Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1213: As love is important!

Chapter 1213 is as important as love!

Cai Jingyao originally thought that the endorsement contract of the perfume subsidiary of CapitaLand Group was stable, and I did not expect that the final perfume spokesperson chose Sumanman.

Cai Jingyao's face changed greatly. She looked back from work and was lying on the living room sofa and playing the game of Lu Jinbei. She went to the bathroom and locked the door. The phone went to the perfumer Mr. Madbetter to ask.

Madbate is also particularly helpless, only to Cai Jingyao: "I am sorry for Cai, this is the meaning of the head office, I have no way..."

"You didn't say that when you went to bed with me!" Cai Jingyao sat on the toilet lid and lowered his voice to restrain the trembling in the sound line.

After that, I was afraid that I was heard by Lu Jinbei, and my mind went down to the door.

"I have recommended you, but I am not the boss after all!" Madbeck frowned. "Don't you just go to bed with me to get this endorsement?!"

Cai Jingyao did not answer, only said: "At the beginning, you said that my temperament is in line with the evil spirit! You said that when I saw it, I was attracted by the breath of my body. You said that you later added some elements to the perfume, inspiration. It’s all from me. Can’t I endorse this reason?! Didn’t you tell me that this perfume was designed for me?!”

Madbetter is a bit embarrassed, these words... are all to lie to the woman's ghosts, where can he dare to say these words and above? ! However, he really cares about Cai Jingyao’s relationship with himself. Therefore, he also hinted that Cai Jingyao was the source of inspiration, but he did not know that the supervisor said no to it.

"I am really sorry, but I really did my best!" Madbeck also lowered his voice and said to Cai Jingyao. "After all, Sumanman is a famous beauty. Sumanman is also very famous internationally, so the company will choose Sumanman! And Sumanman is the sister of Fu Huai'an, the chairman of Kaide Group, plus... I heard that it is the direct order above, it should be Fu Dong's meaning!"

Cai Jingyao was like a lightning strike. She sat on the toilet lid and clutched her lower lip with her phone.

Originally intended to be able to receive endorsements, you can go to the Kaide Group in a logical way... Even if you are temporarily unable to contact Fu Huai'an, you can also get to Lu Jinnan.

But now, Cai Jingyao’s plan is all chaotic.

"So... Sumanman has signed up yet?!" Cai Jingyao asked again.

"not yet!"

Upon hearing this, Cai Jingyao hung up and frowned in the bathroom for a long time.

"Jing Yao, what do we eat at night?! I want to take out the food, do you want to eat?!"

Lu Jinbei’s voice came in. Cai Jingyao got up and stood in front of the sink to wash his face before he opened the door and came out of the bathroom.

Lu Jinbei, who was lying on the sofa playing games, stretched his neck and asked again: "What do you want to eat?! I ordered takeaway..."

"I am here today! I bought the ingredients when I came back. It is a little longer, don't worry! If you are hungry, you can eat a snack pad first, only a pad... because I am the first I will cook for you, you must give your face a light!" Cai Jingyao smiled and walked toward the kitchen.

Upon hearing this, Lu Jinbei’s heart flicked a little...

Lu Jinbei’s father gave him a meal for more than 20 years. Lu Jinbei was not so touched. He suddenly heard that Cai Jingyao said that he would cook for him for the first time. Lu Jinbei’s inexplicable feeling was a little more moved.

He put down his mobile phone and went into the kitchen behind Cai Jingya’s buttocks. Seeing Cai Jingyao taking out the ingredients from the refrigerator, Lu Jinbei stopped: "You have injuries on your arms, forget it!"

"It doesn't matter!"

See you, but Cai Jingyao, Lu Jinbei can only take the initiative to say: "I will help you! Faster..."

"No! You go out first!" Cai Jingyao's face was a little red. "That... I prepared dinner for the first time. I don't want to be ugly in front of you. You are going out!"

Today's Cai Jingyao is more gentle and gentle, so that Lu Jinbei can't help but want to feel bad about her.

"The first time to cook?!" asked Lu Jinbei.

Cai Jingyao nodded uncomfortably, and looked worried again: "Well! You don't want to give up?! I want to cook for my beloved man, and I want to do it for you for a lifetime. If I don't do well, you I have to bear with me, I will make it better and better after I become familiar with it!"

The softest place in Lujinbei’s heart seemed to be hit. She looked down at her girl looking up at her neck. Her facial features were exquisite and clever, and she couldn’t help but hold her in her arms: “You want to be a lifetime... I Just eat for a lifetime, no matter how much you do, I will eat all that I don’t have!"

"Xiaobei..." Cai Jingyao slammed his head in the arms of Lujinbei. "You are so good!"

"Stupid girl!" Lu Jinbei's heart is slowly healing because of the pain caused by Bai Xiaonian and Lu Jinnan. He thinks the girl in his arms is really good!

Although Cai Jingyao is not his favorite, Lu Jinbei feels that he can have such a person who loves himself so much. It is also a great blessing in life. He must not hurt her in this life...

It’s been three hours after dinner. Although Cai Jingyao’s food is not very good, it’s valuable to use it. For the first time, Lu Jinbei gave all the dishes to the face. .

After dinner, Cai Jingyao put down the chopsticks and opened to Lu Jinbei: "Little North, I have something to discuss with you!"

"Well, you said..." Lu Jinbei put down his chopsticks and looked at Cai Jingyao seriously.

"Just what you said about the job-hopping, I have a little opinion!" Cai Jingyao slammed Lu Jinbei's hand and opened his mouth. "I know that playing games has always been your dream. I love you so I don't want you to give up." I know how important a dream is to a person... It is the most difficult and rewarding encounter in a person's life, just as love is important! So... I don't recommend that you quit to make more money!"

Lu Jinbei frowned: "Yes..."

"You listen to me first!" Cai Jingyao smiled at Lu Jinbei. "I think so, you see... this house is left for me by my parents. Since we are getting married, mys is yours. We live here after we get married. I feel very good! I intend to add your name, this is our wedding room!"

"Jing Yao..." Lu Jinbei looked surprised and couldn't tell the taste.

"You don't refuse! Buying a house and then repaying your mortgage. You are under too much pressure! And sales... Do you like it?! I know that you like the game!" Cai Jingyao has a gentle face, "Continue to play the game! I I like to see you come back from work every time, look like a smile! We have enough house to live!"

(End of this chapter)

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