Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1214: Because you are born, you are extraordinary!

Chapter 1214 is because you are born to be extraordinary!

"You don't have to worry about the car... I am going to sign a contract with the subsidiary of the CapitaLand for a perfume endorsement contract. The perfume perfumer Mr. Madbetter said that the inspiration for the perfume comes from me, so the endorsement is definitely me. I am now... just let them know when they finish the meeting! When I get the endorsement fee, we will buy a car you like!" Cai Jingyao seems to be embarrassed, his cheeks are red.

Lu Jinbei just refused, and he saw Cai Jingyao looking at him seriously: "Then you drive the car, you can pick me up every day, okay?! Even... If you don't like this house, we will have money to buy it." New home! I only hope... you don't give up what you like! Ok?!"

A woman is so unreserved and selfless to pay for you, how can Lu Jinbei heart not be moved.

His throat swallowed.

Cai Jingyao squeezed the hand of Lu Jinbei: "Money, we will have it! I believe that your talent in the game, one day you will make a game that shocks the world, when... I will Don't do it, how about being a good wife at home?! Just like playing games with you, becoming the spokesperson of this perfume is also my dream. I have realized my dream, so I hope my Xiaobei can also achieve Your own ideal!"

In this case, he took care of Lu Jinbei’s self-respect.

"You really believe me... can you make a good game?!" Lu Jinbei asked.

"I believe in you!" Cai Jingyao replied firmly, "Because you were born, you will be extraordinary!"

Lu Jinbei bit his teeth and reached out and put Cai Jingyao into his arms, holding it tightly...

Cai Jingyao's head pillow is on the shoulder of Lu Jinbei, and the corner of his lips evokes a slapstick smile.

After the meal, Lu Jinbei took the initiative to undertake the task of washing dishes. Cai Jingyao cut the fruit in the kitchen and cut it in half... Cai Jingyao’s mobile phone rang.

"I am going to pick up a call..." Cai Jingyao wiped his hands with the kitchen paper and went to the balcony to connect the phone.

As for what was said at the end of the phone, Lu Jinbei was not known, but when he looked up, he saw Cai Jingyao’s gradually pale face, an unbelievable expression, and tried to argue with the phone.

Lu Jinbei's brow wrinkled and rushed his hand full of foam... wiped it and walked out of the kitchen.

Cai Jingyao pretended to hang up the phone and blushes her eyes. From the balcony, she sees Lu Jinbei standing in the living room frowning and asking her: "What?!"

Cai Jingyao bit his lower lip, and did not speak the tears first, shaking his head.

"What happened? You said!" Lu Jinbei was in a hurry.

Cai Jingyao whimpered: "Just... the agent called me and said that the spokesperson of the perfume has been fixed, but not me..."

A trip to Lu Jinbei: "How come, isn't that the inspiration of the perfumer comes from you?!"

Cai Jingyao heard this tear like a broken thread: "The perfumer Mr. Madbetter and my agent said that it is the upper level of the CapitaLand...the direct command from the upper level, even Madbey Mr. Te has tried hard to succeed..."

Cai Jingyao covered his face with his hands and cried in a low voice: "I am sorry Xiaobei, I can't buy your favorite car... Sorry..."

When I heard Cai Jingyao’s crying, Lu Jinbei’s heart would be broken...

Cai Jingyao’s endorsement contract flew, and I actually thought that I couldn’t buy a car for myself, because I couldn’t buy a car and cry so much!

Lu Jinbei was next to Cai Jingyao, forced to surround Cai Jingyao, and took her into her arms. The mind was the one directly under the CapitaLand group.

Who is the upper level of the Kaide Group? !

Lu Jinnan!

The president of CapitaLand, in addition to who else he hates Cai Jingyao? !

The source of inspiration for the perfume is Cai Jingyao. Even the perfumer is arguing for it. What did Lu Jinnan withdraw from Cai Jingyao in one sentence? !

Lu Jinbei bite the back molar and buckles the shoulder of Cai Jingyao: "You can rest assured that I will get justice for you!"

Said, Lu Jinbei stood up, and went out with anger...

"What are you doing in Xiaobei?!" Cai Jingyao stood up and asked with horror.

"I am going to find Lu Jinnan! I want him to return your endorsement to you!" Lu Jinbei slammed the door and left.

In the room, only Cai Jingyao was left alone. Her eyebrows were lifted and lifted, and she slowly wiped away her tears. Then she went to the bathroom to sort out her appearance, and made up a makeup focus on the eye makeup.

She didn't rub the lipstick, took a little powder on the lip, and made her look paler and more pitiful. Then she took the phone and tried to chase Lu Jinbei.


Lu Jinbei rushed to Lu Jinnan, and the news was that Lu Jinnan went to the Kaide Group with Bai Xiaonian today and has not returned yet.

Lu Jinbei bite the back molars, and it really is Lu Jinnan!

Today Lu Jinnan went to the Kaide Group, and then Cai Jingyao’s endorsement flew.

In the heart of his heart, Lu Jinbei gas came to the door. He was as mad as he was in the garden at the door of Lu Jinnan.

Lu Jinnan’s car was parked in the parking space before Lujin North came out. Bai Xiaonian saw Lu Jinbei coming out of the house and took Lu Jinnan’s hand. He said that Lu Jinbei looked angry and let Lu Jinnan hide and forget. I have nothing to look for.

Lu Jinnan also felt that Bai Xiaonian had just returned from the hospital. He was afraid that Bai Xiaonian would be mad at Lujinbei, so he stopped Bai Xiaonian and planned to go back after Lu Jinbei left.

Who knows that Lu Jinbei came out with a neuropathy in the garden of his home with the flowers of Bai Xiaonian, and Lu Jinnan frowned, pushing the driver's seat and getting off the bus: "Lu Jinbei, is your brain squeezed by the door?" ?! Do not sleep in the middle of the night to run to my door to step on the flowers?!"

As soon as he saw Lu Jinnan, Lu Jinbei’s eyes slammed into the fire. He came out from the villa gate and pointed to Lu Jinnan’s nose. “Lu Jinnan, are you too wretched! Cai Jingyao is my woman! I Even if you don't like to have anything to do with you, and don't live with you for a lifetime, why do you want to force her to leave me, even her work is robbed?!"

When Lu Jinnan listened to Lu Jinbei, he probably understood what it meant.

He stunned for a long while: "Is that woman talking to you?!"

"You don't want this woman, the woman, her name is Cai Jingyao! It's my woman!" Lu Jinbei stalked his neck. "I still use Jing Yao and I say this thing. Master Martbert said that the inspiration for the perfume comes from Jing Yao. What sentence did you take away Jing Yao’s endorsement?! You must be shameless in such a blatant communiqué?!"

When Bai Xiaonian came down from the car, he heard Lu Jinbei pulling the scorpion and smashing Lu Jinnan.

(End of this chapter)

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