Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1239: You are so smart, don't you understand this truth? !

Chapter 1239, are you so clever and don't understand this truth? !

The reply from the end of the phone made Lin warm the scalp instantly tightened.

[I am Li Muyang...]

Sure enough, he!

After a moment of panic, Lin quickly calmed down and she dialed the phone.

Li Muyang probably did not think that Lin Wen would call the phone, he hesitated for a moment.

"Lu Jinnan's thing is what you did?!" Lin warmed a heart and ordered the recording.

Li Muyang smiled lowly: "I thought you were calling, I wanted to ask if I had a good time."

"How do you have a relationship with me?!" Lin Wen warmly angered, "Is there anything that Lu Jinnan has to do with you!"

Li Muyang answered the question, and sighed and said to Lin Wen: "A show is dead..."

For Azhan, if Lin Wen was also admired for the exhibition because of the loyalty displayed by Azhan, but after the exhibition of Fu Tianci, the warmth of Lin is more because of the foolish loyalty of Azhan.

Didn't hear Lin Wen's answer, Li Muyang said to himself: "He committed suicide. In order to start the person who protected me in the dark, he came back to save me from the estate of Droni."

Lin warms his heart and trembles...

The cause of death of Azhan is still unknown.

"Lin Wen, I have to avenge Azhan..." Li Muyang’s voice was a little bit smirked. "So I was thinking, if I took you from Fu Huai'an, Fu Huai'an should be very sad!"

Lin warmed his teeth and did not say anything.

"But I know, you won't leave Fu Huai'an!" Li Muyang's voice was low and restrained, so Lin Wen couldn't tell the expression of the person on the phone.

"I should have killed you, killed you... Killing your children, Fu Huai'an will definitely not want to live!"

Listening to Li Muyang's words, Lin Handcuffs became a fist.

"But I can't bear it!" Li Muyang sighed softly. "Can't kill you, I can only... Kill other people around Fu Huai'an, such as Lu Jinnan, such as the one named Tang Wei, and then like... Gu Qingcheng!"

Lin warmed a heart and mentioned the eyes of the blind, Li Muyang, does this know that Jacob Beru is Gu Qingcheng? !

There is no reminder to cover up. Li Muyang, Jacob Beru is Gu Qingcheng, she is silent.

"You look at Lin Wen, I will deprive people around Fu Huaian one by one! Just like he deprived Azhan from my side!" When Li Muyang said this, his voice revealed a deep hate. meaning.

"You know in your heart, if you don't want to come to Haicheng to grab a woman who doesn't like you and doesn't belong to you, you won't be able to get in and out of Drony's house, and you won't be able to exchange for you. Freedom to commit suicide, Li Muyang... In the end, you killed Ah Zhan, you want revenge, you should find yourself! Instead of sadly pushing all these mistakes to others, convince you... you don’t have wrong!"

Even if he was told by Lin Wen, Li Muyang was still a low-smiling voice: "Lin Wen... I haven’t seen it for so long, your mouth is still so fierce."

Lin Lin’s silence on the phone was silent. Li Muyang only took the smile in his voice and said to Lin Wen: “Come to me! I will send someone to pick you are safe by me!”

"Do you think that I am the kind of person who will leave my husband and children?!" Lin Wen’s voice was cold.

"That should be for your children! Bring me to my side!" Li Muyang said, "This is for your good... I am now working with someone called Maynard Sanchez, a madman! He wants it all." Looking for Mr. Morality to avenge, if he knows that Fu Huai'an is Mr. Moral, not my exaggeration... I am afraid that Fu Jiahui will not stay, you are not only Fu Huai's wife, but also a child's mother, you must first consider for your child not What?!"

"I believe that my husband will protect our mother, this will not bother you! In addition..." Lin Wensheng paused. "If any person around me has any problems, I will put this. The account is on your head, I am a weak woman. I can't take you anymore, but I think many of your enemies should be very interested in your position! Knowing that you are alive, you will probably rush to make you feel uncomfortable. Let's go!"

"My live news is released and found, and the news of Mr. Moral will also be released. Lin Wen, I like you, it is not fake, but I will not love the house and Wulian, your husband likes it, on the contrary... how much I have If you like you, how much you hate... hate your husband. You are so smart and don't understand this truth?!"

"Since you are so smart, you understand, you can't see how much I hate you?!" Lin Wen's voice is cool, "Li Muyang, if... what is this beautiful world that makes me really sick and disgusting? That's you... understand?!"

After that, Lin warmed up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Li Muyang listened to the busy tone in the phone, and the cowardly trembled slightly, and the lips slowly hooked up.

He whispered to the phone that was busy with the tone: "But me... love you!"

After Azhan’s death, Li Muyang’s only concern in the world is Lin Wen, but... people who are obsessed with their own hearts hate it. What should I do? !

Li Muyang put down his mobile phone and looked at the notebook in front of him. Lin Wen was full of smiles when chatting with the guests on the show. His heart was sour.

Seeing that the forests have become more and more stable and more beautiful in recent years, Li Muyang is increasingly trying to get closer.

However, he knew that Lin was not in his heart.

Today, he could not pick up the call, or he couldn’t talk to Lin Wen about getting her and her children around.

But he couldn't help it. He looked at Lin Wen and he was not satisfied. He wanted to keep Lin warm in his arms, and he really held Lin Wen warmly.

Li Muyang even felt that if Lin Wen was willing to come to his side and stayed with him for only a small amount of time left, he would probably be persuaded by Lin Wen to let go of the idea of ​​revenge.

When I think of the exhibition, I think of the exhibition that will protect myself from the moment, Li Muyang’s eyes are wet red.

He clasped the arm of the sofa and closed his sore eyes.

However, Lin Wen did not come, and he could not let go of hatred.

If Fu Huai'an is dead, Lin Wen will probably hate himself!

This is also good, at least let Lin warm remember yourself... remember yourself forever!


Lu Huainan’s news of hospitalization in the car accident, Fu Huai’an has been blocked, and the outside world only knows that Lu Jinnan is going abroad for a meeting, and the rest are unknown.

On the second day of the operation, Lu Jinnan, who had slept for more than 30 hours, finally woke up.

The first sentence he spoke was to ask Bai Xiaonian...

After Bai Yuyu checked Lu Jinnan, he was laughed at: "You are a big man, and when you wake up, you will find your wife!"

(End of this chapter)

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