobs, saying that sales are paid at the end of each month and the commission is increased... Sometimes the number is considerable. You can get 100,000.

Lu Jinbei was originally in the game company, and his hobbies were very good, even if the salary was not high.

However, since Lu Jinbei has to assume the future of Cai Jingyao, to buy a house to buy a car and not rely on Lu Jinnan, Lu Jinbei must find ways to increase income.

After listening to Cai Jingyao, he had not had time to make a phone call.

It was the agent who called and the agent informed the Cai Jing Yao Kaide Group's perfume spokesperson that he was defeated.

Ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a monthly ticket. Yeah, ah...

(End of this chapter)

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