Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1229: You are so weak chicken

Chapter 1229 You are so weak chicken

Li Muyang licked his lips and didn't scream, he wanted... Fu Huai'an personally, in the site of Maynard Sanchez... Finished Fu Huai'an!

If Maynard Sanchez knows that Fu Huai'an is Mr. Moral, he will definitely be affected, and Li Muyang is very clear!

Seeing that Li Muyang is not snoring, Maynard Sanchez continues: "Or you have any requirements, you can ask for it, as long as you give me a name, even if you want my whole body... I avenged I will give it to you! I have said this before, although this person is not a good man, but he is still talking."

"I am a person who is going to die, what do you want to do for all of your family?! Can you bring it to the underworld to spend?!" Li Muyang chuckled.

Maynard Sanchez was annoyed: "What do you want?! Say it out... What the **** can make you say who Mr. Moral is!"

Li Muyang was silent for a long time and said: "I want you... to kill a few friends who have been Gu Qingcheng in Haicheng, Fu Huai'an, Lu Jinnan, Tang Yan, and one... is the younger brother of Gu Qingcheng!"

Maynard Sanchez raised his eyebrows: "Looks... you really hate Qingcheng!"

"I don't hate Gu Qingcheng, I hate Fu Huai'an, because... I am very interested in his wife! So I have a request, you have to make sure that Fu Huai's wife and children are unscathed and bring people to me. Finish these, the name of Mr. Moral... I tell you!"

Dealing with a wealthy businessman who has some power in Haicheng... It’s not that hard for Maynard Sanchez. After all, in the eyes of Maynard Sanchez, Fu Huai'an, these people, how can the ruthless people of his men be terrible? !

"Good!" Maynard Sanchez took it. He smiled and threatened Li Muyang. "If I did what you asked, you didn't tell me the name of the person, or gave me a fake. ... I will let you survive without asking for death! Do you understand?!"

Li Muyang comfortably leaned against the wall of the bath and smiled: "You can do it, and I will definitely give you the real name of that person!"

When the deal was reached, Maynard Sanchez quickly arranged for people to do the matter.

The purpose of Maynard Sanchez was very clear. He killed the designated Fu Huai'an, Lu Jinnan and Tang Yan, and seized the room where Lin Wen sent to Li Muyang.

Menard Sanchez sent out all the desperate, killing people is okay, but you have to catch a person, especially Lin Wen or a particularly well-known woman, which requires a good plan.

Because of the fact that Li Muyang was rescued, Fu Huai'an has already begun to guard.

So when the people of Maynard Sanchez entered Haicheng, Fu Huai'an received the wind...

Tang Zhen distributed the manpower of Haicheng to strengthen the protection of Lin Wen, Bai Xiaonian and several children, and confessed that Unnai was not only in Fu House, but also kept warm.

Lin Wen warmly noticed how many people protected Tang Yan's heart clearly. He felt that Yunai was very safe with Lin Wen.

Because Unane has long been accustomed to the hurricane and blood, so Tang Yan did not take Younai this time...

After he knew that the people of Maynard Sanchez had come to Haicheng, he had invited Yunai to go to eat with him. After the little candy was crazy to sleep on the sofa, Tang Yan told Younai about the ins and outs of the matter.

"The next may be dangerous, so I discussed it with Lao Fu, which means putting the small candy in Fu House, so it is safer. Lao Fu guessed that this time they would be afraid to start with me and Lu Jinnan!" .

Younai couldn’t help but feel nervous: "What about you?! Is there protection around you?! You are such a weak chicken..."

Tang Wei: "..."

This is obviously a concern, why Tang Yan sounds so harsh.

"I am more than you... it is very weak!" Tang Yan said helplessly, "but... not necessarily better than others!"

See what Yunai Nai said, Tang Yan quickly raised his hand and begged for mercy: "Well, someone around me can protect you!"

"Who, I want to test it!" Unnay stretched her face.

I know that Unina is really worried about this time. Tang Yan’s heart is soft, and the subconscious has reached out and he has covered the hands of Younai...

This grip, but the courage of Tang Yan body.

After all, Uninai is a female warrior who will hold his hand at any time to give him a shoulder-slung. This kind of thing often happens between the two of them.

Sometimes, Uninai would take her shoulders and remove the arm of Don Juan until Tang Yan admits to beg for mercy, and then put it back to Tang Yan...

Anyway, every time, the beatings are all Tang Yan.

This time, Don Juan was ready to be shoulder-shouldered or unloaded, but Younai frowned but did not move.

Tang Yan’s darker courage was even bigger, and he reached out and grabbed the shoulders of Younai.

“Is it dangerous?!”

When Yunai was just opening, Tang Yan was so scared that she could get out of Unina, and instantly moved to the far left of the sofa...

Younai: "..."

Is she so terrible? !

"Sorry..." Tang Yan's light coughed twice, and slowly sat back to Younai, raising his hand and trying to hold Younai and suddenly no courage, let go of his hand, sitting awkwardly, "I am you." Don't worry, as long as you have nothing to do with the little candy!"

Uninai didn't say anything, and then she reached out and took the initiative to hug Tang.

Tang Yan was flattered, and the whole man was there, carefully raising his hand over the back of Uninai.

Steadily held Younai in his arms, Tang Yan red eyes, he has not felt this way for a long time...

"Protect your people, I have to give it a try, I can beat me... I can rest assured!" Younai opened his mouth.

"Not at all!" Tang Yan smiled low and held Younai in his arms tighter. "Don't worry so much, we are ready!"

In the end, Tang Yan did not let Yunai try to protect him, saying that if those people were beaten by Unina, who would protect him...

Uninai didn’t go back that night, taking her daughter to sleep in the Tang’s room, but she didn’t sleep for a night.

The next day, Younai went to Fu Zhai to pick up the forest, and there was an obvious black-green at the moment.

Lin Wen came out from the house, handed over a cup of coffee to Younai, met Wu Nai in the eyes of Unai, and smiled and asked: "What happened to you?! Didn't sleep well last night?!"

Unnai nodded and saw Lin Lin warm the seat belt before opening: "Warm, I have something to discuss with you!"

Lin warmed to look at the Unaina dagger: "You said..."

"I want to take a vacation this time..."

I would like to inform you that thousands of people have to start conceiving and preparing new articles to start writing new articles. So today, I will update two or four thousand words every day, and I will also look at the outline of Manman and the early Han Dynasty...

(End of this chapter)

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