Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1240: You are also very qualified

Chapter 1240 is also very qualified for your interpretation.

Lu Jinnan worried about Bai Xiaonian, did not get an answer and frowned and asked, his voice hoarse with a bit broken: "Dawn Year?! Did she know?!"

"You can rest assured that Bai Xiaonian does not know that you have an accident!" Bai Yuyu put the stethoscope back into the white coat pocket. "Old Fu asked Lin to receive Bai Xiaonian's care of Fu Zhai. He said to Bai Xiaonian that you and Lao Fu went together because of the engine project. Russia has a meeting. In the past two days, the old Fu has not returned to Fu Zhai. He lives in a hotel not far from the hospital. He has been guarding you. He has just left... He said that he would come back to the hotel to take a bath and change clothes.

Lu Jinnan blinked and said that he knew it, and he said in a hoarse voice: "You have worked hard!"

"Looking back, let the nurse push you to the VIP ward!" Bai Yuyu took a pocket with his hands. "You have a car accident. The old Fu suspects that this Cai Jingyao is afraid of any connection with the people of Maynard Sanchez." Even the driver of the drunk driver has problems, but I have to check it out!"

"Well! I want to say this too..." Lu Jinnan frowned.

Bai Yuyu bowed his head and said to Lu Jinnan: "You driver has been with you for so many years, you don't think there is a problem?!"

Bai Yuyu is now like a bird of surprise, everyone doubts.

"Let's wait for the results of Tang's investigation!" Lu Jinnan said.

Bai Yuyu sighed and straightened up and said to Lu Jinnan: "Fortunately, you wake up, your house is white and clever, you can't stop waking up if you don't wake up again! This is good... you wake up in danger, Also, I have to explain it to Bai Xiaonian!"

After life and death, Lu Jinnan really wants to see Bai Xiaonian. His throat is shaking: "I want to see her..."

"Well, I will call the blind man, let the blind man take your careful liver to the hospital!" Bai Xiaonian smiled and slammed Lu Jinnan from the ward and called Lin Wen.

Knowing that Lu Jinnan woke up, Lin Wen really breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Xiaonian started from coming to Fu Zhai, even if it was time... Calculate Lu Jinnan’s time in Russia, and then wait for Lu Jinnan’s phone to wait, and call Lu Jinnan again!

The longer Lu Jinnan's mobile phone is turned off, the more he is restless.

However, in the past two days, Bai Xiaonian has already had obvious Wuqing, and even the rice is not so delicious...

Hanging up the phone, Lin Wen looked at Bai Xiaonian who looked in her direction.

"Is Fu Huai'an?! Fu Huai'an called you? Is it OK?! Lu Jinnan's mobile phone is still off! Can you ask where Fu Huai'an Lu Jinnan is? Conveniently, let me tell him two sentences, and send a message. Ah!" Bai Xiaonian stood up on the arm of the sofa and said, while walking in the direction of Lin.

Lin warmed his mobile phone and held Bai Xiaonian: "I will take you to see Lu Jinnan..."

"What?!" Bai Xiaonian looked at Lin warmly. "Is he back?! Isn't anyone in Russia?!"

After supporting Bai Xiaonian to get on the bus, Lin Wencai said to Bai Xiaonian: "In fact, Lu Jinnan did not go to Russia for a meeting. I didn't tell you that I didn't want you to worry too much! Lu Jinnan had a car accident on his way back to find you..."

Bai Xiaonian was shocked.

Lin Wen took the hand of Bai Xiaonian and continued: "You can rest assured that Lu Jinnan is now fine! So I dare to take you to see Lu Jinnan now!"

"How come out of a car accident?! Is it because you are too anxious to come back?!" Bai Xiaonian finally understood why the day was flustered, the irritability of the irritability could not be calmed down...just like the mother died unexpectedly that year.

Bai Xiaonian listened to Lin Wen, even if he knew that Lu Jinnan had been out of danger, he was still sad. He was red-eyed and tearful. He slammed down: "What is he doing so urgently?! I will not fly at home! Meet every day! It’s still a little while, let’s drive the car so fast!”

Bai Xiaonian, who complains on his mouth, has a terrible pain in his heart...

Lin Wen said that Lu Jinnan just woke up, showing that the injury is very heavy.

Bai Xiaonian clutched his belly clothes, restrained his emotions and shook his hands.

"You can't be too frustrated! Think about it for your child!" Lin warmed and held the hand of Bai Xiaonian, caressing the belly of Bai Xiaonian.

The real reason for Lu Jinnan's car accident Lin Wen did not tell Bai Xiaonian, otherwise Bai Xiaonian this hot temper, certainly regardless of his big belly to go to find Cai Jingyao account.

Regardless of whether Bai Xiaonian has the upper hand, now Bai Xiaonian is pregnant and angry, which is not conducive to his health. Lin Wen can't make a joke about the health of Bai Xiaonian's mother and son.

As for Cai Jingyao, Lin Wen’s nephew is half a mile...

After the Moroccan side, Lin Wen has left this person behind.

How to say it, although after Cai Jingyao snatched Lu Jinbei, Lin Wen did not like Cai Jingyao, but there was no intersection in these years, let alone the relationship was really good.

Lin Wen left Cai Jingyao a few face, and now Lin Wen sees that Cai Jingyao’s woman’s heart is getting bigger and bigger. This time, during the pregnancy of Bai Xiaonian, Lu Jinnan’s car accident happened. Lin Wen’s plan is not to be so rude. Let go.

In these years, the warmth of Lin Biao is peaceful and rarely and who is really angry.

If Cai Jingyao is playing before or after the birth of Bai Xiaonian, and playing with the means of not being able to play on the countertop, Lin Wen knows that Bai Xiaonian has the strength and ability to clean up Cai Jingyao, but now Bai Xiaonian is pregnant with Cai Jingyao. Such a thing, Lin Wen does not tell Bai Xiaonian, but also teach Cai Jingyao how to be a man.

About Cai Jingyao swayed at both the police station and the hospital. Tang Yan’s people temporarily used Lu Jinnan’s safety as their mainstay. They had not spared their hands to clean up Cai Jingyao. So when Lin Wen and Bai Xiaonian arrived, they were in the inpatient department. Cai Jingyao met in the elevator.

The face was pale and pitiful, and Cai Jingyao held the insulated bucket in his hand. When he saw Lin Xiaonian and his big belly, Bai Xiaonian came in from the elevator, and then he was the pitiful look and Bai Xiaonian and Lin Wen greeted him. .

"There are three of us in this elevator. What do you wear?" Bai Xiao stunned Cai Jingyao and turned around and looked at the number of jumping figures on the elevator. It is inevitable that Cai Jingyao should look at Lu Jinnan. .

Since it was poked by Bai Xiaonian, Cai Jingyao also put away his seemingly pitiful appearance. He smiled and said: "Lu Jinnan has been in a car accident for two days... You are here, your wife is really qualified!"

Lin warms the scorpion and turns to look at Cai Jingyao through the mirror wall of the elevator. The voice is not salty or light, with a bit of contempt and scorn: "Ming knows that other people have husbands, and they rely on Lujin North to go up and down. The words you explain are also very qualified."

(End of this chapter)

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