Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1228: I am not happy!

Chapter 1228 is not all happy!

Yan Mo shook his head: "Let me think about it again!"

There is no action on this side of the ink, Fu Huai'an has moved here...

Fu Huai'an found almost the same content as Yan Mo, Fu Huaian knows Li Muyang better than Jimo, so it is easy to see Li Muyang's intention.

After Li Muyang died in Azhan, what he wants to do most is to avenge his show, then he is either Fu Huai'an or Lu Jinnan... or Tang Yan may become the target of Li Muyang.

Li Muyang responded very much to the use of their blood to pay homage to the exhibition.

Fu Huai'an did not want to stay hidden, and planned to take it off along with Maynard Sanchez.

But this thing needs to be well prepared and can't act rashly. Now Fu Huai'an has more scruples than before. He has to consider Lin Wen and two children.

After Gu Qingcheng’s death, Maynard Sanchez was eager to find Mr. Morality’s revenge.

There is no direct evidence in the hands of Li Muyang that Mr. Moral is not dead. He wants to show Maynard Sanchez that Fu Huai'an is Mr. Moral, and he must move Fu Huai'an, but then he will deal with Fu Huai'an on the site of Maynard Sanchez. In order to not affect the safety of forest warming.

In addition, he took the secret of Mr. Moral to be able to ask Maynard Sanchez to do something for him.

Li Muyang is very stable here, and has been waiting for Fu Huai'an to shoot first...

It’s just that Maynard Sanchez doesn’t believe that Mr. Mo and Mr. Moral are also a group of Gu Qingcheng.

When Gu Qingcheng died, after Gu Qingcheng’s brother Jacob Beru appeared, Maynard Sanchez went to investigate Jacob Beru and extracted the fingerprint of Jacob Beru at the airport. Compared with the previous fingerprints, there is indeed no mistake. Maynard Sanchez believes that Jacob Beru is not the fact of Gu Qingcheng.

Now Li Muyang said that Mr. Mo and Mr. Moral are a group of people, and they are not willing to say who Mr. Moral is. This makes Maynard Sanchez raise Li Muyang and he is more wary of Li Muyang. .

In fact, Li Muyang could have said the relationship between Yan Mo and Lin Wen, but... If so, it would be equivalent to telling Maynard Sanchez that Fu Huai'an is Mr. Moral, which means that Lin Wen is in danger!

This is what Li Muyang does not want to see!

Master who is Mr. Moral, this is the bargaining chip between Li Muyang and Maynard Sanchez!

Lin Wen, Li Muyang even hurts himself, and is not willing to hurt her...

Maynard Sanchez was a little anxious, but Li Muyang said that as long as he released his news here, Mr. Moral's person... Even Mr. Moral himself will come to the door to deal with him.

Although Maynard Sanchez didn't believe it, how can he say that there was no news about Mr. Moral for so many years, and he finally came to Li Muyang, who had some news here.

Maynard Sanchez has been checking for so many years, and after waiting for so many years, there is no news of Mr. Moral.

Later, the people of Maynard Sanchez heard that the relationship between Fu Huai'an and Gu Qingcheng, a wealthy businessman in Haicheng, was very close, and some people released the wind. This Fu Huai'an is the moral gentleman, and Maynard Sanchez sent people to go. Followed by Fu Huai'an, the results can be found... Fu Huai'an is just a wealthy businessman in Haicheng.

The hatred of Mr. Moral and Maynard Sanchez is like the sea, which is why Maynard Sanchez has not married his wife and children for years. He does not want his wife and children to be their own drag and weakness!

The greatest wish of Maynard Sanchez in this life is to kill Mr. Moral, for which he is willing to pay any price.

However, for so long, no one has acted, and Maynard Sanchez has lost patience!

He can't afford a Li Muyang, just... He hates people playing him, especially with Mr. Moral.

Unsettled Maynard Sanchez went to the villa where Li Muyang was placed. When he arrived, Li Muyang was sitting in a round hot spring bath.

Maynard Sanchez half-squatted his hands and walked up the marble steps. He stood on the edge of the bath and looked at Li Muyang. He said: "You said that the person of Mr. Moral must come back to you, but we waited for so long... It’s calm, I even suspect it... you said that you can escape the truth of this thing by the death of your assistant Azhan!”

Li Muyang’s lips with his eyes closed and he still greeted him with a refreshing gesture. He said, “Then you think that I am full, and the big Droni company doesn’t want to give up the company to me. Strangers who don’t know, just to come to you to play with you?!"

After that, Li Muyang’s weak coughing a few times, opened his eyes and looked at Maynard Sanchez, and his bottom was deserted and killed.

Maynard Sanchez crouched down and looked at Li Muyang’s eyes. Huanren’s eyes were also cool: “You know my reputation, it’s not a good person who is used to doing good deeds, a week... a week later, if you have no way When the person of Mr. Moral moves, I will smash you to feed the dog!"

Li Muyang smiled lowly: "I am not worried about this dying person. What are you worried about?! Mr. Moral is that person... cautious, I am not sure that I will not easily take it, otherwise you will not find it for so long. But there are no clues!"

Maynard Sanchez bit his teeth and the darker shades are heavier.

"You believe me!" Li Muyang moved to the edge of the bath in the location of Maynard Sanchez, whispered, "I don't have much time, I want to kill Mr. Moral more than you, not only killing morality." Mr....and his children! He has a can stay with you, break a small arm today, and break a calf tomorrow! This is torturing Mr. Moral's moral child, are you more interested?!"

Li Muyang did not say his daughter because he knew that Fu Huai's daughter was Lin Wensheng. If Lin's daughter was tortured, Lin Wen would probably be crazy!

Every mother will do her best to protect her children... even if I give my life.

Hearing that Li Muyang can say that Mr. Moral has a child, Maynard Sanchez is willing to believe in some of Li Muyang. He stood up and looked down at Li Muyang in the bath...

"I have been waiting for someone to find the door, too slow, this is not my style!" Maynard Sanchez said a good word and Li Muyang. "Since you know who Mr. Moral is, then it is better for us to take the initiative." ... You also avenged early, I also avenged myself earlier, I am not happy!"

(End of this chapter)

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